

[FONT=宋体]你好。我是尹国斌,一名在[/FONT]University of Manitoba[FONT=宋体]的加拿大留学生。我和我的朋友们正在努力为中国的沈阳建立一所英文图书馆。目前我在卡尔加里大学收集了很多英文书籍,但是书籍运送回中国不是一件容易的事情。我希望可以得到卡尔加里的中国移民,学生学者的帮助,有同学和朋友夏天回国的时候可以帮助在箱子里带一些书籍回祖国。[/FONT]
A Library... A Dream...

My name is Arthur GuoBin Yin, 3rd year history student here at the University of Manitoba. I come from Shenyang, a large city in China with a population of seven million. You may be surprised to learn that, despite the size of Shenyang, my fellow citizens living there do not have much access to an English-language library. In fact, books written in English have not been easily available in China for decades. The publications once brought in by missionaries and foreign visitors have deteriorated and are outdated while few books offered by government bookstores are too expensive for ordinary people to purchase. Therefore I would like to develop a public library of English-language books for Shenyang.
As we all know, China has developed its economy enormously during the last 25 years, but the need for knowledge, faith, and educational materials continues to grow ever faster. As an international student from China, I cannot forget my countrymen who are eager to study but have no chance to read books in English or the ones who have not yet realized that they need such an opportunity. In history, China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and I believe nobody will deny that this profound culture had changed the world in all kinds of ways. Indeed China used to be strong, but we cannot survive on memory of a glorious past. We have to face the reality that China must now encounter the rest of the world in a new way.
A revolution of knowledge is inevitable and necessary. In Plato's Republic, Socrates spoke of a world where people were chained in a dark cave, seeing only shadows and hearing only echoes. Like my countryman with no access to western books, these people did not know the outside world was bright and wide. In Socrates' allegory, one day a man was unlocked and allowed to leave the cave. He was shocked to learn that he had been living in shadow all these years, but after learning all about the wonders of the real world he decided to go back to the cave and give his countryman the opportunity to escape the cave. That is why I want to build a western library in my city.
When I tell people my idea about a western library, they are often skeptical at first. They say: "Why?" "Would not you need millions of dollars to open a library in China" or "What is your real purpose? Is it for money?" These questions are not hard for me to answer that I have a desire to help my fellow countrymen. Although my energy is so limited compared to the number of people in the cave, I have decided to make a difference however I can. I know I will encounter all kinds of difficulties, but still I believe in the saying of Chairman Mao that "A little spark may kindle a great fire."
Professors are a special group in the society; they respect knowledge and science and wish to share them with others. When you stand in front of the class who are waiting for your knowledge, when you see your students benefiting society by using the knowledge passed on by you, teaching has become a living dream, instead of just a way of making a living. I respect this profession and one day I will pursue a life as history teacher myself. There is a close connection between this profession and what I am doing. We both want to reform society to a better tomorrow by offering knowledge and sacrificing ourselves. Therefore I believe professors must be the starting point of this campaign.
The world is not always fair. Sometimes I compare myself with the child in the picture in a cold classroom, bare of books. I have a feeling that is so hard to describe, and I know I will not forget his unhappy eyes. I will try to fill them with hope. As a Chinese I will try my best to assist my nation, as I think everyone wants to help their fellow humans. My parents are both retired and they want to offer their time and energy to build a "Western Library". They have applied to the government for the authorization to build such a facility in the vicinity of the four universities in Shenyang.
It is my hope to launch a book drive for China to solicit donations of books for this new library. I will visit universities from Newfoundland to New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and finally British Columbia. Books will be collected and taken back by Chinese International Students in their luggage and also by mailing and shipping. In terms of donations, you can offer a book; your papers; your own books; advice or anything you think could be helpful to us. You could also offer some donation for our shipping process. All kinds of works would be welcomed, academic books, classics, novels and fictions. As the library is developed we would keep our Canadian supporters informed of our process; a catalog of all donations and names of givers will be maintained.
Since Nov 2003, I have been visiting professors in University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg collecting books for China. In April 2004, during summer vacation, I found my way back to China with over 800 books. It is the best present I could ever bring back for my country. Although the number of books is still small comparing to the population of readers, the people have shown great interest in reading these books, especially the literary classics like Plato’s and Shakespeare’s works. As I observed, people have been extremely grateful when they found the sources of the books.
I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty. If you can help our project in some way we would be extremely grateful for all donations or assistance in spreading the news. Dreamers and visionaries have made civilizations. It is trying to do the things that cannot be done makes life worthwhile. With hard work, the dream of today becomes the reality of tomorrow. Last but not least, I want to say, "thank you" on the behalf of all those who may benefit from your kindness in the future.


With All Respect
Arthur GuoBin Yin
April 24th 2005

[FONT=宋体]每一个人都有一个责任-活着,一个凡人永远都不能放弃的责任。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]每一个中国人也有一个责任-爱自己的国家和文明,是中华大地赋予了每一个中国人生命。人的一生里值得追逐的东西很多,然而一切的追逐都源于为内心的欲望。责任也是一种欲望。人是渺小的,脆弱的,因为我们不能完全掌握自己的命运,我们能作的就是热爱责任,热爱赋予我们生命的文明。如果没有昨天的中国就没有今天的你我,如果没有今天的中国自不会有明天我们的子孙后代。一个文明的兴盛不是一两个人的兴盛,而是整个民族的兴盛。现在我们国家还有很多农民在贫困中挣扎,还有很多的孩子没有书读,没有饭吃。没有我们所拥有的一切……他们的生活是我们不能想象的,同样我们的生活也是他们不能也不敢想象的。同为炎黄后代,难道我们没有责任让他们的生活变的好一点吗?难道我们就不觉得有一点点心伤和难过吗?也许我们早已忽略了身旁的一切,也许责任早已成为一个模糊了的字眼,但是亲爱的朋友,他们正需要我们,需要属于中国的责任。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]当今世界,西方在政治,社会,经济,科技等等体系都高于中国,无疑我们的国家要想强大就需要虚心学习,放下东方古国的架子。在下亲见西方的文明,历史和现今的生活,感触良多。我们应该清楚了解西方到底有多少东西是高于我们,有益于我们的。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]我们可以把可口可乐,肯德鸡,麦当劳带进千千万万中国人的生活,为什么不能把优秀的知识和文化,把文明里最崇高的东西带给充满渴望的人们呢?我想这是一个值得深思的问题。我始终相信,文化是没有国界的。西方优秀的思想家文学家并不亚于孔孟,先进的科学更是改变当今百姓生活的必要手段。俄罗斯的彼得大帝曾经虚心的研究欧洲造船术,日本也在盛唐派遣无数的遣唐史到中国学习先进的制度,军事和科技。这样虚心的讨教在历史上比比皆是,没有一个国家可以永远的强大,让一个国家和民族强大的决定因素就是不断的超越和完善自己。屈辱的近代历史告诉我们骄傲的中国不是永恒的主宰,那么我们为什么不能意识到时时刻刻存在的危机,为什么不能虚心的把这些西方经典带回祖国呢?西方哲人们虽然已经沉睡了,但是他们的思想和著作都还存在着,他们的文字可以启发我们的民族,可以帮助我们找回良好的社会体系和正值的道德观念,让文明两个字再次匹配于中国这个伟大的名字。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]想想我们现在的生活,有多少是真实的,又有多少是虚幻的,很多很多时候我们都生活一个地下的黑黑的山洞里面,没有阳光没有自然,从生下来我们就从来没有离开过,圆形山洞的中心有一堆火焰,而我们被锁在山洞周围,面朝着墙,能看见的只有自己和别人的影子,而不是真正的自己。我们从不曾意识到真正的世界是那般美丽。在灰暗与影子里面,我们认识着社会,认识着人生,认识着金钱,认识着自私,唯一的依托便是那象征利益的火焰。可惜我们从来都不曾想要离开那片影子,以为这就是真正的世界[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]终于有一天有一个人来到了地上,当他看见真实世界的时候,他不敢相信眼前的一切,也不敢睁开眼睛去面对那明亮的阳光,渐渐的,他习惯了,也开始意识到什么才是他想要的生活,什么才是真正的世界。他本来可以就此离去,可是他没有,他自愿回到了山洞,因为他想告诉他所有的朋友:世界并非灰暗。可惜没有人相信他,从此他又被关在山洞里,过着灰暗的生活,可是在他的脑海里,却永远的留下了阳光的痕迹,他痛苦,悲伤,却不因为他再次失去自由,失去光明[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]而是因为没有人相信他心中的光明,他期盼着,期盼着有一天所有的人都可以看见阳光,回到人类真正的生活……[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]我们的民族不是没有过良好的道德观念,而是我们在无意识中慢慢的失去了。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]蓬勃发展的经济浪潮冲击着古老民族的信仰和尊严。纵观当今中国,大多数人们只注重利益相关的知识,求知面狭窄;我们应该意识到当今负面的思想变迁,知耻而后勇。如果当今的你我是那个走出山洞的人,我们必须没有选择的走回去,把我们的民族从阴影中拯救。我不是一个商人,不懂得怎么变得富有。但是我很贪婪,我想打动的不是一个人而是一个民族。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]图书馆是一个很特别的场所,在社会中有着独特的作用。在西方,图书馆分布十分广泛,是各国家教育体系的重要组成部分。市民们有十分强烈的阅读意识。整个社会都充斥了浓郁的文化氛围。反观现在中国的图书馆,并没有有效的走进广大百姓,主要的阅读群体都集中在学者和学生身上,进一步说,我们的图书馆时时刻刻都在浪费资源,都在被动的适应着来自各方面的局限。一本好书可以启发很多进步的读者,无论中国古籍或是外文经典,重要的是如何让这些书从书架走到人们的心中。我的梦想不仅是建立一个英文图书馆,更是能把获取知识的习惯,以及书中的道德观念和知识带到人们心中。相比而言,后者任重而道远。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]也许我需要十年的时间来建立一个完备的英文图书馆,可是需要几十年的时间来把这些书籍深入人心。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]书籍的收集和运送是一个艰苦的过程,为了收集这些书籍我走访过两千多位教授和学生,一本一本的把书堆高,为了运送这些书籍回国,几十名留学生自告奋勇的帮助,不求报酬。当我站在图书馆里,看着人们爱不释手的读书的时候,所浮想到的实在太多太多……[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]我们所做的这些事情对于一个国家来说也许微乎其微,然而我们的初衷和意志却如此的不凡。合抱之木生于毫末,九层之台起于累土,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]千里之行始于足下。如果有能力帮助中国的人们都能敞开他们的胸怀,那么我们的国家何愁不能再次富强。历史是昨天,也是今天,更是明天,时间总是把现在变成过去,也把现在发生的一切变得美丽。人生在世,重要的是要给这个世界留下我们的痕迹,我们的努力,还有关于我们的记忆。让我们的后代可以梦见我们,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]梦见我们曾经多么炽烈的爱着他们。[/FONT]


[FONT=宋体]尹国斌[/FONT] 2006[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]4[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]12[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT]


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