回复: 小鹌鹑老师给大家的国庆小礼物――省钱另一高招:freecycle group
你应该收到类似如下的邮件指导你如何post,如果你要post wanted,可参考兰色字。可能每个城市的Moderator会有一些具体要求的不同,不过应该都是通过向group写邮件来实现的,但是你一定要按照post的相关规定来写,否则你的邮件很可能被拒绝。
Dear Freecycle Member,
Thanks for joining The Freecycle Network. This message contains answers to MANY common new-user questions, so please take time to read it before jumping in.
To post a message, simply send the email to xxxxx(city)ON-Freecycle@yahoogroups.ca or click on "Messages - Post" at the group web site. You can read or reply to messages, check out links and files, or manage your membership settings (including email delivery options) there. You must have a Yahoo ID linked to your e-mail address to access these features.
KEEP IT FREE, LEGAL & APPROPRIATE FOR ALL AGES. This means, for example, no pornography, alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, firearms or other weapons. Two strikes and you're out of the group. This is our main Freecycle rule to live by, and it's a pretty easy one at that. No advertising your yard sale, please, as you're asking for money and that isn't free.
NO POLITICS, NO SPAM, NO MONEY, NO PERSONAL ATTACKS/RUDENESS, NO PROSELYTIZING/RELIGION. It's all about R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Two strikes & you're out (i.e., you will be unsubscribed by the moderator after two inappropriate postings).
SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR POSTS. Use these phrases to make it easy for others to delete or view:
OFFER: wheelbarrow (downtown)
TAKEN: wheelbarrow (downtown)
WANTED: loveseat, any condition (downtown) [Please use this category sparingly, don't offer money, and remember it is unlikely that anyone is giving away a Hummer or 3-karat diamond.] Please wait 7 days before repeating the same "WANTED" posting.
RECEIVED: loveseat (downtown) [this post is used to let people know your "wanted" has been fulfilled.]
Please don't use NEEDED, PENDING, FREE, USED, PROMISED, PPU, or PRAISE in your subject line (keep it simple).
NOTE: Yahoo does not have a mechanism for editing or changing messages once they are on the board. For more details on how to post TAKENs and RECEIVEDs, please see the relevant files in the Files section of the Ottawa Freecycle Website.
"ADMIN:" is reserved for moderators. If you have improvement ideas or concerns, email the moderators at
If you have both something to OFFER and something WANTED, send those in two different e-mails.
lovingly careful. Please visit
http://www.petfinder.com/ to look up many other pet-related resources. NO posts seeking animals for breeding purposes or for feeding other animals or people are allowed in Freecycle groups. There is detailed information on posting pet messages in the files section.
NO ADVERTISING, TRADING OR BARTERING PLEASE. No advertising of your business or offering to swap services or other items for items you're seeking or offering. Remove advertising footers from your emails when posting to Freecycle.
RESPOND ONLY TO PERSON WHO POSTED. It keeps down the sheer number of e-mails.
CHOOSING WHOM TO GIVE TO: Generally, wait until you get three or four
responses or maybe overnight, and then pick whomever you like! That's half the fun. Consider giving a local non-profit preference if one should respond. Arrange pickup with one person only, rather than "it's on the porch, whoever gets here first gets it." That's not safe and it means some folks might drive a long way just to find an empty porch. Also: only give your phone number to one person at a time or ask for the recipient's phone number. Otherwise you could get swamped with phone calls, maybe at 3 AM. Transactions are between Offerer and Recipient and will not be mediated or arbitrated by Freecycle administrators, moderators, or representatives.
Please take reasonable measures to protect your safety and privacy when posting to the list or participating in an exchange. By joining the list, you agree to hold neither the list owners and moderators nor anyone affiliated with Freecycle.org responsible or liable for any circumstance resulting from a Freecycle-related exchange or communication.
SAFETY. Be aware! The moderators strongly feel it isn't a good idea to list your phone number or exact address in your post to the group. There are unscrupulous people out there who may "collect" information about you from your posts. Giving personal details about you or your children is also strongly advised against. It is up to each individual member of Freecycle, when arranging to exchange an item being given away, to be appropriately aware of the potential risk of having "a stranger" come to your home to pick something up or to go to a stranger's home if you're the recipient. Freecycle assumes no responsibility for this risk. You may want to say that you'll leave the item on the front porch while you are not home or arrange to have someone with you if there is a large item involved.
HOW TO SUCCEED AT FREECYCLE: Be nice. When you arrange to pick up an item from another Freecycle member, it is basic good manners to accommodate them as much as possible in terms of scheduling, and then be punctual. They are, after all, giving you something you need and asking nothing in return except that you show up when you say you will. (Leaving someone hanging is never a nice thing.) Also, unless the giver tells you otherwise, assume that they would like you to come by as soon as you can to take away the item; no more than three days after the offer is made is suggested. Say Thank You with an email to the gifter.
GO TO IT. Create a separate folder in your mailbox & have Freecycle stuff sent to it automatically with a new rule under tools/message rules/mail/
b) SET YOUR FREECYCLE ACCOUNT TO "DAILY DIGEST" OR "SPECIAL NOTICES" (which means you'll just browse the messages online). You can set your
personal email delivery preferences on the main page (under "Edit My Membership").
IMPORTANT: THERE IS A TIME LAG FOR CHANGES: Whenever a user changes settings on
YahooGroups, there is an overlap from the time it takes for Yahoo to process the change, until emails in the queue waiting to go out to the users are delivered. In other words, in the six hours it takes for Yahoo to permanently stop the emails from coming, there are emails already set up to go out, and will continue to go out until the queue is emptied. (Some people have reported this taking up to three days.)
Please don't email the moderators with comments like, 'I changed my settings/unsubscribed yesterday, why am I still getting emails?' Just be patient, and all should be well. Don't make more than one change at a time (each additional change adds on another day of wait).
If you encounter further problems, you might want to consult the Yahoo! Groups help pages at:
That should just about do it. Have fun and Keep on Recycling with Freecycle!
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Freecycle Moderator