回复: 经济生活中的英语词汇
Access fee
Accessory apartment
A rental apartment within a single-family dwelling.Also called granny flat, in-law rental
出租屋:单一家庭住宅内的供出租的房间也作 granny flat, in-law rental
accident frequency rate意外事故频率
accommodation financial favor, such as a loan. 贷款:经济帮助,如一项贷款
accommodation address 临时通信地址
across the board 全面全体
actuals实际计算出的数字 相对于估计数字
adjoining bedroom
advanced orders 预定货量
advise note 供货商给收货人的列明货物性质 数量 运输日期及方式等的通知单
arrival note 承运人发给收货人的 到货通知
do one’s article 在法律事务所里律师培训实习期
as is = as seen照现在的样子(指不再作修理或改进)
The goods are to be sold as is
As of =as from 从 时候起
As per =according to
Asp rational group 领导性消费群体
Assignment 财产 权益 的转让
Increase or assignment of registered capital 注册资本的增加或转让
at short notice adv. 一通知到就, 在短时间内, 立刻
affinity card
air time n. 电影或电视节目开始的时间
American plan
(名词)缩写 AP
A system of hotel management in which a guest pays a fixed daily rate for room and meals.
amortization the deprecation of intangible assets such as patents and goodwill
annual general meeting AGM 年度股东大会
application money 认购新股款项
authorized dealer 特约经销商
authorized share capital法定股本 =nominal capital
Baby break产假 育婴期
Backlog 积压
Back pay 补发工职
Baggage allowance 行李重量限额
Bag stuffer 广告单
Balance of payment 国际收支
Block release (英国和欧洲大陆提高企业人员水平的)脱产进修
book-entry security
bounced check: Informal To be sent back by a bank as valueless: 【非正式用语】 退票:因无价值而遭银行退票: a check that bounced. 被退回的支票
bourse n.(名词) A stock exchange, especially one in a continental European city.
Carriage 列车车厢
Cash float 备用现金
Cash on delivery 货到付现
Cash with order 订货付现
caution money n. 保证金
certificate of good standing
standing and responsibility (公司的)信誉与偿付能力
certificate of incorporation公司注册证[登记执照], 法人认可证 公司章程=am corporation charter公司执照, 公司注册证
certified copy 核验的副本 复印件
check list
A list of items to be noted, checked, or remembered.
chit 代金券
circular A printed advertisement, directive, or notice intended for mass distribution. 印制的广告,传单:印成的广告、通告或通知,用于大量的分发
counterfeit n. adj.赝品, 伪造品, 伪造的, 假冒的
counterfoil n.(名词)
The part of a check or other commercial paper retained by the issuer as a record of a transaction.
courier送快信的人, 旅行从仆
couturier n. 女裁缝师, 女服男设计师
couturiere 女性之女服设计师
couture 服装设计(师)或其服装店
covering letter A letter sent with other documents to explain more fully or provide more information. Also called cover letter 说明信:与其他文件一起发送并进行充分说明或提供进一步信息的信函也作 cover letter
creature comfort 物质享受(尤指食物)
creche托儿所, 孤儿院
designer outlet专卖店
dispatch rider骑摩托车或骑马的通信员
a dip in prices. 价格急降
damaged claim=damage损害赔偿金
deep pocket n.(名词) A source of substantial wealth or financial support. Often used in the plural:深口袋,巨富投资商:提供可观的财富或财政资助的来源,常用于复数:
Early settlement discount 提前付款 折扣
Effect shipment 交货
e-lancing 电子自由职业
Entrepot trade 转口贸易
entry manifest 报关单
endowment policy 人寿保险单
Escape clause例外条款
Escort tour陪同浏览服务
Established practice 习惯性做法
European plan缩写 EP
A hotel plan in which the rates include only the charges for a room and not for meals.
Expedite [5ekspidait] v. 加速, 派出 adj. 畅通的, 迅速的
Expenses claim sheet 费用报销 单
Extensively tested 经过长期实验
Extractor 排气扇
Face time = face to face communication time
Facilities and amenities 设施与便利设施
Factor : One who acts for someone else; an agent. 代理人:代表别人的人;代理人
Factory floor 厂区
Factory gate price出厂价
False claim虚报费用
family credit 有子女低收入的家庭的家庭救济金
fast –moving consumer goods 快销消费品FMCG
faulty goods 次品
filing cabinet文件柜
final accounts决算表
financial standing财务状况
flanker: Business An extension product, such as a diet version of a soft drink or a liquid version of a detergent, added to a line to support the sales of the main product.
【贸易】 名牌辅助产品,系列新产品:一种延伸产品,如某种软饮料的保健型或某种洗涤剂的液体型,这种产品附加到一系列产品中以促进主要产品销售
flier: A pamphlet or circular for mass distribution. 广告传单:广泛散发的小册子或传单
flip chart 活动挂图
floater n. 漂浮者, 漂浮物, 浮子, 游民, 临时工, (公司筹办的)筹资开办人
floatation cost 债券发行费用
floor broker (交易所内代客买卖的)场内经纪人
foreign currency reserves 外汇储备
foul play 不公平的比赛, 不公平
A lobby or an anteroom, as of a theater or hotel. 休息室,候客室:如戏院或旅馆的休息室或接待室
An entrance hall; a vestibule. 门厅,门廊:入门大厅;前厅
freebie也作 free.bee【俚语】
An article or service given free:赠品:免费给予的物品或服务
Free interview 随时面洽
Freelance 特约性质的
Free offer赠送品
Free range 自由放养的 如鸡
Fringe benefit 附带的好处 额外的福利
Full board 住宿与伙食都由 如旅馆提供
further to 复合介词 关于 in terms of
gross misconduct 严重渎职
Group Plc 集团股份有限公司
Guinea-pig 供实验用的人。
Gummed label 胶纸标签
Galley The kitchen of an airliner or a ship. 飞机或船的厨房
Gantt chart甘特(图表)设计的
Generic: Not having a trademark or brand name. 没有商标的,没有牌子的
n.(名词) A product, such as a drug or detergent, that is sold without a brand name or trademark. 无牌商品:一种没有商标或牌子而被售卖的产品,例如药或清洁剂
gift voucher=gift token 礼品劵
gimme cap <口>=give me(或give it to me) 广告帽
going rate 现行收费标准
golden hello高额聘用金 丰厚的见面礼
golden parachute: An employment agreement that guarantees a key executive lucrative severance benefits if control of the company changes hands followed by management shifts.
Handout 会议上发的材料
Handling charge 手续费
hatchback 有仓门式后背的汽车
hire purchase n. 分期付款购买(缩写为: HP)
home meal replacement 外卖
A shelter or lodging for travelers, pilgrims, foundlings, or the destitute, especially one maintained by a monastic order.旅客招待所,收容所:提供给旅游者,朝圣者,孤儿或贫困者等的住处,尤指由修道会维持的
A program that provides palliative care and attends to the emotional, spiritual, social, and financial needs of terminally ill patients at an inpatient facility or at the patient's home.收容计划:一种向住院的或在家的晚期病人提供缓和性关心与照顾,以满足其感情、精神、社会和经济各方面需要的计划
In-basket 公文处理模拟法 为了招聘管理人员
Indemnity 赔偿金,赔偿物:对毁坏、损失或伤害的补偿
Compensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered.
Industrial unit 厂房
Name badge and information packs 会议或课程参加者的资料袋与姓名牌。
Initiation fee 入会费
Insider dealing内幕交易
Insurance coverage 承保范围
Insurance premium 保险费
introductory offer 试销优惠价
Land parcel
Lapel mike
lateral thinking n. 水平思考
law of large numbers 大数定律
lay-over 旅行中的短停留
A printed, usually folded handbill or flier intended for free distribution.
learnfare 助学金
lease lessor lessee 出租人与承租人
least-worst 差中最优者
legal compliance 遵纪守法
legislators and regulatory authorities 立法与监管机构
lender of last resort -central bank
level off 动词短语:平稳
line and staff relation 生产专业与参谋关系
line and staff management
line manager 生产线管理人员
linked interest rate 联系利率
listed company
listings 股票牌价表
long-haul aircraft 远程飞机
loss adjuster 理赔员
loss leader 赔本出售的商品(为了吸引顾客)
luggable computer 手提计算机
A catchy, often musical advertising slogan. 广告诗:朗朗上口且常配有音乐的广告语
Jogging machine 整理纸张的撞纸机。
Jotter 便条本 主英
Jurisdiction 职责范围 beyond one’s jurisdiction
Keynote speaker 主题发言人
Knocking copy贬低竞争对手的广告文字
Mailorder 邮购订单
Mailshot n. 邮寄广告
management and staff
management buyout
managing director n. 常务董事
The minimum return that an enterprise may earn and still pay for itself.
The difference between the cost and the selling price of securities or commodities.
The difference between the market value of collateral and the face value of a loan.
An amount in money, or represented by securities, deposited by a customer with a broker as a provision against loss on transactions made on account.
market access and entry 市场准入
master budget 总预算
material fact 重要信息
market capitalization 公司的股票市值。=market valuation
Market nicher
Merit pay绩优薪金
Milk round大公司在大学里的巡回招聘
Mixed economy国营私营混合经济
Modest quality 较差的
Mortgage and loan authorization 抵押与贷款审批手续
Move upmarket朝高档转向
Multi-themed complex多功能厅