回复: NB的陪读妈妈
今天是Boy Scouts的Apple day。
Youth Apple Day is next weekend October 14-15, 2011. Section leaders have made arrangements to canvas either in business fronts Friday and Saturday, or go door to door in neighbourhoods Saturday. Youth in Scouting are asked to participate by making themselves available for a few hours either day to help with seeking donations. Parents assistance in supervision and transportation is appreciated.
South East New Brunswick Area Scouting, in addition to Youth Apple Day, will do a corporate Apple Day as well. Businesses in the Area will be approached to purchase a box of apples for a donation to Scouting of $50.00. Perhaps you know of or have connections with businesses who would like to promote healthy eating thru apples, and participate in this Area fundraiser. Delivery of apples is scheduled for Friday, October 14, 2011.
Anyway, 总之是开口用英语筹得了一些款项,也开始和伙伴们合作、交流。
之前的活动中,儿子还没能体会到Fun, 不是在黑夜里徒步,就是在雨中急行军,哈哈,也怪他自己运气不好,老是遇不上好天气。当妈的只有不断地给他打气,鼓励他,“在国外,但凡有点成就的人,小时候都参加过Boy Scouts…”儿子嘟着嘴回答,“哼,我就要证明给你看,我就是那唯一一个有成就,却没参加过童子军的!”唉,都怪我们家太民主,报名参加Boy Scouts那晚,是到学校参加家长会的时候,事前并没征求儿子的意见,这个很“宅”的孩子心里是不想去受什么锻炼的。幸好Boy Scouts 里有他的同班同学,所以虽然抗议挺多,还没到真正“造反”的程度。说实话,我也没想到这个Boy Scouts对我而言,会带来这么多艰巨的工作。咱这陪读妈妈当得不轻松呀!想想在中国的日子,虽然很反感“苦读书”的日子,最讨厌老师让家长陪着孩子背书、背知识点,但想想那毕竟是呆在家里受罪,不是陪着孩子在户外干原本外国爸爸们干的事,