
家园网网友用心生活和蒙克顿Support Parent 协会为中国新移民特意组织的专场座谈,议题涉及生活中的方方面面,由Heather Stordy为大家介绍蒙克顿适合孩子游玩的项目和场所,如何为孩子准备午餐,如何为孩子安排课余时间,如何报名参加各项课外活动,如何和西人孩子交朋友,如何更快更好地帮助孩子融入学校,融入社会......各位新移民家长们也可以提前准备问题提问,希望本地的西人父母们能为我们新移民答疑解惑。

时间:10月2日,星期三早上10-12点 地点:1380 Mountain Road, Sobey Community Room

Subject: Invitation to Parents for the Parenting Matters! Focus Group in Northwest Moncton

What: Parenting Matters! What Matters to You? focus group
Where: Sobeys Community Room, 1380 Mountain Rd, (Northwest) Moncton
When: Wednesday, October 2, 10am to 12pm
Who: Open to all parents of the Chinese community

There will be no childcare available for this event. Coffee and tea will be

Please see the attached invitation in English.



*Heather Stordy*

*Project Manager, Parenting Matters*

*Support to Single Parents Inc./support aux parents uniques inc.*

*22 Church Street, Suite T370, *

*Moncton, N.B. E1C 0P7*

*506-858-1303 Ext. 3303***
回复: 针对新移民的座谈会--帮您做个好家长


Questions newcomers may be interested:
1. Except MAGMA, where can newcomers get help?
• The City of Moncton website: Guide for Newcomers
• The Greater Moncton family Resource Center
• Moncton Boys and Girls Club
• Family and Early Childhood Anglophone East Inc. (Individualized and family support for parents with children up to the age of 8)
Phone 1-855-238-3694
2. Where are the fun places for kids in Moncton?
Summer: Centennial Park, Magic Mountain
Winter: Centennial Park, Dieppe Bowlarama: www.bowlarama.ca
3. Information about after school activities : (Where to learn?)
• Moncton Boys and Girls Club (they offer pick up services in all areas of the city)
Contact Info
15 Everett Street
Moncton, NB
E1C 3Z6

Contact: Mr. Daniel LeBlanc, Executive Director,
Mr. Derrick Beardsworth, Director of Program Services

T | (506) 853-7356
F | (506) 855-7848

Basketball: http://www.mkmba.pointstreaksites.com/view/mkmba
Badminton: www.monctonbadmintonclub.ca (free registration on now)
Tennis: www.tennismoncton.ca (summer centennial Park)
Volleyball: roofersvolleyball.com
Soccer: Codiac Soccer www.codiacsoccermoncton.com
Baseball: Softball New Brunswick www.softballnb.ca
Swimming: YMCA, www.ymcamoncton.com,
St. Pats Family Center www.stpatsfamilycentre.com
Riverview Aquatic Center www.townofriverview.ca

Bridge: Check with Evergreen Park School. There is a bridge teacher who comes in.
Chess: Chess club at Evergreen Park School
Skate: Red Ball Internet Moncton, redballinternetcentre.com/calendar, www.moncton.ca › ... › Recreation, Parks & Culture
Ski: Poley Mountain, www.poleymountain.com,
Ski Wentworth, www.skiwentworth.ca
Bauckman Fine Arts, 8 Cherry Court, Riverview, New Brunswick, E1B 4K2
Information: 386-1310 or sbauckn604@rogers.com
Reading: Moncton Public Library
Boyscout: www.scouts.ca
Sea Cadets: http://www.cadets.ca/en/

4. How to find tutor for kids to learn English and French?
Sylvan Learning. Advanced learning or help for struggling students for a fee: www.sylvanlearning.com
Learning French: afmoncton.ca
For tutors in general: moncton.kijiji.ca › Moncton › services

5. How do western parents help kids with their study? Which websites can be use for kids’ homework?
• web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-E
• www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/.../petl.../PermanentResidentsGuide.pdf

6. What do western families normally do on the weekend with kids?
• What to do in Moncton www.knowmoncton.com
• The Corn Maze: The Green Pig Country Market http://www.greenpigmarket.com/images/stories/address.png
• Apple Picking: For more information you can reach us at 506.758.0295 www.vergerbelliveauorchard.ca

7. Where are the best choices if parents want to buy clothes or shoes for kids?
• Superstore
• Walmart
• Sears
• Cleves
• Sportcheck
• Champlain Place Mall
• Frenchy’s

8. What do western parents prepare for lunch for their kids?
• cookwithcampbells.ca/Campbells_Soup

9. How is the Canadian way to make friends with your neighbors after you moved into a new house?
• Introduce yourself in person in the yard
• Make them something homemade and go to their door
• Have the children introduce themselves
• Ask questions about things to do in your neighborhood, garbage collection, babysitting etc. they will be more than willing to answer.

10. Where are the famous places newcomers should visit in NB?
• Tourism NB website: www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca

11. Living in Moncton, want to know more about the community, the websites the parents should know about:

Other Online resources:
• ParentsCanada (ParentsCanada) on Twitter https://twitter.com/ParentsCanada
• Kijiji
• Facebook knowmoncton.com




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