谢谢各位专家。森林专家找来的信息真全。一条条对下来似乎是需要适应环境吧。希望明年就不害羞了。当时看网上讲的挖了两个花盆的深度,根球表面低埋了15公分,还撒不少骨粉。会不会是低埋促进根和枝条的生长,花蕾就生长不了? 唉,今年只有欣赏各位专家上的图吧willowwillow好!
Clematis: A Lot of Foliage & No Flowers
Clematis is a flowering vine available in hundreds of different varieties. Bright blooms make them a focal point along garden fences and trellises. Clematis vines are divided into three groups: early-flowering, large-flowered hybrids and late-flowering. Early-flowering clematis bloom in April and May. Large-flowered hybrids bloom twice in the summer. Late-flowering clematis blooms from summer to fall. A clematis vine may fail to bloom for several possible reasons.
Lack of sunlight can contribute to a clematis vine not blooming. Clematis requires at least 6 hours of sunlight each day. However, certain varieties such as 'Hybrida Sieboldiana' and 'Hagley Hybrid' prefer partial shade. Follow the instructions provided on the plant identification tag, on the side of the pot or stuck in the soil.
Poor soil drainage and incorrect pH levels could be reasons the clematis isn’t blooming. Clematis prefers a well-draining soil. If water remains on the top of the soil 30 minutes after watering, the soil is not well-draining. Consider adding peat poss or other organic material to the soil in order to help with drainage. The ideal pH level of the soil is 7.0. Soil tests, available through extension offices or garden centers, can determine the soil's pH level, along with what nutrients are lacking. Adding these missing nutrients to the soil helps the clematis produce blooms.
Pruning is the process of removing dead branches and weak stems to help promote new growth and blooms. Early-flowering cultivators should be pruned after they bloom in April and May. Prune large-flowered and late-flowering clematis in March. Clematis vines that are not pruned may not bloom as profusely as those that are pruned, if at all.
Fertilizer may help clematis bloom, but too much fertilizer can prevent it from blooming. Fertilizer should be applied only once per year. Fertilizers are available in powder and liquid form. Selecting a fertilizer that is high in phosphorous will help promote bud and root growth. Follow the label instructions carefully to prevent fertilizer burn.
Keep in mind that many clematis varieties do not bloom during their first year of growth, when the roots are getting established. Clematis vines do not like their roots to be disturbed. If possible, don't dig around clematis roots if the clematis is planted in the ground. Consider keeping it in a container, and insert a trellis to help with climbing. Clematis vines may last 25 years or more.
[FONT=新明]Iris pallida 'Aurea Variegata'[/FONT][FONT=新明]
看着跟这两个图片里的类似,但金边似乎稍微窄一些. 我是坐车路过时看到的,没凑到跟前细看过,呵呵. 我和其中一家人已经建立了联系,就等着有时间时互相交流一下了.你说的这种图片很少,很稀有么?
willowwillow家的鸢尾开得漂亮!惨了惨了。'Iris pallida 'Aurea Variegata' 这个我都种了五年了,从来也没见过一朵花。当时买了三种,两种当年就开花了。美丽的pallida 就被错判成二等公民发配到了篱笆边--光照不够,肥水也抢不到,五年来连个子也不张。。。要是我的pallida知道生活在森林家能如此美丽,一定半夜翻墙逃走了
报告个悲惨事件:我家那三棵高大的Weeping Nootka Cypress,前几天半夜竟然被风拦腰吹断了一棵!!本来这三棵都是做了支撑保护的,很是奇怪这么多年都没事,怎么前几天风稍大点就断了呢?难道是因为我前不久说了不喜欢它的样子??就是图片中间那棵。。