C candyman188 4 2014-01-27 #4 回复: 最近要去Lloydminster出差10天,有什么好餐馆和玩的地方?、 Cheers 的special 比萨饼 和 maggie mae 的中餐听说不错??
M miumiu01 33 2014-01-27 #5 回复: 最近要去Lloydminster出差10天,有什么好餐馆和玩的地方?、 Never ever go to the Chinese resturant on main street, that's the worst Chinese food ever I had in the past 20 years.
回复: 最近要去Lloydminster出差10天,有什么好餐馆和玩的地方?、 Never ever go to the Chinese resturant on main street, that's the worst Chinese food ever I had in the past 20 years.
萨屯蓝天白云 101 2014-01-27 #6 回复: 最近要去Lloydminster出差10天,有什么好餐馆和玩的地方?、 住Holiday Inn,楼下吃tony roma's. 记得带上泳衣晚上玩水滑梯,或者带上笔记本/iPad看电影。