我从北京去加拿大(有签证),要从香港出发,我想知道我还需不需要办理港澳通行证? 如果不办理我能否出香港机场或在香港停留? 出机场需要办理什么手续? 谢谢!!
K kevin3000 Guest 2005-01-01 #1 我从北京去加拿大(有签证),要从香港出发,我想知道我还需不需要办理港澳通行证? 如果不办理我能否出香港机场或在香港停留? 出机场需要办理什么手续? 谢谢!!
E eli8 28,095 2005-01-02 #5 chong: i only have english windows system here. i can't type in chinese. i tried to copy and paste chinese words. and it worked. thanks for the concern. wish i could have it.
chong: i only have english windows system here. i can't type in chinese. i tried to copy and paste chinese words. and it worked. thanks for the concern. wish i could have it.
E eli8 28,095 2005-01-02 #6 kevin3000, that is not true. you still need to get the permission to go to HK.
E eli8 28,095 2005-01-04 #8 i am pretty sure that you MUST get the permission. don't take unnesessary risk.