a Long List of Racial Stereotypes

This is a list of common attributes, characteristics and behaviors shared by all the members of a specific nationality, group, ethnicity, or race, without exception.


* Are Black
* Tribalistic, even genocidally so.
* Highly AIDS-prone.
* War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.
* Corrupt and dictatorial governments.
* Blame Whitey for all their problems.
* Internet scammers.
* Like the big boo-tay.
* Spear-chuckers
* Highly religious
* Often have swollen lips.


* Corrupt government
* Thieves and robbers
* Rich literature, with the oldest proof of written documentation of ther tongue going a staggering 400 years back (circa 1600 AD). Had to wait 2 centuries after the americas were discovered to actually decide that they had something memorable to write down
* most beautiful race in Albania, third only to dogs and goats (see below)
* smartest people in the world (believe it, people!)
* Hate Greeks and Serbs and call them darkskinned big-nosed mongrels (but would allow both of them to do their wives and daughters for a reasonable fee)
* Alcoholics
* Love any roasted meat (but rarely get it)
* Construction workers but somehow they all seem to have a university degree (renowned Tirana Uni)
* Love Americans, Jews, Nazis, Europeans, , and everyone who doesn't share borders with them
* greatest lovers (as a survey including a sample of 2,100 goats and sheeps concluded). Second only to Welsh in terms of inter-special sexual intercourse frequency
* there are no gays in their country (sorry, that's Iran...)
* they're the greatest warriors in the world (having won no battle whatsoever)
* Hate their politicians but somehow they manage to reelect them every time
* They all speak Italian
* Short temper, violent
* No Emos nor Goths
* Their gangs and mafia can be found all over Europe and North America


* Can't decide if they are French or German.
* Enjoy a nice bratwurst and sauerkraut (German cuisine) with goose liver pâté and a bottle of chateau Lafitte (French cuisine).
* Know all the words to both "La Marseillaise" and "Deutchland über Alles".
* Their only claim to fame is the Alsatian Shepherd Dog, ironically called German Shepherds by most people.


* An embarrassment to their country
* Obese
* Ugly
* Love drugs
* All their women are hookers
* Obsessed with everything red, white and gay
* Obese
* Jealous of Canadians
* Women are short, fat and ugly.
* Stink like butter
* Pays an Arab every time they go to the gas station
* Have the highest percentage of gay men in the world
* Against modern day Nazis that are blissfully unaware of themselves.
* Stereotyped to be stupid but cuddly creatures.
* Obese
* Hysterically aware of everything around them.
* Determined to leave as little of the environment possible.
* Loud.
* Emotional
* Obese
* Reserve their leadership for movie-stars and soft-in-the-head college kids
* Compost heap of all the trash kicked out of Europe centuries ago
* Men wear panties
* Prone to owning defense mechanisms against the ever growing threat of robbers
* Unable to appreciate anything not American 'cause, America is the way to go!
* Obese
* Always complain about the complaining other nations
* Christian
* Has weight problems

Arabs/Middle Easterners

* Anti-semitic
* Get paid every time a white person goes to the gas station
* Everyone supports or commits terrorism against white people
* Made the AK-47 the pop icon it is today
* The reason US troops never come out of the "green zone"
* Hate the white man
* Religious zealotry
* Think all European women in bikinis are for sale
* Suicidal
* Kicked white ass in the Crusades
* Muslim
* Rich like hell
* Have the widest ****s in the world and the second longest ****s after the black man
* They are all Sand ******s
* Kicking Jewish ass is a favorite pastime
* Women are sexy/attractive (especially Lebanese girls)


* Consider themselves superior to other Latin Americans
* Hated by other Latin Americans
* Egocentric
* Galicians with half brain
* Make fun of the Galicians without realizing that they are Galicians themselves
* Think Argentina is located in Europe. That's true, they include this in geography textbooks!
* Know how to tango
* Affinity for steak and wine
* Often brag about their European heritage
* Harbored Nazi War Criminals
* Tendency towards Authoritarianism


* Extremely hairy
* Talk about the Armenian genocide of 353 AD all the time
* Religious
* Alcoholics
* Their unibrows make them good at chess
* Poor hygiene, smelly
* Really *****in' musicians
* Like to brag
* Hate Turks like no other
* They all live in the Glendale Republic of California
* Eat copious amounts of pepperoni and green peppers, mushrooms, olives, chives!


* Wear Tirolean hats and lederhosen
* Play giant Alpine horns
* Excellent singers/yodelers
* Stooges to the Nazis
* Great musicians and composers
* Export charismatic politicians such as the chancellor of Germany, and governor of California
* Annoy people by singing everywhere they go, as in the film The Sound of Music


* Drink beer constantly
* Eat meat pies constantly
* Watch AFL constantly
* Descended from criminals (Based on past as a British penal colony)
* Aggressive but good-natured
* Everyone gets a "fair go"
* Wrestle/hunt crocodiles
* Generous, friendly
* Lazy
* Wear 'short-shorts' regardless of weather
* Dingoes ate their babies
* Adventurous, courageous
* Tendency to get in barfights
* Known for preparing barbequed shrimp ("shrimp on the barbie")
* Keep Kangaroos as common domestic pets and ride them around


* Detest Spaniards
* Detest France
* Primitive
* Enjoy cutting down trees and lifting rocks
* Wear berets all the time
* Socialist tendencies
* Inbred
* Descended from Neanderthals
* Big ears, long chin
* Weird, "ancient" language
* The devil once attempted to learn their language but failed


* Fine chocolatiers
* A penchant for ******y (as referenced by Dr. Evil in first Austin Powers film)
* Bland, boring
* Easily invaded and conquered
* The actual inventors of French Fries
* Excellent varietal beers
* Invented waffles (Belgian waffle)
* Hercule Poirot is the most famous fictional citizen
* Reputation for fussiness

Blacks/African Americans

* Have been in jail, or will likely one day go to jail
* Poor, relegated to the ghetto/projects/slums; drug-dealing
* "Deadbeat dads"
* Fathering many children with different women; high rate of out-of-wedlock births
* Enjoy loud rap music.
* Street thugs, criminals, angry young men, Violent, Aggresive
* Affinity for watermelon, fried chicken, okra, collard greens, malt liquor, menthols
* Supposedly hypersexual; larger-than-average male genitalia
* Prone to venereal diseases
* Good athletes (especially basketball)
* Lower intelligence, poor academic ability
* Laziness, apathy
* Catagorized by fat 'n' flat noses, big lips, big ass, and beating their children in the supermarket line
* common racial and discriminatory terms used against them include-
o ******
o Spear Chucker
o Cotton Picker
o Alpha-****** aka. the strongest black in jail
o Ape which comes from the idea that they are less evolved, and more tempermental then whites
o Apple (has to do with the way people used to execute the bad)
o Slaves (hung from a tree)
* Females argumentative, especially if they work behind a counter
* Like big butts
* Lust for white woman
* Cannot lie
o And if he's caught, his brothers can't deny


* Love meat
* Love beer
* Drinks beer at work while dancing Samba
* Believe that are superior to Argentinians
* Hate Argentinians and Americans
* Hate gauchos; Brazilians from the south that are more like Argentinians
* Love their European culture and do not admit that they are mostly black
* Rich coloured people acts whiter to real white Brazilians
* Brazilians will say to a foreigner: Brazil is the best place, beautiful people, beutiful beaches, Brazilians are friendly and bla bla bla...
* Low IQ (The brazilians with high IQ adotes another nacionality!)
* Loves to have the "biggest" forest, the "biggest" footbal stadium, the "best" soccer team, the "best" people and the biggest brests
* Can't speak Portuguese and English
* Football lovers
* Rapist
* Has a plot to dominate orkut (http://www.orkut.com)
* Believe that Orkut is a plot to dominate the world
* Love to dance and party, keep very late hours
* Integrate "flair" into every possible aspect of their lives.
* Sexually promiscuous, adulterous
* Poorly run economy, rampant inflation
* Start having sex at a young age
* Sexy, attractive ("booty-jiggling")


* Known for the phrase "Bulih Kali Ahh"
* Lousy and wreckless drivers
* Worships Friendster
* Always complain about the government
* Acts to be rich while in Malaysia
* Weird fetish for expensive Nokia phones
* Xenophobia


* Relaxed and laid back people
* Love beer and ice hockey (in Canada just called hockey)
* Think that curling is a sport worth watching
* Don't like being confused with Americans although they bring it on themselves by copying everything the Americans have copyrights on
* Don't like being confused with Americans although they bring it on themselves by adoring and emulating all American movies, television shows, celebrities, and music.
* Problem with 51st State perception
* Secretly jealous of Americans
* Very obsessed with being "politically correct"
* Easily offended but often too chicken to say anything about it
* Year-long waiting lists for routine checkups at the doctor's
* Have no issues with being taxed to death in order to support their welfare state
* Hang out at Donut Shops and Dollar Stores
* Upset that the average American couldn't care less what the capital of Saskatchewan is
* Bad tippers
* Wear knit caps (toques) and call each other "hoser"
* Believe that the French Language Police keeps their country together
* Funny (Mike Myers, Jim Carrey)
* Think that all of their celebrities that have achieved success in the USA are special.
* Think that their celebrities that have NOT achieved success in the USA are worthless.
* Believe that they "won" the War of 1812
* Dull
* Say "eh" a lot
* Polite to American tourists, snide and rude to other Canadians
* Have their very own bacon
* Their entire police force consists of half-a-dozen people (mounties) that ride moose, wear canadian flags as capes, and have diets of nothing but maple syrup.
* Come from Canadia
* Look like trashcans
* Like, they live in igloos, eh?
* The world's gay friend

Central Americans

* Raised in extreme poverty
* Clumsy
* Poor hygiene
* High birthrate
* Willing to "work for peanuts"


* Hate Argentines
* Hate Peruvians
* Hate Bolivians
* Are hated by Peruvians, Argentines, Bolivians, Chileans, and many others.
* Lazy
* Unpunctual
* Communist
* Nazi
* Militarist
* Nationalist
* Deny their South American heritage.
* Are gay.


* There's literally billions of them
* Superstitous, obsessed with luck, avid gamblers
* Live in a corrupt dictatorship but don't really care
* Sing like William Hung
* Inscrutable
* Eat fish heads
* Eat cats and dogs
* Pick rice
* Hock loogies and spit indiscriminately in public
* Good at maths and science - think they have better brains
* Insular
* Incredibly bad drivers
* Created Widescreen view
* Hate Japanese people
* Cultural superiority complex
* Are kung-fu masters

Chinese Americans

* Dominate the laundry and dry cleaning services
* Good at school, Large presence in Colleges
* Live in a Chinatown
* Cannot drive well
* When speaking Engrish, leprace arr r's with l's and l's with r's


* Drug dealers/drug mules
* Work at coffee plantations (Juan Valdez)
* Snobbish
* women are catty
* Submissive, obedient wives
* Grow weed in backyard
* Love to party
* Attracive, sexy
* In jail, have been to jail or will go to jail
* In a gang
* Good bodies (big booties)
* Poor or ghetto

Cuban Americans

* Believe they are superior to other hispanics
* Call each other 'chico'
* Large concentration in Florida, especially Miami
* Usually wealthier than other Hispanics in the U.S.
* Hate Fidel Castro, but send money to their relatives back in Cuba
* Love to dance, love clubbing/night life
* Responsible for most of those cheesy Hispanic television programs produced in the U.S.

Czechs & Slovaks

* Military ineptitude, easily conquered/defeated
* Hate being called Czechoslovakians
* Great cheap beer, jolly when drinking beer
* Can drink incredible amounts of beer without getting drunk
* Bohemian *****es
* Sneaky, clever
* Almost as good in science & technology as the Germans
* Drink too much
* Ugly, smelly
* Still poor from formerly being Eastern Bloc country
* Affinity for folk music & gypsy music
* Smoke too much
* horrible in bed


* Good beer, enjoy their beer
* Happy go lucky, fun loving, pranksters
* Sexy, attractive
* Easily conquered by Nazis in WWII (despite Viking history)
* Fine sailors
* Smoke more cigarettes than any other nation
* Give their children cigarettes insted of sweets
* Still lots of Danish hippies
* Reputation for free love
* People get naked in public parks
* Fit & healthy people, but not known for athleticism
* Believe most Swedish men are gay & weak
* Dependent on cradle to grave welfare state
* Speaks English even better than the Dutch
* Likes Metallica, because the drummer (aka trashcan banger) is Danish.
* Notorious for their Jante's Law


* Rowdy
* Obsessed with baseball
* Constantly eat plantains
* Own 'bodegas'
* Men father children from different women
* Promiscuous females


* Good beer, jolly when drinking beer
* Actually, Heineken tastes like glue mixed with piss
* Attractive/sexy
* Men are boring romantic partners, but also bisexual
* Promiscuous, start having sex at a young age
* Reputation of "anything goes" with legal cannabis and prostitution
* Highly tolerant, just as long as you're "one of us"
* Speak English better than British or Americans
* Obsessed with cleanliness
* Wooden shoes, tulips, eastpacks and windmills dominate perception of culture
* Owned and operated the slave ships/trade between Africa and the Americas - guilty over historically ill gotten gains
* Travel through Europe in mobile homes
* Bad skiers
* Very tall
* Xenophobic despite liberal attitudes to drugs, sex, ect.
* High


* Suck at sport
* Uppity
* Proud
* Loud
* Drinking
* Fighting
* Multicultural
* Bad teeth
* Warm beers
* Wet, cold, foggy environment; occasional sunny days
* Love tea, especially jolly when drinking it
* Crap government
* Crap laws (putting taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes!)
* Inbred royals that no one cares about
* Inbred royals the media can't get enough of
* Reputation as football hooligans
* Despise the French
* Easily embarrassed; overly polite
* Prone to casual violence and binge drinking
* Make the best butlers
* Small due to sunlight deficiency
* Constant whinging
* Find Men dressed as Women remarkably hilarious
* Ape-like if from the north, effeminate if from the south
* Smell like fish finger poo
* Heavy accent that you can't understand.


* Always complain about elections
* Always complain about election results
* Always complain about politicians
* Always complain about prostitution
* Always complain about Russians
* Always complain about tourists
* Always complain about Estonians getting caught with drugs abroad
* Always complain about EU not giving enough money to them
* Always complain about the government on power
* Always complain about others complaining about Estonians
* Eat only K-kohuke (K-cheese curd)
* Always complain about the letter "K" being in front of "kohuke"
* Good prostitutes

Europeans, collectively

* Affinity for football
* Racist at football games
* Emulates American pop culture, for no real reason
* Rude to morons (see: Americans)
* Comfortable with nudity
* Unemployed in Germany
* Political disunity
* Xenophobia
* Emphasis on ancestry
* Smoke too much in France
* Think they are better than anyone else
* Wear too much spandex


* Avid hunters, outdoorsmen
* Eat Santa's reindeer with santa
* Sexy, attractive
* Believe/known all Swedish men are gay & weak
* Alcoholics
* Depressed, high suicide rate
* Make depressing and confusing films
* Proud of fighting/resisting Russians, Swedish, Vikings, and tourists
* Reputation for toughness
* Considered intolerant by their Lapp/Sami minority
* Too many vowels & not enough consonants in language
* Obsessed with symphonic & epic-sounding music
* Finnish words: Perkele, jumatsuikkeli and reilumeininki
* Corrupt, cynical and nihilistic from birth
* The rednecks of Europe


* Poor hygiene, smelly
* Nationally chauvinistic
* Male chauvinist
* Cowardly, weak
* Militarily inept
* Promiscuous, philanderers, adulterers
* Affinity for grand prix racing and bicycle racing
* Headbutt people while playing Futbol
* Pretentious, artistic
* Extremely rude - especially waiters
* Extremely anti-Semitic
* Disdainful of Americans and British; extremely jealous of
* Emotionally bitter and cynical
* Emphasis on history, and perception of cultural inferiority
* Smoke far too much
* Women have hairy armpits
* Have an inability to accept that they are no longer the most powerful nation in the world.
* Give their children wine and cannibis to develop rough, frog like voices necessary to be accepted into adulthood.


* Can't speak priperly
* Like to smoke, alot
* Hate english people
* Believe that thier command of the french language is far superior to anyone else
* Like poutine
* Can drink at a young age but would rather not, perhaps to spite the english tennagers that cross the border to buy alchohol in Quebec, Canada


* A Spaniard with half a brain
* Blonder than the Spaniards, and perhaps not coincidentially, dumber than the Spaniards (Dumb Blond)
* Smarter than the Argentines
* Takes about three of them to change a lightbulb
* Clumsy
* Latin Americans make racist jokes about them
* Not as fiercely independist as the Catalans or the Basques
* Their language sounds like Portuguese with a Spanish accent.
* Think their language is distinct from Portuguese, when it is actually not (Although it is true, because Portuguese itself is actually a variant of Galician)
* Think of themselves as Celts.


* Admire tall stature, blue eyes, blond hair ("Aryan")
* Spartan and humorless
* Man thongs
* All must listen to techno, extreme death metal, and/or Aqua.
* Have the dirtiest porn
* Good beer, jolly when drinking beer
* Industrious, precise, punctual
* Militaristic, regimented
* Cruel, brutal
* Intolerance; Nazis; anti-Semitic; Holocaust
* Sad computer geeks
* Whiners
* Xenophobia, hate towards immigrants
* Their language sounds like this: "Derb shtrehuben grabenschterbenferbenshteit" (But it does!)


* Short
* Dark, swarthy & hairy
* Drink lots of Ouzo
* Smoke too much
* Unduly proud of achievements of ancient Greeks, with no recent achievements of any note
* Men dance with other men, and break plates
* Religiously devout and yet somehow atheist.
* Never marry other ethnicities other than Greek
* Occasional recreational homosexuality
* Occasional pederasty
* Hate the Turks passionately
* Completely ****ing useless
* Love goats

Greek Americans

* See above list for Greeks; see also My Big Fat Greek Wedding
* Tend to own diners, bars and restaurants (especially Greek restaurants)
* Live in close knit, family/church based communities
* Children have to marry other Greeks, or parents will die of shame
* Tend to use "catch phrases"
* Cook a lamb every easter
* Know (or are related to) every other Greek in town
* Loud to the point of annoying all around
* Inability to conceptualize how their personality comes across to others.
* Dislike being associated with Italians in any way
* Spray Windex on everything
* Males (& lesbians) would love to **** Maria Menounos


* Voodoo practitioners
* Dim-witted
* Corrupt government
* Susceptible to AIDS
* Live in shacks made of aluminum sheets and tires held together with AIDS viruses


* Pseudo-religious Catholics
* Obsessed with sex and porn
* Homophobic
* Stubborn
* Hungarian women are the meanest
* Weird language
* Short and explosive tempers
* Control freaks with no idea what they want
* Emo
* Dark
* Classical music
* Paprika


* Tall, blond or red hair (except for Björk)
* Pale nearly transparent skin
* Very attractive, sexy
* More sheep than people (only 300,000 souls)
* The men are the strongest ones in the world
* The women are the most beautiful in the world
* Three Icelandic women have won the Miss World competition, including Miss World 2005
* Pacifists with no military of their own, but love to fight when intoxicated
* Drink and smoke far too much
* Alcoholicism, drunkenness, constantly party
* Unwelcome at many Southern European/Mediterranean resorts (due to excessive drinking)
* Promiscuous, adulterous
* Affinity for fermented shark meat, goat head, and hot dogs made of sheep
* They all are either related or know each other
* Dislike Danes
* Dependent on cradle to grave welfare state
* Avid readers, authors and chess players
* Collect technological gadgets and devices
* Make pretentious music
* Everyone lives in Reykjavik

Indians/India (or, dots not feathers)

* Fond of curry and tend to munch it
* Hindus
* Awful smell, especially the one in seat next to you on a 12-hour flight
* All immigrate to America
* Clogging up America
* Only interested in studying medicine, computer science or finance
* Greedy
* Will handle your customer service concerns every time you call an 800 number
* Run all of the 7/11's and Dunkin' Donuts
* Become Doctors
* Especially Sihks, extremely lazy; get their kids to do all the work for them
* Can't seem to get away from them
* More body hair than other races
* Considered the most haughty and prideful race
* Sexayyyyy
* Invented the convenience store

Irish/Nothern Irish

* Potato loving (spuds)
* Leprechauns
* Drinking
* Fighting
* Fighting after drinking
* Drinking during fighting
* Fighting during drinking
* Drinking after fighting
* Poverty, claiming off the dole
* English-hating
* Sending celebrities abroad to confirm all of said stereotypes (Shane Macgowan, Roy Keane, Collin Farrell)
* Being pregnant
* open air mental hospital
* favourite irish drinks: guinness, bucky, harp, magners, jack daniels, sothern comfort, kilkenny, and a pint of water to avoid avoid a that everlasting hangover

Irish Americans

* See above list for the Irish
* Males suffer from the "Irish Curse" of big genitalia and no conterception
* Majority personnel of police forces and fire departments
* Patriotic to both the U.S. and Eire
* Politically active in both the Republican and Democrat parties
* Political influence (racketeering, corruption)
* Unfriendly to later immigrants - seen as taking jobs from Irish Americans
* Host large drunken parades on Saint Patrick's Day


* Deeply religious (Pastafarianism)
* Love good food & wine
* Greasy
* World's most reckless drivers
* Proud of their history, culture, art, & architecture
* Corrupt, esp. in relation to Sicily & southern Italy
* Affinity for sports cars, grand prix racing
* Irritable, easily offended, violent
* Inefficient, unable to maintain schedules (except under Mussolini, when trains ran on time)
* Affinity for night life
* Stylish, fashionable
* Like to go on strike
* Fascists (1920s-1940s)
* Communists (1945-1960s)
* Prone to diving
* force their culture upon every other first world country, mutilating it in the process
* Love their "fully sick" subwoofers
* Ride mopeds instead of walking
* Constantly trying to rescue girlfriend from a giant lizard-dragon thing, only to have a small guy in a wierd hat and a diaper tell them that the princess is in another castle
* Responsible for the Mafia in America

Italian Americans

* Involved in organized crime (the Mafia), often in relation to restaurants (pizzerias, delicatessens, catering halls), casinos, construction/concrete/contracting and auto repair
* Consumes pasta
* Mostly found in Staten Island, New York
* Have orange tans
* Burly, hirsute
* Employed in blue-collar jobs
* Affinity for sports cars and fake gold jewelry
* Irritable, easily offended, violent
* Vulgar tastes
* Affinity for dance halls and night clubs
* Mama's boys
* Remain with parents well into adulthood, perhaps entire life
* All married males have a mistress, plus "a little something on the side"

Italian Australians

* Pasta on the barbie
* Bella Coffee
* Oh oH Fully sick sub woofa and eggs with a ration of bacon on the side
* My fully sick VL-CALAI-T.U.R.B.O
* Kellllllla


* Hates the white man
* Rastafarians
* Practice witchcraft
* Domineering, bossy women
* Wear dreadlocks
* Hatred of gay people
* Love of cannabis
* Good at reggae and hair growing


* Samurais or ninjas
* Love sushi and other raw fish dishes
* Cunning, reputation for sneak attacks
* Cruel, sadistic
* Suicidal (seppuku, kamikaze)
* Short
* Extremely competitive
* Consider themselves superior to other Asians
* Corrupt government, system of political spoils
* Technologically obsessed/fixated
o Make every video game in existence today
* Big shiny eyes and oddly-colored hair
* Male chauvinism/very unequal relationship between men and women
o The deferential "geisha" stereotype
* Workaholic mentality:
o Company men ("sarariman"), office lady
o Push children too hard in school
o Can make every electronic device smaller and faster
* Sexual duality: sexually repressed, but perverted/libidinous
o Fetish for schoolgirls ("roricon"), schoolgirl uniforms ("bura-sera")
o Hentai; bukkake
* Extreme/excessive overcrowding
* Xenophobic
* Using giant hornet venom to repel disrespectful models
* Buy used underwear on the street...oh wait, that one's true.
* Own Dojos and/or Sushi Bars
* All businesses run by the Yakuza


* Simutaneously holds all the currency of the world in one place, while the rest of the world circulates fraudulent cash.
* Parsimonious, desire to amass wealth, Love Money
* Larger than average noses
* Communist revolutionaries
* Look down on non-Jews, Consider themselves "chosen" and superior
* Lawyers, accountants, businessmen, bankers and Hollywood producers
* Over-analytical/neurotic, self-defeating and discontented (Woody Allen)
* Too witty
* Too sarcastic
* Too gentle
* Above-average comedic talent
* Always complaining ("kvetching")
* Nagging mothers
* Fussy
* Hassidic and Orthodox Jews make love through a hole in a sheet
* Dominant in science and medicine
* Megalomaniacal; strive to control/dominate all organized establishments
* Consume mostly bagels, seltzer water, deli food
* Low sense of Morality
* Manipulative and Calculating, particularly involving social issues
* Stick to their own kind
* Constantly under the threat of genocide
* in Soviet Russia, they kill Germans
* Keep necklaces with gold around their necks.


* Eat dogs and cats
* eats Kimchi
* tune cars
* Uber gosu-est micro (e.g BoxeR's dropship mechanics)
* Considered not as smart as the Chinese
* Inferior technology
* Prominent sex trade
* masters at starcraft, warcraft, etc.
* Passionately hate Japanese
o Think Japan altered their country's name from 'Corea' to 'Korea', just to make it alphabetically subsequent to Japan
* Really good breakdancers
* Love big corporations like Samsung
* Maple-story
* Commies
* Too Good at Soccer


* Corrupt government, corrupt police; rampant kidnapping in Mexico City, crime relatively unchecked in rest of country
* Gunslingers and drug trafickers
* Short and dark-skinned
* Wear sombreros
* Charros
* Mariachis
* Both men and women sport large moustaches
* Lazier than average
* Excel at fence-jumping, swimming, running, etc.
* Devoutly Catholic, devotion to Virgin Mary
* Hate Gringos
* Capable of digesting virtually any known substance
* Tired of hearing about the Battle of the Alamo
* Very nationalistic
* Proud of the achievements of the powerful indigenous civilizations that once thrived in Mexico, but widely opress and discriminate against these people nowadays
* Poor neighbor syndrome
* Rigid class system based on race
* Affinity for bullfights, hat dances, soccer, beer, tacos, beans and corn
* Enjoy an illegal trip across the Rio Grande
* Marijuana Mules
* Celebrate everything, even though there's nothing to celebrate
* They have more kids than Chuck Norris has balls(17 as of 1-1-0001)

Mexican Americans

* See above list for the Mexicans
* Affinity for beans
* Wearing of sombreros
* Often takes naps
* Religious
* Often employed as gardeners or farm workers
* Affinity for low riding cars
* Affinity for auto repair, stealing of cars and hubcaps
* Illegal immigrants, "wetbacks"
* Gang members
* Construction workers
* Lazy
* Love education; go to nightschool; take Spanish; Get a "B"
* Work at McDonalds or other fast food joints


* Rule most of Holland, where they use 'tolerance' and 'multi-culturalism' as an excuse to lie, steal, maim, kill and insult.

Native Americans

* Alcoholism
* Feathers, war bonnets, war paint
* Indigent
* Often owns casinos (Indian casino)
* Particularly spiritual; noble savage
* Sagacious elderly
* Wise
* Often live on reservations
* make their own money

New Zealanders

* Being jealous of their Australian neighbours
* Excellent mountaineers - for example Sir Edmund Hillary
* Call themselves Kiwis after a native bird (not the fruit)
* Avid hunters, fishermen, outdoorsmen
* More sheep than people
* Rumored to shag the occasional sheep
* Enjoy drinking and telling jokes at the pub
* Not known for formality - for example Peter Jackson of The Lord of the Rings fame
* Known for their "she'll be right" attitude to politics


* Great athletes
* Avid hunters, fishermen, outdoorsmen & mariners
* Eat Santa's reindeer
* Sexy, attractive
* Tall, blonde, blue eyed majority
* Believe they are the finest sailors in the world
* Stoic, unemotional
* Reputation for toughness
* Depressed, high suicide rate
* Alcoholic
* Tasteless food, tasteless weak beer
* Dependent on north sea oil revenues for cradle to grave welfare state
* Prominent brows and other skull ridges (square headed)
* Believe most Swedish men are gay & weak
* Death metal
* Rich but boring..

Norwegian Americans

* See above list for the Norwegians
* Mostly live in Minnesota, North Dakota & Wisconsin (upper midwest)
* Devout Lutherans
* Attend pot-luck suppers
* Eat Lutefisk & Kippers frequently
* Guilt obsessed
* Norwegians & Icelanders proud they got to America before the Italians & Spanish
* Love the Hockey, eh'
* Talk like Sheriff Marge Gunderson in the Coen Brothers film Fargo
* Say Uff'Da when annoyed


* Say "Argh!" a lot.
* Rape and Pillage.
* Bury Treasure.
* Unbury Buried Treasure.
* Draw Treasure maps.
* Know Johnny Depp.
* Their ships use Pier-to-Pier technology


* Alcoholism
* Low intelligence (vast majority of the population), extremely intelligent (very few), with no middle ground
* Deeply religious (Catholicism), proud of Pope John Paul II
* Beautiful women with large breasts
* Rotten cabbage, rotten cucumber and pork-knuckle based cuisine
* Independent, rebellious, courageous
* Most of them are dumb farmers
* Like to steal cars more than Gypsies (from Gone in 60 Seconds(1974))

Polish Americans

* See above list for Poles
* More Poles in Chicago than in Warsaw
* Big sports fans
* Love to drink beer, and eat kielbasa (esp. when watching football)
* Used to hearing lots of Polish jokes
* Perception as traditional blue collar catholics
* Mike Ditka considered a national hero


* Obese
* Long lived and healthy
* Live in a paradise-like setting
* Promiscuous
* Love SPAM (the canned meat - not junk email)

Puerto Ricans

* Believe they are superior to Mexican Americans or Dominicans
* Love to eat rice and beans
* Usually wealthier than Mexican Americans
* Decry their status as second class citizens, but glad not to pay federal income tax
* Love to dance, love clubing/night life
* Have disruptive parades in urban areas
* Hostile towards any perceived disrespect of the Puerto Rican flag
* Associated with drug dealers
* Perceived contributions to world are salsa singers
* Perception of being dark skinned


* Alcoholism
* Involved in organized crime, usually in the illegal sale of firearms
* Affinity for vodka
* Can drink massive amounts of alcohol and still pass a sobriety test.
* Associated with communism
* Affinity for balalaika
* Irritable, easily offended, violent
* Swoon into the arms of the closest dictator
* Wearing of ushanka
* Particularly comely females (until age 35 or so)
* Cranky, mistrusting
* Pessimistic and highly cynical
* Spies
* Prostitutes, pornography of all sorts
* Speak English with a very thick accent
* Respond to Your Mom jokes with extreme offence
* Extremely rich oligarchs live in London while masses of poor live in squalid holes back home
* Large portion of the Russian female population available to buy on the Internet
* All females have those ugly hairy moles on their face.
* Babushkas
* Hated by Estonians, Americans, Japanese for reasons entirely to do with their association to communism
* Are pretty much invincible.(See Rasputin)


* Drunk, sentimental, lyrical
* Dislike of the English
* Wear kilts and tartan
* Rude, surly, irritable, easily offended, violent
* Inventive
* Clanknish
* Parsimonious
* Adventurous, courageous, independent, rebellious
* Hairy
* Painted themselves with Wade (blue pigment) before battle
* Military skill, unless fighting English
* Known to eat offal, haggis, and kippers
* Play bagpipes
* Will deep-fry almost anything (haggis, pizza, mars bars, cows testicles, their own testicles, etc.)
* Refuses to wear anything under their kilts, for obvious reasons


* All Alcoholics
* Always want to mention that some gay, was a Serb
* Arrogant
* Good musicians
* Good in sport, except football
* ****ed nation (that’s why everyone bombs them)
* Heroic military, although 90% of them avoid serving the army
* Homosexual Hooligans
* In Yugoslav wars, they believed they killed none and everyone killed them
* Like to kill their own state leaders: Karageorge, Michael Obrenovitch, Alexander Obrenovitch, Ivan Stambolic, Zoran Djindjic
* Nationalists, Communists, and generally tendency towards Authoritarianism
* Paranoiac because of the World Conspiracy against them
* Religiously devout, although they confuse church with a grocery-shop
* Short memory; survived genocide commit by Croats in WW2, but they kept in one state with them
* Spite; do thing purposely although they know it’s not good for them
* The most ancient nation in the world; formed even before amoebas
* Their philosophy: They can’t pay me so little as I can work so little
* They hate politicians, although they need their “beloved Father of a Nation”
* They love their glorious history, although it is full of lossiness
* They think that Albanians, Americans, Bosniaks, Croats, gays, Freemasons, Jews, lesbians, Muslims, Smurfs, Pope, get up every single morning thinking how to harm them


* Have stereotypes on every possible type of person
* Look down on Latin Americans
* Talk with a lisp
* Enjoy getting run over by bulls
* Nihilistic party animals
* Affinity for sangria, ham, bullfighting and paella
* Treat animals cruelly
* Fanatic Catholics; controlled by the Jesuits
* Able to become addicted to anything
* When talking, they use a "Z" instead of an "S"


* Tall, blond
* Attractive, sexy
* Neutral in international conflicts
* tanned
* Make depressing, confusing, or overly maudlin movies/films
* Alcoholic
* Danes & Finns & Norwegians believe most Swedish men are gay
* Promiscuous, adulterous
* Tasteless food, tasteless weak beer
* Prominent brows and other skull ridges (square headed)
* Dependent from cradle on grave welfare state


* Stoic, teutonic
* Neutral on nearly everything
* Tendency to smoke way too much, and everywhere
* Takes their dogs everywhere, on trains and in restaurants
* War profiteers in WWII
* Affinity for cuckoo clocks
* Wear lederhosen
* Suspicious banking practices
* Every one is called "Sven"


* Skinny
* Drug addicts
* Anarchists
* Consider themselves superior of other Africans
* Don't marry outside their own tribe
* Dont like to be called "Somalian"
* Hate being confused for an Ethiopian
* Anti-American
* dirty spam heads that knock over everything in their path!
* scavengers


* Prone to having two heads
* Not actually part of Australia
* Enjoy relations with those of the same family
* Australia doesnt want them


* Prefer spicy food
* Prominent sex trade
* Festering kettle of sexual perversion and disease
* Sexual enslavement of women, including underaged girls
* Paedophile tourist destination
* Drink snake blood as an aphrodisiac
* Prominent illegal drug trade


* Short
* Dark, swarthy & hairy
* Prideful
* Nationalistic
* Smoke water pipes
* Play chess and other games in public squares/outdoor cafes
* Occasional recreational homosexuality
* Occasional pederasty
* Hate the Greeks and Armenians passionately, since Greece owned them
* Admire European women
* Love to barbecue lamb
* Pretend to be smart
* Pretend to be straight
* Enjoy threesomes with other animals
* Wannabe Arabs
* In the process of taking over Germany
* Pirates


* Eat dogs and cats
* Insane
* Cunning, cruel
* Small in stature, petite
* Wear black pajamas
* Excellent tunnel diggers
* Nearly hairless
* Superstitous, obsessed with luck, avid gamblers
* eat noodles

Vietnamese Americans

* See above list for the Vietnamese
* Loyal Americans
* Excellent students
* Suspicious of non-Viets
* Some problems with youth gangs
* Many employed as manicurists and hair stylists
* Petite females considered sexually desirable

WASP Americans

* Fanatical Republican supporters
* Extremely Pale
* Bland, boring
* Favor Gin & Tonics over other drinks, call them G&Ts
* Send their kids to prep schools
* Protestant, but not religious
* Wealthy, but don't like to show off their wealth
* Tendency towards being inbred
* Claim to have at least one ancestor from the Mayflower
* Tendency towards preppy clothes and hairstyles
* Tendency to have a superior or patronizing attitude to their "lessers"
* The "waspiest" speak with Connectthedots "lockjaw"
* Named Chip or Buffy
* Wives all dress like First Ladies
* Live in Connectthedots


* Reputation for dishonesty, see Taffy
* Covered with coal dust from working in mines
* Dislike of the English
* Sexually promiscuous
* Always playing or watching Rugby
* Whimsical, lyrical
* Rowdy pub culture, but not a reputation for drunkeness or alcoholism
* Short in stature, and dark
* Above average musical & dramatic ability
* Rumoured bestiality with sheep
* Stupid language
* Annoying accent
* Stupid

* Above average ability in mathematics
* Small stature
* Small male genitalia
* Glabrescent
* Poor eyesight
* Buck teeth
* Little or no body hair
* Demure and passive, particularly females
* Poor driving skills
* Obsessed with luck, avid gamblers
* Above average musical talent, especially in piano and strings
* Affinity for Asian sports cars
* Above average ability in martial arts
* Patient
* Poor builders/makers
* Claustrophobia is non-existent with every and any asian
* Can pass all video games within a matter of minutes, especially The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
* Own you in any game you can name. Yes, even rock paper scissors.
* Can only dance in the presence of a video game screen with rising instructions
* Think of every animal as food
* Above averge ability in ping pong


* Bad reputation
* Inability to form complex thought.
* Bad grammar, use of ebonics
* Cunning warriors
* Larger than average male genitalia
* Strong, good runners and athletes
* Excellent basketball players
* Tribalism, and emphasis on folk culture
* Ignorance
* Sexually promiscuous, insatiable
* Impoverished
* Sold their African brothers off to slave traders
* Myth of extra bone and/or extra tendon in foot (reason for athletic ability)
* Supertstitious, religious
* Affinity for transfering misfortune in the guilt of 'Whities'
* George W. Bush doesn't care about them.
* Easily offended
* Gross, smelly
* Love to eat fried chicken


* Most serial killers are white
* Affinity for extreme sports
* Second only to Asians in intelligence
* More wealth than other races
* Consider themselves more attractive than other races
* Take a stance of cultural superiority
* Descended from Cro-Magnons and/or Neanderthals (Albanians only)
* ain't got no hops
* They like to think of themselves as better than you
* Yoda falls under this catergory
* math
* Communist, left-wing, right-wing, or nazi, with little to no centrists
* Scared of the ghetto. You know it's true.
* Non-religious
* Will destroy the world
* Want to know everything
* Smell like dogs


* They are all Mexicans as far as Americans are concerned
* Dark and short
* Smelly (not in a good way)
* Lower intelligence than whites', but higher than blacks'
* Illegal immigrants
* Wetbacks
* Can't speak English properly
* Good music
* Very proud of their heritage; nationalistic
* Probably mow your lawn (poorly)
* Probably cook your food (and spit on it)
* Gunmen and drug traffickers
* Genitalia the same size as whites; fatter asses
* Sexy
* Promiscuous
* Latin Lovers
* Better at dancing than other races
* Devoutly Catholic
* Superstitious
* Frequently brag about how great and rich their cultures are (they aren't)
* Always talk about how unfair immigration laws are and how much their countries' economies have suffered thanks to American imperialism (whitey bashers)
[reveal] Gay Men

* Effeminate
* Speak with a lisp
* Have great fashion tastes
* Love shopping
* Drag queens
* Promiscuous
* Incredibly shallow
* Cannot sustain a steady relationship
* Depressed, suicidal
* Occasional paedophilic tendencies
* Children of gay couples are deeply traumatised, and gay


* Butch/femme
* Act more masculine than ordinary men
* Man-haters
* Most likely radical feminists


* Promiscuous
* Deceptive
* Insincere
* Hypocritical
* Are really just closeted homosexuals
* Don't really exist
* Everybody is one


* Will have sex with just about anything
* Thinks about Sex all the time
* Is a giver, not a reciever
* All women are one

U.S. Regional Stereotypes
[reveal] New Yorkers

* Rude
* Selfish
* White, Puerto Rican, Italian, Jewish, or Black
* Always in a hurry
* Loud
* Consider themselves better than the rest of the country

Southern Californians

* Valley Girl, surfer, gang member, or movie star
* Superficial and shallow
* Has gone through several plastic surgeries
* Spends hours in traffic
* Health conscious, often a vegetarian


* Hard to understand when speaking
* Owns a rifle
* Racist
* Inbred
* Religious fanatic
* Talk with a 7 pound **** in their mouth
* In the South they dont have "Friends with benefits", they have "Siblings with benefits"
* Think that anything above the Mason Dixon Line is evil.
* Hate each other more than they hate northerners.
* Would like you to meet their mother and their aunt...she's a nice lady.
* Proud to be known as the Conservative States of America!
* Klan members.


* Live on the beach.
* Have thick, brown, leathery skin from being out in the sun way too much.
* Horrible drivers!
* All originally from the Northeast.
* Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!
* Always sweaty.
* Grow pot in their backyard.
* All old people.
* Have trouble reading butterfly ballots.
* All have pet gators in their bathtub.
* All have their own theories regarding the origin of Lovebugs.
* Listen to Jimmy Buffet.
* Constantly saying: "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."


* Owns a ranch
* Speaks with a twang
* Have names like "Hightower"
* Think they could survive as their own country
* Host very large cookouts
* Eat mountain oysters


* Suicidal, boorish
* Comfortable in sub-zero weather
* Only people who can talk straight
* Love beer, brats & kraut
* Consider Chicago a foreign country
* Consider Lake Michigan the 5th ocean
* Males have a very large heads
* Males are more burly than Harrison Ford
* Females are also genrally burly
* Wisconsin sports fans & Illinois sports fans kill each other in the mezzanine level
* Minnesota and Illinois have declared war on each other, Wisconsin is neutral

Northwesterners (Washington & Oregon Natives)

* Extremely Liberal
* Always drinking coffee or latte
* Shop at Co-ops
* Frequently dumpster diving
* Wear sandals with socks year-round
* Listen to NPR
* Pale from lack of sun exposure
* Refer to spouses as "My Partner" even if they're straight
* Flannel Shirts & Grunge Music
* Grows good pot
* High rate of unwed mothers (all races), illegitimacy [/reveal]




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