house for rent

  1. E

    大多伦多 Finch/midland 独立屋二楼采光极好的大单间出租 五月一号可入住

    Finch/midland 独立屋二楼采光极好的大单间出租 五月一号可入住 $650 提供简单家具 包水电网气 地理位置优越:开车十分钟到Seneca 及centennial.五分钟到Scarborough town centre.小区门口有多路公交直达Scarborough town centre.步行五分钟到金钟城。附近华人/西人超市和饭馆应有尽有。环境优美,闹中取静,干净整洁 租期:最少半年起租,适合生活稳定的学生和上班族 联系电话:4168756809(短信联系) 微信:suenlong123
  2. J

    Graceful and Bright Bed Rooms for Rent

    The two normal size bedrooms are furnished with new beddings. One bed is new. They are on the second floor sharing one full-size washroom. Each room has a suitable window. Walk-in or regular big size cupboard and standing table with layers of drawers are provided. The two rooms are available...