于 于越江 1,200 最大赞力 0.00 当前赞力 100.00% 2015-05-18 #2 没有。在Humber College 有。见链接 http://www.humber.ca/motorcycle/ Humber College offers all of the motorcycle rider training to obtain your licence All of our 2015 Learn to Ride Motorcycle training courses; (M1 to M2) and your full motorcycle licence course (M2 to M) are NOW available to sign up for online!
没有。在Humber College 有。见链接 http://www.humber.ca/motorcycle/ Humber College offers all of the motorcycle rider training to obtain your licence All of our 2015 Learn to Ride Motorcycle training courses; (M1 to M2) and your full motorcycle licence course (M2 to M) are NOW available to sign up for online!