房子已经租掉了,感谢大家的捧场. 同时也顺便感谢一下那些打电话来预约,但不露面,也不电话通知我,放我鸽子的人!!
A aptronix 3 2006-03-01 #2 Thank your for your info. Please give me some special information: deposit, takeover fee, chicken room (chinese cooking allow or not), laundry, inside swimming poor in building or not, etc. please mail to libin.zhang@hotmail.com. Thanks.
Thank your for your info. Please give me some special information: deposit, takeover fee, chicken room (chinese cooking allow or not), laundry, inside swimming poor in building or not, etc. please mail to libin.zhang@hotmail.com. Thanks.
C cindy_dalian 赠人玫瑰 手有余香 1,099 2006-03-01 #4 我们夫妻二人3月27日到卡城,正愁没有地方落脚呢;这个感觉不错啊!谢谢搂主的信息哦! cindy_lyh@hotmail.com -- MSN
T tht 35 2006-03-01 #5 沱茶 说: 826, 15th Ave, SW, 550元/月, 4月起租.我3月底搬走.帮公寓管理员宣传一下. 个人觉得这个公寓比较适合夫妻二人,或小孩小于5岁的三口之家. 点击展开... 听说你是江西的,想了解一下公寓面积多大?多联系啊。
沱茶 说: 826, 15th Ave, SW, 550元/月, 4月起租.我3月底搬走.帮公寓管理员宣传一下. 个人觉得这个公寓比较适合夫妻二人,或小孩小于5岁的三口之家. 点击展开... 听说你是江西的,想了解一下公寓面积多大?多联系啊。