Summitt Energy是过去10年来北美发展最快的提供家庭服务的综合性公司,业务包括销售煤气,电力及热水器租赁业务和冷暖气机保护计划。客户遍布安省,魁省和BC省以及美国. 因公司业务拓展,急需有经验的客户服务代表;
Summitt is a retail energy marketer who provides natural gas and electricity to homes and businesses across Canada.
For consumers who prefer the certainty of knowing what they will pay each month and want protection from rising energy costs, Summitt Energy provides fixed price energy programs.
Summitt also provides Home Services through water heater rentals, carbon offset programs, and HVAC maintenance and repair plans. Our programs help our customer’s budget their monthly cash flow.
Our Home Services programs are available at a low monthly fee, and help customers avoid unexpected repair costs that can often cost thousands of dollars.
1, 销售代表3-5人($50k+/year) Code:Sales001
要求: 基本英文,无需经验(手把手提供培训,无任何费用)
2, 业务经理1-2人($100k+/year) Code:SaleM001
- 具有较强英文的沟通能力
- 能在压力下工作
- 每周40小时全职工作
- 具有销售、客服经验者及自备车者优先
- 受聘者将获得免费培训 ( Office training and field training )
- 具竞争力的薪酬制度(附件为三个销售人员的一周支票$3477,$3277 和 $2446)
- 季度提供世界各地奖励旅游
- 公司可提供雇主信给予留学生帮助移民。
联系电话: 416-915-7595 (Recuit Coordinator: Mia Ge)或 437-889-7086 (Cell)
公司地址:Suite 106 - 150 Consumers Rd, North York M2J 1P9