
我是国内一家电信运营商的网络和系统管理员,日常的工作是负责全国互联网骨干网的监控、管理、维护,同时我们部门还有拨号上网业务,我同时负责拨号计费系统的日常维护、管理(包括informix oracle数据库)工作。

0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers
2172 Database Analysts and Data Administrators
2171 Information Systems Analysts and Consultants



就第一个最接近了。难道网管没有专用的代码嘛?我记得有system administrator类似的东西



2281 Computer and Network Operators and Web Technicians

Computer and network operators establish, operate, maintain, and co-ordinate the use of local and wide area networks (LANs and WANs), mainframe networks, hardware, software and related computer equipment. Web technicians set up and maintain internet and intranet web sites and web server hardware and software, and monitor and optimize network connectivity and performance. They are employed in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors. Supervisors of computer and network operators and web technicians are included in this group.

Example Titles

computer operator
computer operators supervisor
computer tape librarian
data centre operator
internet web site technician
LAN (local area network) administrator
LAN (local area network) technician
network administrator
network operator
network support technician
system administrator
web technician

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Main duties

Computer and network operators perform some or all of the following duties:
Maintain, troubleshoot and administer the use of local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), mainframe networks and computer workstations and peripheral equipment
Evaluate and install computer hardware, networking software and operating system software
Operate master consoles to monitor the performance of computer systems and networks and to co-ordinate access and use of computer networks
Load computer tapes and disks and install software and printer paper and forms
Provide problem-solving services to network users
Implement data, software and hardware security procedures
Perform routine network start up and close down and maintain control records
Perform data backups and disaster recovery operations.
Web technicians perform some or all of the following duties:
Install, maintain, troubleshoot and upgrade web-server hardware and software
Set up local area networks and connections to the internet
Implement network traffic and security monitoring software, and optimize server performance
Modify web pages, applets and scripts
Research and apply meta-data to web sites and register web sites with search engines
Respond to requests for help and information from web site visitors and web site designers
Perform web-server backup and recovery operations.
Employment requirements

Completion of a college or other program in computer science, network administration, web technology or in a related field is usually required.
Certification or training provided by software vendors may be required by some employers.
Additional information

Progression to computer programming, interactive media development, web development or systems analysis is possible with experience.
Classified elsewhere

Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers) (2147)
Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers (2174)
Sales, Marketing and Advertising Managers (0611)
Systems Testing Technicians (2283)
Technical Support Analysts (2282)
Web Designers and Developers (2175)

我是2001。4月北京CASE。我要求还是按照旧法去审核。若按新法我肯定过不去。所以我的NOC CODE还要兼顾当时的评估标准(OCCUPATION 10,ETF 15)。当时写的是 computer system analysts 没有做工程师认证。






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