
回复: 报税基础知识问答

新手请教: 因第一次自己用studio tax 报税(之前几年都是花钱的,呵呵):因有房租收入 ,在填Statement of real estate rentals时,填完total expense,personal portion怎么计算,也就是说房租等的纯收入怎么计算,我在指导书上没有找到计算方法。多谢多谢~~






Personal Portion
You can only claim an amount of expenses that relate to the rented part of a building. So if, for instance, you are renting out a room in your house, you can only claim the expenses for that portion of your house; you have to split the cost of your expenses into a rental and a personal portion. The personal portion amount of the expense that you are claiming gets entered into the Personal Portion column on the Statement of Real Estate Rentals.
You can calculate the portions of expenses you would be allowed to claim by figuring out the percentage of your property’s square metres you are renting out or estimate it according to the number of rooms in your house.
The Canada Revenue Agency leaves the method of your calculation up to you “as long as the split is reasonable”.
For example, suppose you owned a 1220 square metre duplex and you lived in one side and rented the other. Assuming both units were the same size, you would be able to deduct one hundred percent of your expenses directly related to your rental unit such as repairs, but only fifty percent of your expenses relating to the entire unit, such as the cost of insurance.
Note though, that all this is moot if you have no reasonable expectation of making a profit. If you don’t, you cannot claim expenses for renting out part of your property.

对不起哈,huang90同学,没能及时回答你的问题。就像njshgz同学说的,这个personal portion只要是合理的就可以了。不过很多纳税人的做法是给出出租面积占整套面积的百分比,比如说49%,那么personal portion的费用就是51%。一般来说出租面积不要超过49%,否则就不算自住房了。你只租出去一间,自己斟酌看什么比例比较合适吧,最好是沿袭往年的做法。
回复: 报税基础知识问答

对不起哈,huang90同学,没能及时回答你的问题。就像njshgz同学说的,这个personal portion只要是合理的就可以了。不过很多纳税人的做法是给出出租面积占整套面积的百分比,比如说49%,那么personal portion的费用就是51%。一般来说出租面积不要超过49%,否则就不算自住房了。你只租出去一间,自己斟酌看什么比例比较合适吧,最好是沿袭往年的做法。

谢谢你闪亮,我翻箱倒柜找出了去年专业人员给出的单子,核算了一下是personal portion​

回复: 报税基础知识问答

谢谢你闪亮,我翻箱倒柜找出了去年专业人员给出的单子,核算了一下是personal portion​


回复: 报税基础知识问答


Personal Portion
You can only claim an amount of expenses that relate to the rented part of a building. So if, for instance, you are renting out a room in your house, you can only claim the expenses for that portion of your house; you have to split the cost of your expenses into a rental and a personal portion. The personal portion amount of the expense that you are claiming gets entered into the Personal Portion column on the Statement of Real Estate Rentals.
You can calculate the portions of expenses you would be allowed to claim by figuring out the percentage of your property’s square metres you are renting out or estimate it according to the number of rooms in your house.
The Canada Revenue Agency leaves the method of your calculation up to you “as long as the split is reasonable”.
For example, suppose you owned a 1220 square metre duplex and you lived in one side and rented the other. Assuming both units were the same size, you would be able to deduct one hundred percent of your expenses directly related to your rental unit such as repairs, but only fifty percent of your expenses relating to the entire unit, such as the cost of insurance.
Note though, that all this is moot if you have no reasonable expectation of making a profit. If you don’t, you cannot claim expenses for renting out part of your property.
回复: 报税基础知识问答

,你好,请问一下,税前税收53000,租房,单身,没买rrsp,请问有什么tax credit and deduction可以抵税吗?谢谢
回复: 报税基础知识问答

,你好,请问一下,税前税收53000,租房,单身,没买rrsp,请问有什么tax credit and deduction可以抵税吗?谢谢

你这个收入要交的税不少呢。房租本身并不能抵税。联邦这块一般来说就Basic personal amount($10822),你自己去年交的CPP和EI,Canada employment amount($1095),这些加起来最多也就15000多点,乘以15%就是你的Federal non-refundable tax credit了,这样才抵掉2200多的税。估计你一个人的医药费也不会超过net income的3%,你再看看有没有月票或慈善捐款,过去carryover的学费,搬家费、工会费或专业协会的会费啥的。
最后编辑: 2013-03-02
回复: 报税基础知识问答



配偶必须全年都是resident才能是eligible spouse, 家庭收入两万而配偶不是eligible spouse应该拿不到什么WITB

感谢baibaitu的回答。我刚才又仔细阅读和填写了schedule 6,像路过繁华家里的情况,一方是全年居民,另一方不是的,就只能当作没有eligible spouse的情形填了,“If you were married or living in a common-law relationship but did not have an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant, complete this schedule using the instructions as if you had neither an eligible spouse nor an eligible dependant.” 那么填这个schedule 6的时候,配偶的收入就不用填,只填一人的收入,如果adjusted net income超过$17,478,就领不到WITB了,如果路过繁华一人的收入介于$3000和$17,478之间,还是会有WITB的。
回复: 报税基础知识问答

回复: 报税基础知识问答



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回复: 报税基础知识问答

回复: 报税基础知识问答


我看到t4002-12e上有这么一句话"You cannot claim expenses you incur to buy capital property. However, as a rule, you can deduct any reasonable current expense you incur to earn business or professional income." 个人理解,只要你这个费用是合理的,并有据可查,应该是可以报的。保留好收据尤为重要。
回复: 报税基础知识问答

你这个收入要交的税不少呢。房租本身并不能抵税。联邦这块一般来说就Basic personal amount($10822),你自己去年交的CPP和EI,Canada employment amount($1095),这些加起来最多也就15000多点,乘以15%就是你的Federal non-refundable tax credit了,这样才抵掉700多的税。估计你一个人的医药费也不会超过net income的3%,你再看看有没有月票或慈善捐款,过去carryover的学费,搬家费、工会费或专业协会的会费啥的。

谢谢你的答复,除了月票,你说的那些都没有,我用studio tax算了一下,给回税局123¥,那这个数合理吗?现在就不太肯定,还要不要去找会计报,还是自己报。还有就是别人的公车月票可以给我报抵税吗(非亲属)
回复: 报税基础知识问答

感谢baibaitu的回答。我刚才又仔细阅读和填写了schedule 6,像路过繁华家里的情况,一方是全年居民,另一方不是的,就只能当作没有eligible spouse的情形填了,“If you were married or living in a common-law relationship but did not have an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant, complete this schedule using the instructions as if you had neither an eligible spouse nor an eligible dependant.” 那么填这个schedule 6的时候,配偶的收入就不用填,只填一人的收入,如果adjusted net income超过$17,478,就领不到WITB了,如果路过繁华一人的收入介于$3000和$17,478之间,还是会有WITB的。

感谢闪亮的日子和baibaitu的热心解答!有点小疑惑,那我家2012年报税的时候不用报我配偶的收入吗? 11年的时候,我家是报了两个人的收入,尽管她那时还没以移民身份登陆。此外,去年我们报公司税的时候,会计按照我们每人一万的工资收入申报的的费用和公司报表,那在12年个人T4申报个人收入的时候怎么申报呢?
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回复: 报税基础知识问答

谢谢你的答复,除了月票,你说的那些都没有,我用studio tax算了一下,给回税局123¥,那这个数合理吗?现在就不太肯定,还要不要去找会计报,还是自己报。还有就是别人的公车月票可以给我报抵税吗(非亲属)




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