Part-Time IT Support Administrator

Yonge Street Mission is a Christian faith-based not-for-profit community called to demonstrate God’s love, peace and justice to those living with economic, social and spiritual poverty in Toronto. Our IT department is seeking a part-time IT Support Administrator to provide assistance and support for our YSM staff computer systems.

The successful candidate will be responsible for:

•Supporting and diagnosing staff requests for assistance for computer hardware related issues
•Providing application support and basic training for staff who require assistance for software applications
•Managing staff computer accounts, email accounts, and phone system/voicemail accounts
•Configuration and deployment of workstations for staff use
•Configuration and deployment of servers
•Monitoring and troubleshooting networking and server issues
•Providing support to the IT department in various projects and upgrades

The successful candidate will have the following skills and training:

•Ability to work in a fast paced and demanding environment
•Windows Server/PC application/software/hardware/enterprise applications
•High attention to detail and open to new skillsets and challenges
•Ability to work independently and also within a team
•Ability to resolve IT queries that arise within a diverse environment
•Can communicate complex and technical concepts to end-user staff
•Have a heart for YSM’s core purposes to see that the work in IT is more than the technology
•A police check will be required / First aid training is an asset
•Respect for YSM’s Christian identity and purpose

Deadline For Application: Nov 16th, 2011
Starting Date: Dec 5, 2011

Send resume and cover letter in confidence to:
Richard Lee
IT Manager
** Please include IT Support Administrator position in the email subject

While we appreciate all responses, only candidates under consideration will be contacted.
Learn more about Yonge Street Mission by visiting our website:




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