

G 牌路线
1. Exit test centre parking lot and turn left onto Bryne Drive
2. At the first set of lights, turn right onto Mapleview Drive
3. Take Highway 400 South on-ramp and merge onto the highway
4. Several right to middle and middle to right lane changes on the 400 southbound.
5. Exit at Innisfil Beach Road and turn right at the lights
6. Turn right at the next set of lights onto 5th Sideroad (Veterans Drive)
7. Take Veterans Drive all the way North to Mapleview and continue another few blocks North (speed limit changes from 80 to 60 shortly before Mapleview)
8. Turn left from Veterans Drive onto Touchette Drive and then left onto Lake Crescent.
9. Roadside stop on Lake Cres (no incline), 3-point-turn, and paralell park
10. Turn right onto Touchette Drive from Lake Cres. and then back onto Veterans Drive.
11. Turn left onto Caplan Ave
12. Turn right onto Bryne Drive and go straight
13. Enter the test centre parking lot and just front-in parked

Barrie G2牌路考路线

Exit from Driving centre plaza and take left on bryne drive
Take left on Mapleview Dr west
Take right on Veterans dr
Take right on Brookwood dr and immediate right on thurshwood dr
Parallel parking on this street
Left on elmbrook dr
Left again left on Brookwood dr
uphill parking
Left on Veterans Dr
Again left on Caplan Ave
Right on Bryne Dr
Enter into plaza and forward parking.





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