
  • 主题发起人 calgary1
  • 发布时间 2005-08-25


加拿大最大新闻周刊“麦克琳”(Maclean's)杂志昨日公布全国30所最佳中小学名单。 最好的高中在EDMONTON, CALGARY 也有两所上榜. 提醒一下:加拿大是个多元社会,学校排名有多种评价标准,有些甚至是相互对立的!

( Citadel 发表:这不奇怪, FraserInstitute的排名只根据academics, 而Maclean's的排名按十个分类, 像Bishop McNally 是COMMUNITY OUTREACH的第二, Christine Meikle School 是SPECIAL COMMUNITY的第二. 这并不表示上大学的比例高(academics). 而EDMONTON 的Old Scona 排Academic的第一, 就和FraserInstitute的一样.)
Detail see:

FraserInstitute的排名的卡尔加里最好的两所公立中学是WEST CANADA 和SIR WINSTON CHURCHHILL

新移民? 没关系, 都这么过来的. 想多了解CALGARY吗? 交在CALGARY的朋友吗? 容易,
带一条烟, 一瓶酒上门. 什么? 还没找到住处? 不要紧, 我可以客房免费招待你一晚.三口之家?
没关系! 客房大, 一晚上还是负担得起的. 还想多住几天? 对不起, 你得交费了.最多两个星期,
你的另觅新处. 感兴趣? 先EMAIL 我, 以免我度假不在家.



偏偏 说:

君无戏言! 不过不要忘了带一条烟, 一瓶酒上门!
新移民? 没关系, 都这么过来的. 想多了解CALGARY吗? 交在CALGARY的朋友吗? 容易,
带一条烟, 一瓶酒上门. 什么? 还没找到住处? 不要紧, 我可以客房免费招待你一晚.三口之家?
没关系! 客房大, 一晚上还是负担得起的. 还想多住几天? 对不起, 你得交费了.最多两个星期,
你的另觅新处. 感兴趣? 先EMAIL 我, 以免我度假不在家.


General speaking, Elementary schools in North-west and South-west are better.

云朵 说:

There is not big different for elementary schools in Calgary. Generally, eleElementary schools in North-west and South-west are better.



wanghong 说:
卡尔加里最好的两所中学WEST CANADA 位于DOWNTOWN(新移民多), SIR WINSTON CHURCHHILL位置在卡城名校区――DALHOUSIE, 离University of Calgary 一站C-TRAIN.

新移民? 没关系, 都这么过来的. 想多了解CALGARY吗? 交在CALGARY的朋友吗? 容易,
带一条烟, 一瓶酒上门. 什么? 还没找到住处? 不要紧, 我可以客房免费招待你一晚.三口之家?
没关系! 客房大, 一晚上还是负担得起的. 还想多住几天? 对不起, 你得交费了.最多两个星期,
你的另觅新处. 感兴趣? 先EMAIL 我, 以免我度假不在家.
I hold different idea. People say language problem is the biggest obstacle to our kids newly arrived here, particularly to those teenages, don`t worry about the courses, they are just too easy for our kids. I have a little friend who has been here just for 2 years and was 16 when she came here, her english surprised me and she sounded just like she was born here or at least grew up here. She said to me that she thanked her parents for choosing a french school for her where there were few Chinese students there. So to me I would rather put my kids in the schools with less Chinese students than choosing so called best school, you bet that usually Chinese students are in big number in best school we Chinese alwayse like to see highly of kids` education, and Chinese students like to help each other in group and naturally China Town is formed unconsciously.
Why do your guys worry your kids' English level? Don't forget, Canada isnot absent of speaking English talent! New Immigrants always think that their children should make more native friends, not Chinese kids. Longer you live in Canada, more you change this concept! It means that you will worry that your children stop making any progress in their Chinese ability. Even worse! Your children refuse to speak Chinese with you! As I see, lots of Chinese parents who have live here more than three years are sending their Children to Chinese schools. That is why Asia parents in Calgary do their best to choose their homes in the best communities nearby the best schools ( usually high schools and University). If you live here shorter, be careful to talk about your own feeling and experience.
suusan 说:
I hold different idea. People say language problem is the biggest obstacle to our kids newly arrived here, particularly to those teenages, don`t worry about the courses, they are just too easy for our kids. I have a little friend who has been here just for 2 years and was 16 when she came here, her english surprised me and she sounded just like she was born here or at least grew up here. She said to me that she thanked her parents for choosing a french school for her where there were few Chinese students there. So to me I would rather put my kids in the schools with less Chinese students than choosing so called best school, you bet that usually Chinese students are in big number in best school we Chinese alwayse like to see highly of kids` education, and Chinese students like to help each other in group and naturally China Town is formed unconsciously.
calgary2 说:
Why do your guys worry your kids' English level? Don't forget, Canada isnot absent of speaking English talent! New Immigrants always think that their children should make more native friends, not Chinese kids. Longer you live in Canada, more you change this concept! It means that you will worry that your children stop making any progress in their Chinese ability. Even worse! Your children refuse to speak Chinese with you! As I see, lots of Chinese parents who have live here more than three years are sending their Children to Chinese schools. That is why Asia parents in Calgary do their best to choose their homes in the best communities nearby the best schools ( usually high schools and University). If you live here shorter, be careful to talk about your own feeling and experience.
calgary2 说:
Why do your guys worry your kids' English level? Don't forget, Canada isnot absent of speaking English talent! New Immigrants always think that their children should make more native friends, not Chinese kids. Longer you live in Canada, more you change this concept! It means that you will worry that your children stop making any progress in their Chinese ability. Even worse! Your children refuse to speak Chinese with you! As I see, lots of Chinese parents who have live here more than three years are sending their Children to Chinese schools. That is why Asia parents in Calgary do their best to choose their homes in the best communities nearby the best schools ( usually high schools and University). If you live here shorter, be careful to talk about your own feeling and experience.

Hi there, I think you didn`t get what i said. I agree with you that for little kids say less than 10 years old the parents concern if their kids will forget Chinese at all and unfortunately that happens, that is humanbeing`s nature. For the kids elder enough say more than 15 years old when first come here, language grasping ability of humanbeings decides that they can never forget their mother tongue and it for sure will pose a big barrier. Another point is that most of our kids will try to survive in North America other than China in future.




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