
  1. J

    Shopping Mall Operations Manager - Bilingual Mandarin

    Web Posting Description We're excited to be recruiting for a very specialized mandarin speaking Operations Manager. Our client is an international real estate and development company based in China that has offices in Australia, United States and now in Canada. They've developed over 60 million...
  2. J

    Shopping Mall Finance Manager - Bilingual Mandarin

    We're excited to be recruiting for a very specialized mandarin speaking Finance Manager. Our client is an international real estate and development company based in China that has offices in Australia, United States and now in Canada. They've developed over 60 million square feet of award...
  3. 大多伦多 金融服务公司(Crius Financial)招聘文员

    宏益金融服务公司(Crius Financial)提供金融理财和保险服务,总部位于温哥华,多伦多分部位于万锦市。 多伦多分部现招聘文员一名,待遇优厚。 要求加拿大公民或永久居民,英文流利,懂国语,有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神。有责任心,工作积极认真并善于学习,有相关工作经验者为佳。 有意者请用英文发送简历和薪金要求至 中文简历无效。 合则约见,请勿来电 或 回复本广告发布用的电邮地址。 中介、留学生免问。 Crius Financial is hiring a full time receptionist / admin...
  4. H

    招旅游代理 互联网推广 月入1w+美金 边玩边赚!面向全球招商

    寻找有干劲的伙伴,想创业的伙伴。代理全球机票最低价,全球酒店最低价,边旅遊边赚钱。只要会用微信,一部手机即可操作。給方法,給培训,給人脉。可兼职,不影响原來工作。只要勤快,收入丰厚。欢迎宝妈、欢迎学生,不需工簽。有意者加微信 chez-cora回复51給你资料。