回复: 加拿大CONDO公寓市场明年更火
多伦多CONDO 去年升幅7.4%,涨幅过大,今年预计涨幅1.3%,明年预计涨幅2.5%,后年2.6%。多伦多CONDO中位价,以达到30万。CONDO 价格涨幅缩小的另一个原因是CONDO的单位面积在缩小, 2009年多伦多新建公寓的平均面积920平方尺,2012年,单位面积795平方尺。如果有人盼着CONDO市场崩溃,太难了。
By Susan Pigg | Thu Aug 30 2012
Immigration, low rates to save Toronto condo market
Low interest rates, high immigration and downsizing baby boomers will keep the bottom from falling out of Toronto’s softening condo market, says a new report by the Conference Board of Canada.
New mortgage rules and modest economic growth are likely to result in a 1.2 per cent drop in condo sales this year and a 2.2 per cent drop in starts, which hit record levels earlier this year thanks to a record 28,000 sales last year.
But condo prices are forecast to rise just 1.3 per cent this year, their lowest increase since 1996 and a far cry from the 7.4 per cent jump recorded last year, which pushed the median price of a condo above $300,000 for the first time, notes the semi-annual Metropolitan Condo Outlook report.
Condo prices should rise about 2.5 per cent in 2013 and average 3.6 per cent per year from 2014 on, says the Conference Board study on behalf of Genworth Canada, the private sector mortgage insurance equivalent of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.
“The market is poised for a slowdown, there’s no question about that,” says Conference Board senior economist Robin Wiebe, co-author of the report. “But it’s going to be gradual, not disorderly.”
That’s largely because single family homes have become so prohibitively expensive across the GTA ― they averaged more than $508,000 in July ― that condos have become the most affordable alternative for many of the 100,000 people a year who continue to migrate to the GTA from other cities, other provinces and other countries, says Wiebe.
At the same time, the first wave of baby boomers are just heading into their late 60s and many will be looking to cash out to low-maintenance condos, he notes.
While interest rates are likely to rise, off-setting some of the gains of softening prices, they should remain relatively low for the foreseeaable future, which will also help fuel condo sales, says Wiebe.
The inventory of unsold condos, which now stands at about 800 units across the GTA, is likely to grow by about 25 per cent as new buildings come on the market over the next two years, which could also keep prices relatively flat. But that unsold inventory is nothing compared to the peak, back in 1992, when there were 2,340 unsold condo units across the GTA, says Wiebe.
“Developers and bankers are looking at the same numbers we are and they can see all these condos under construction. I think they’re probably saying, ‘Maybe it’s time to just slow the pace (of new projects) a little bit for a while,’” says Wiebe.
The report looks at the condo markets of eight Canadian cities, five of which are expected to see a drop in starts this year (Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal and Quebec City.)
While most Canadian condo markets “appear destined to correct,” the most vulnerable is Vancouver, the report notes. Prices are likely to drop more than six per cent over the next two years as demand wanes and Asian investors take a break from what had been a frantic spree of real estate purchases.