I ilovestan 3 2016-01-27 #2 FionaG 说: 有谁可以教我怎么调档吗?网址是什么。 点击展开... http://forum.iask.ca/threads/分享我的atip-online-request调档申请经过与结果,供参考.683522/#post-10411162 Video shows you how to fill out the form step by step
FionaG 说: 有谁可以教我怎么调档吗?网址是什么。 点击展开... http://forum.iask.ca/threads/分享我的atip-online-request调档申请经过与结果,供参考.683522/#post-10411162 Video shows you how to fill out the form step by step
L lee 123 86 2016-01-28 #3 ilovestan 说: http://forum.iask.ca/threads/分享我的atip-online-request调档申请经过与结果,供参考.683522/#post-10411162 Video shows you how to fill out the form step by step 点击展开... 请问一般案件D M了调挡会看到什么内容,其实想问调挡是??
ilovestan 说: http://forum.iask.ca/threads/分享我的atip-online-request调档申请经过与结果,供参考.683522/#post-10411162 Video shows you how to fill out the form step by step 点击展开... 请问一般案件D M了调挡会看到什么内容,其实想问调挡是??
W wltwin 28 2017-05-10 #4 请问现在有人最近调过档吗? 上面的信息有些过时了, what type of record would you like to request ? 是应该选permanent residence 还是 选family class, spouse, or refugee sporsonship ? 谢谢
请问现在有人最近调过档吗? 上面的信息有些过时了, what type of record would you like to request ? 是应该选permanent residence 还是 选family class, spouse, or refugee sporsonship ? 谢谢