系列精彩实用免费IT技术讲座:Informatica ETL,Performance Testing
Topic 1: [FONT=宋体]数据仓库:[/FONT] Informatica ETL [FONT=宋体]技术与工作机会[/FONT]
Speaker: Mr. David Dong
Mr. David Dong [FONT=宋体]是[/FONT]Telus[FONT=宋体]的全职雇员。长期授课于多伦多科技学院,主要教授企业应用以及数据库,并提供相应咨询。[/FONT]Informatic ETL, Oracel DBA and development, Oracel Java solution, UML and Design patterns[FONT=宋体]都是他的专长。他提供[/FONT]Informatic ETL,Cognos, Oracle DBA,Oracle JDeveloper[FONT=宋体]职业培训十余年。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]日期[/FONT]: 1[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT] 2012[FONT=宋体]星期六[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]时间[/FONT]: 1pm - 2pm
[FONT=宋体]主办:[/FONT]Toronto College of Technology
[FONT=宋体]地址[/FONT]: Toronto Campus: 201 Consumers Road, Suite 300 Toronto, ON Canada M2J 4G8
[FONT=宋体]电话[/FONT] : 416-225-9920/905-232-7399
Topic 2 : Performance Testing [FONT=宋体]软件性能测试[/FONT] -- [FONT=宋体]技术与市场分析[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]软件性能测试技术与市场分析资深[/FONT][FONT=宋体]分析师以及项目经理([/FONT]Nortel, Bell, RIM[FONT=宋体])。[/FONT]
Key Performance Test lead on highly strategic enterprise CRM projects (Bell, RIM).
Submitted and presented an article on QAI World Tes Trek Symposium, Oct 09
Presented an article on Toronto Software Processing Improvement Network
(SPIN), May 09
Member of The Software Engineering Information Repository (SEIR)
Member of Toronto Association of Systems and Software Quality (TASSQ)
Established The Community of Software Testing Professionals (COSTP)
Developed Advanced Software Testing Certificate Program with Centennial College (SQAT II)
Owner of “QA Software Test Automation Specialists” group
[FONT=宋体]日期[/FONT]: 1[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT] 2012[FONT=宋体]星期六[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]时间[/FONT]: 3pm - 4pm
[FONT=宋体]主办:[/FONT]Toronto College of Technology
[FONT=宋体]电话[/FONT] : 416-225-9920/905-232-7399
[FONT=宋体]地址[/FONT]: [FONT="]Toronto Campus: 201 Consumers Road, Suite 300 Toronto, ON Canada M2J 4G8[/FONT]
Topic 3: PMP and ITIL Body of Knowleldge [FONT=宋体]证书与市场趋势[/FONT]
Speaker: Mr. Jamal Hindash
Mr. Jamal Hindash[FONT=宋体]在生产一线从事项目管理实践[/FONT]15[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]先后就业已政府,世界[/FONT]500[FONT=宋体]强企业,以及银行金融公司。[/FONT]Mr. Jamal Hindash[FONT=宋体]亲自管理若干合同额在千万的项目。[/FONT]Mr. Jamal Hindash[FONT=宋体]目前在多伦多一家大的能源公司从事项目管理。作为多伦多科技学院资深教授,[/FONT]Mr. Jamal Hindash[FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]PMP[FONT=宋体]考前培训的辅导方面具有独到的方法[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]多期的[/FONT]PMP[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]ITIL[FONT=宋体]考前培训和考前模拟辅导[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]通过率达到通过率[/FONT]98%[FONT=宋体]以上。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]日期[/FONT]: 1[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT] 2012[FONT=宋体]星期六[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]时间[/FONT]: 4pm - 5pm
[FONT=宋体]主办:[/FONT]Toronto College of Technology
[FONT=宋体]电话[/FONT] : 416-225-9920/905-232-7399
[FONT=宋体]地址:[/FONT] Toronto Campus: 201 Consumers Road, Suite 300 Toronto, ON Canada M2J 4G8
Topic 4: Microsoft .NET [FONT=宋体]技术与市场需求[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]主讲人[/FONT][FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]Mr. Deying Kong
Mr. Deying Kong [FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]Morneaeu Sobeco [FONT=宋体]任应用程序架构师。拥有[/FONT]20[FONT=宋体]余年的编程经验。在企业软件方面也有工作经验。他是开始于上世纪[/FONT]90[FONT=宋体]年代后期[/FONT]Microsoft [FONT=宋体]技术的开发者之一。与多伦多科技学院合作的过去十年里,[/FONT]Mr Deying Kong[FONT=宋体]一直在微软企业解决方案,分布式对象技术,以及[/FONT]Android [FONT=宋体]和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]苹果[/FONT](iPhone, iPad, and iPod)[FONT=宋体]移动装置应用发展这些方面提供咨询与教学。[/FONT].
Mr. Deying Kong is a Microsoft application Architect at Morneaeu Sobeco . He is one of the pioneers of Microsoft .NET solutions and distributed object computing. One of his distributable web components listed in Microsoft .Net official web site have attracted more than 10,000 downloads.
For the past couple of years, in cooperation with TCT, Mr Deying Kong has been training and consulting in Microsoft enterprise solutions and distributed object technologies.
1. Microsoft .NET Technology
2. .NET Application Architecture
3. Microsoft .NET Technology Certificates
4. Microsoft .NET Technology Job Market Trend
5. How to prepare yourself for a job in Microsoft .NET Technology
6. Questions?
[FONT=宋体]日期[/FONT]: 1[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT], 2012[FONT=宋体]星期六[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]时间[/FONT]: 2pm - 3pm
[FONT=宋体]主办:多伦多科技学院([/FONT]Toronto College of Technology[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]地点[/FONT]: 201 Consumers Road, Suite 300 Toronto, ON Canada M2J 4G8
[FONT=宋体]电话[/FONT] : 416-225-9920 / 905-232-7399
最后编辑: 2012-01-07