ID是中国的身份证吗,length of undertaking 呢?
Amanda Geng 1,618 2010-03-16 #2 回复: 请问1344A表中C1里有个length of undertaking 和ID 是什么 大风车. 这2个东西是灰色底色的,是官方人员填写的.空着吧!
Amanda Geng 1,618 2010-03-16 #3 回复: 请问1344A表中C1里有个length of undertaking 和ID 是什么 guide里面有写的:donot write in the boxes provided for length of undertaking and ID NUMBER.THESE ARE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.
回复: 请问1344A表中C1里有个length of undertaking 和ID 是什么 guide里面有写的:donot write in the boxes provided for length of undertaking and ID NUMBER.THESE ARE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.
大 大风车 187 2010-03-16 #4 回复: 请问1344A表中C1里有个length of undertaking 和ID 是什么 哦,我的打印机打出来颜色很浅,仔细看确实是灰色的,你好仔细啊,那就不用填了。谢谢妹妹。