Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of State in Reagan Administration; Senior Director of the National Security Council in Bush Administration
Eric Alterman, Professor at Brooklyn College; political columnist for The Nation; Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and the World Policy Institute
Donald Baer, White House Director of Communications and Strategic Planning in Clinton Administration
Valerie Lynn Baldwin, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), Bush Administration
Walter Berns, Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Alan Blinder, Chief Economist of the Council of Economic Advisors under Bill Clinton; economic advisor to John Kerry; vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; Professor of Economics, Princeton University
Bill Blythe, former Republican state representative from Harris County, Texas, 1971 to 1983
Michael Chertoff, United States Secretary of Homeland Security, Bush Administration; US Attorney, Bush Sr. and Clinton Administrations
Colm Connolly, United States Attorney, Bush Administration
Lauchlin Currie, White House Economic Adviser to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Rosa DeLauro, high-ranking Democratic Member of the US House of Representatives
Edwin Feulner, President of the Heritage Foundation Think Tank
William Gale, Council of Economic Advisers, Bush Administration
Eric Garcetti, Mayor, Los Angeles
Marc Grossman, US Under-Secretary of State, Bush Administration; US Ambassador to Turkey, Clinton Administration; Special Advisor to the President on Near East Affairs, Carter Administration
Orval H. Hansen, Republican Member of the US House of Representatives
Genta H. Holmes, United States Ambassador to Australia, Clinton Administration; United States Ambassador to Namibia; Chief of Mission to Haiti and Malawi
Alice Stone Ilchman, Assistant Secretary of Education and Cultural Affairs under US President Jimmy Carter
Bruce Jentleson, International Affairs Fellow, Council of Foreign Relations; Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Vice President Al Gore
Bruce Katz, former Chief of Staff, US Department of Housing and Urban Development; Vice President, Brookings Institution
Anthony Kennedy, United States Supreme Court, Associate Justice
John F. Kennedy, President of the United States 1961-1963
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., first son of Joseph Kennedy and elder brother of John F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., environmental activist, son of slain Senator Robert Kennedy
Vanessa Kerry, Democratic activist and daughter of Senator John Kerry (D-MA)
Ron Kind, Democratic Member of US House of Representatives
Mark Kirk, Republican Member of the US Senate
Susan Lindauer, ex-Congressional aide accused of assisting Iraqi intelligence prior to the 2003 invasion
Edward Luttwak, Consultant to the US National Security Council, State Department and Defence Department; Economist; Historian; Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
James McGreevey, former governor of New Jersey
Brad Miller, Member of the US House of Representatives
Richard H. Moore, North Carolina state treasurer
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, US Senator
Ethan Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance
Peter R. Orszag, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Senior Economist, Council of Economic Advisors, Clinton Administration; Fellow of the Brookings Institution; Professor, Georgetown University, Congressional Budget Office Director, Director designate Office of Management and Budget
Tan Parker, member of the Texas House of Representatives
Alice Paul, American suffragist
Richard Perle, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Reagan Administration; Chairman of Defense Department Advsory Committee, Bush Administration; fellow, American Enterprise Institute
F. Whitten Peters, Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C.
David Rockefeller, former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank; Chairman/Honorary Chairman, the Council on Foreign Relations; Chairman/Honorary Chairman, the Trilateral Commission
Pete Rouse, White House Chief of Staff, Obama Administration
James Rubin, Assistant Secretary of State, Clinton Administration; lead foreign policy adviser to John Kerry campaign
Robert Rubin, US Treasury Secretary and Director, National Economic Council, Clinton Administration; Director of Goldman Sachs
Rajiv Shah, USAID Administrator, Obama Administration
Robert Shapiro, Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, Clinton Administration; Fellow of Harvard University; Fellow of National Bureau of Economic Research
Mona Sutphen, current White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
John Tower, US Senator
Paul Volcker, Chairman of Federal Reserve, Carter and Reagan Administrations; US Treasury Under-Secretary, Nixon Administration; President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
David Welch, Assistant Secretary of State, Clinton Administration; US Ambassador to Egypt, Bush Administration
Kimba Wood, United States Federal Judge; Attorney General Nominee
Janet Yellen, Chair, Federal Reserve, formerly Council of Economic Advisers, Clinton Administration; Vice-President, American Economic Association; President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Dov Zakheim, Under-Secretary of Defense, Bush and Reagan administrations