今天 DM2了,可是具体显示的如下,请帮我看看这是要寄护照的意思么?谢谢


Permanent Residence Application(s)
Permanent Residence Application(s) Applicant Permanent Residence Application Status
XXXXX Decision Made


  1. We received your application for permanent residence on March 21, 2011.
  2. We started processing your application on April 28, 2015.
  3. We sent you medical instructions on April 28, 2015. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
  4. Medical results have been received.
这个是什么情况啊,我爸妈 4/28的确收到了体检信,5/6就体检完成了,而且5/13CIC 网站上已经显示 Medical results have been received。MER都已经3个月呀。 今天多了第3条的内容,我仔细读了第3条的内容,觉得前后不一致啊。 

please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible  -- 这是要我提供体检结果么? 第4条已经确认结果他们收到了啊

Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us  -- 这是什么意思,他们发了邮件给我?寄护照信??


我的申请还没有到这一步。但是从信内容的理解是: 他们已经收到体检结果了。至于第三条,他们在信里有没有特别要求你交什么文件?如果没有,可以不理会。。。。另外那句话就是 (如果需要交什么什么文件的话,要尽快,因为邮件在路上还会花时间)。。个人理解/。
我的申请还没有到这一步。但是从信内容的理解是: 他们已经收到体检结果了。至于第三条,他们在信里有没有特别要求你交什么文件?如果没有,可以不理会。。。。另外那句话就是 (如果需要交什么什么文件的话,要尽快,因为邮件在路上还会花时间)。。个人理解/。
谢谢你的分析。 4/28就只收到体检表格,没有要求其他东西

因为之前联邦担保通过的时候也有 DM, 我们俗称 DM1,当时点击进去是这样显示的 “ We made decision on your application and sent you a letter on xxxx. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us" 而那时我同时收到了担保通过信。所以我现在对这句话的理解有些疑惑了。。。
体检医院8月13号寄出我爸爸的复检结果,8月20号DM2, 但是我只有你的1-3. 前几天有一个坛友也是DM2只有1-3,他几天后就收到寄护照的信了。希望我们也很快有好消息。



Permanent Residence Application(s)
Permanent Residence Application(s) Applicant Permanent Residence Application Status
XXXXX Decision Made


  1. We received your application for permanent residence on March 21, 2011.
  2. We started processing your application on April 28, 2015.
  3. We sent you medical instructions on April 28, 2015. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
  4. Medical results have been received.
这个是什么情况啊,我爸妈 4/28的确收到了体检信,5/6就体检完成了,而且5/13CIC 网站上已经显示 Medical results have been received。MER都已经3个月呀。 今天多了第3条的内容,我仔细读了第3条的内容,觉得前后不一致啊。 

please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible  -- 这是要我提供体检结果么? 第4条已经确认结果他们收到了啊

Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us  -- 这是什么意思,他们发了邮件给我?寄护照信??


我也收到decision made,点进去,也有第三条,跟你一样的疑惑。是DM2吗?


  1. We received your application for permanent residence on March 21, 2011.
  2. We started processing your application on April 28, 2015.
  3. Medical results have been received.
我MER 已经3个月了,一直在等 dm2,今天显示dm2,但他们加了We sent you medical instructions on April 28, 2015. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. 我觉得信息重复了,所以有些不解
体检医院8月13号寄出我爸爸的复检结果,8月20号DM2, 但是我只有你的1-3. 前几天有一个坛友也是DM2只有1-3,他几天后就收到寄护照的信了。希望我们也很快有好消息。


Permanent Residence Application(s)
Permanent Residence Application(s) Applicant Permanent Residence Application Status
XXXXX Decision Made


  1. We received your application for permanent residence on March 21, 2011.
  2. We started processing your application on April 28, 2015.
  3. We sent you medical instructions on April 28, 2015. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
  4. Medical results have been received.
这个是什么情况啊,我爸妈 4/28的确收到了体检信,5/6就体检完成了,而且5/13CIC 网站上已经显示 Medical results have been received。MER都已经3个月呀。 今天多了第3条的内容,我仔细读了第3条的内容,觉得前后不一致啊。 

please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible  -- 这是要我提供体检结果么? 第4条已经确认结果他们收到了啊

Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us  -- 这是什么意思,他们发了邮件给我?寄护照信??


我爸爸也做了痰培养,两天前DM2了,还是没有收到PL的EMAIL,至少你的还有MER, 一定是好消息
我爸爸也做了痰培养,两天前DM2了,还是没有收到PL的EMAIL,至少你的还有MER, 一定是好消息
谢谢谢谢,MER 很久前就有了,我还调了档案,上面也显示, MEDICAL EXAM PASSED.
你也别担心,论坛里有朋友直接 DM2,然后收到护照信,始终没有 mer 的

我和你时间点差不多。 四月体检,五月显示到MER 了。 7月21日我看的时候 还没有 DM。 昨天看8月22日看 变成 DM了。但是点进去没有任何更新,就和你显示的一样的内容。 我的申请是今年3月转到密市那边处理的。 现在就还是在等到底是什么decision。。。不知道是喜是忧。 真的觉得好奇怪,为什么DM后 还不同发邮件通知到底决定是什么。




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