是和孩子关系很大。 因为蒙校上午下午都会有circle time, 幼儿班(casa)的老师都会一起唱歌做游戏,都会对每位小朋友打招呼,一般的孩子一周内就能知道同学和老师的名字。 我喜欢蒙氏好的地方不是它教会孩子多少知识, 而是它培养孩子的独立性,让孩子从小就独立,还培养的孩子的人格和社交的能力, 帮助的能力,还有团队合作意识。蒙氏学校一般都是三个年级在一个班, 比如3-6岁的孩子放在一个班里, 大孩子帮助小孩子,小的跟着大的学, 没有bully.在蒙氏教学中, 孩子是需要自己整理自己的东西, 比如拿了一个教具学习, 用完了就要整整齐齐的放回到原来的地方,这可能就是好多家长误会的规矩多。 老师在蒙氏中称为‘帮助者’ helper‘引导者‘directress 而不是老师teacher. 学生学习以自己为中心, 每个孩子都有不同的进度, 每天每个孩子学习的东西也不是完全相同。在别的老师眼里觉得这不可能, 怎么会每个孩子进度不一样呢?怎么实现呢?其实很简单, 因为每个孩子都是不同的, 这个是天生的, 所以学习的东西肯定是不同的。老师设定了教室的规矩, 比如互相尊重不同的文化,等等,所有的人都必须遵守,试想一个没有规矩的教室, 孩子还不炸成一锅了啊。 再有, 真正的蒙氏教育里面没有’time out', 如果孩子开始在一起silly, 就会让他们’ tidy up, choose another work'. 如果孩子做错了题, 比如1+1=3,通常我们不会告诉他你做错了, 而是让他再做一遍,如果他始终没有做对, 那么我们会跟他演示一遍,或者是明天再让他做一次。 不是所有的孩子都能一次就学会, 通常都是反复练习。 蒙氏教育的东西实在太多了, 在网上还真一次说不完,呵呵,我也是在不断的改进中, 学习中
觉得真正的蒙校应该是没有circle time的,因为这不符合蒙式理念
It seems that the various
Montessori organizations hold different opinions on the use of Circle time. Regardless of the opinions, it is used frequently throughout Montessori schools, but varies greatly from school to school. Some schools have a set time and procedure that is followed each and every day. Other schools allow the teachers the freedom to hold a circle according to the daily needs of the children/teachers.
But the question is -
do the children really need Circle time? Or is it simply used by the adult/teacher as a method of corralling the children so that information can be delivered to the masses? Do Montessori schools have circle time because parents expect it? Or do they have it because they feel it's valuable?
If you are familiar with Maria Montessori and her work, you would agree that it would seem logical that
Maria Montessori would not be pleased with the idea of 'Circle' time - regardless of the time of day it's held. She would most likely say that the circle time:
- is directed by the adult and not by the natural desire or curiosity of the child
- interferes with the natural uninterrupted work cycle of the child
- forces the children to sit still when really their whole being is desperate to move & touch things
- does not follow the natural curiosity of each child
If you're obligated by the school to hold Circle time perhaps you can
ask yourself the following questions:
- Are variations of Circle time even possible?
- Can I make Circle time more child-led?
- Can children opt to not participate in Circle time, remaining at their work instead?
- Is there a time in the day that would be less intrusive on the children's work?
- Can the information given at Circle time be given in another way?
To Circle, or not to Circle .... that is the question.