lease车的价格是否合适,有个最简单判断方法,就是是每月月供应该接近或等于该车MSRP的1%。比如MSRP 5万左右的BMW X3, 500刀左右算不错的lease (不含税), 0 down payment。
3,dealer fees等杂七杂八,这个可以谈。
折旧:成交价 - 残值百分比×MSRP。比如一辆X3叫价5万,4万5成交,残值百分比60%,那么折旧就是45k - 0.6×50k=15k。
厂商的财务成本: 比如当前X3的apr是2.99%,那么公式是:(成交价+残值)/2×(2.99%/12),进一步推导是(成交价+残值)×(2.99%/24),那么最后这个括号里的部分就称作money factor.
补充一个,残值百分比在哪里找。以宝马为例,去官网找他的special offers,lease offer,看小字,里面会提到msrp多少钱以及残值多少钱,用残值除以msrp就是残值百分比。
比如现在328i GT的lease offer:
*European model shown. Features and equipment may vary in Canada. Lease offer 0.90% APR for 24 months available only through BMW Financial Services Canada on approved credit (OAC). Lease example based on 2016 BMW 328i xDrive GT base model: Total Selling Price $52,268. MSRP $49,140 at 0.90% APR for 24 months. Monthly payment is $678 with down payment or trade equivalent of $4,000, Freight & PDI $2,145, Retailer Administration Fee (up to) $595, Air Conditioning tax $100, PPSA / RDPRM $112, Motor Vehicle Industry Council Fee $140, Fuel Tax $0, and Tire Levy $36 are included in the Total Selling Price and due on signing. Licensing, registration, and applicable taxes are extra and due on signing. Freight & PDI can be financed over the term of the lease contract. First month’s lease payment and security deposit of $4,678 due on signing. Total obligation for the lease is $47,407. The residual value of the vehicle at the end of the term is $28,010. Annual kilometers limited to 24,000; $1.25 per excess kilometer. Retailers are free to set their own prices. Excess wear-and-tear charges may apply. Offer expires May 31st, 2016. Delivery must be taken by May 31st, 2016. Offer is subject to availability and may be cancelled or changed without notice. Certain conditions apply. See your local BMW Retailer for full details.
残值百分比是57%, 24个月lease.
而这个320i的lease offer:
*European model shown. Features and equipment may vary in Canada. Lease offer 0.90% APR for 24 months available only through BMW Financial Services Canada on approved credit (OAC). Lease example based on 2016 BMW 320i xDrive Sedan base model: Total Selling Price $43,118. MSRP $39,990 at 0.90% APR for 24 months. Monthly payment is $408 with down payment or trade equivalent of $3,650, Freight & PDI $2,145, Retailer Administration Fee (up to) $595, Air Conditioning tax $100, PPSA / RDPRM $112, Motor Vehicle Industry Council Fee $140, Fuel Tax $0, and Tire Levy $36 are included in the Total Selling Price and due on signing. Licensing, registration, and applicable taxes are extra and due on signing. Freight & PDI can be financed over the term of the lease contract. First month’s lease payment and security deposit of $4,058 due on signing. Total obligation for the lease is $38,508. The residual value of the vehicle at the end of the term is $25,594. Annual kilometers limited to 24,000; $0.15 per excess kilometer. Retailers are free to set their own prices. Excess wear-and-tear charges may apply. Offer expires May 31st, 2016. Delivery must be taken by May 31st, 2016. Offer is subject to availability and may be cancelled or changed without notice. Certain conditions apply. See your local BMW Retailer for full details.
残值百分比是64%, 24个月lease.
另外,残值百分比同样作用于选配包,也就是如果你给上面这个320i加个比如说4000刀的premium包,这个包的残值百分比也是64%。包加多,价格会高,但是更容易砍价,所以和实际成交价比起来,实际上你拿到的残值百分比会更高。 X1曾经给出68%的残值百分比,配上点东西再砍砍价,特别是X1这种至少砍下10%才能算及格的车,3年下来的实际残值能高达msrp的78%。
lease车的价格是否合适,有个最简单判断方法,就是是每月月供应该接近或等于该车MSRP的1%。比如MSRP 5万左右的BMW X3, 500刀左右算不错的lease (不含税), 0 down payment。
3,dealer fees等杂七杂八,这个可以谈。
折旧:成交价 - 残值百分比×MSRP。比如一辆X3叫价5万,4万5成交,残值百分比60%,那么折旧就是45k - 0.6×50k=15k。
厂商的财务成本: 比如当前X3的apr是2.99%,那么公式是:(成交价+残值)/2×(2.99%/12),进一步推导是(成交价+残值)×(2.99%/24),那么最后这个括号里的部分就称作money factor.
补充一个,残值百分比在哪里找。以宝马为例,去官网找他的special offers,lease offer,看小字,里面会提到msrp多少钱以及残值多少钱,用残值除以msrp就是残值百分比。
比如现在328i GT的lease offer:
*European model shown. Features and equipment may vary in Canada. Lease offer 0.90% APR for 24 months available only through BMW Financial Services Canada on approved credit (OAC). Lease example based on 2016 BMW 328i xDrive GT base model: Total Selling Price $52,268. MSRP $49,140 at 0.90% APR for 24 months. Monthly payment is $678 with down payment or trade equivalent of $4,000, Freight & PDI $2,145, Retailer Administration Fee (up to) $595, Air Conditioning tax $100, PPSA / RDPRM $112, Motor Vehicle Industry Council Fee $140, Fuel Tax $0, and Tire Levy $36 are included in the Total Selling Price and due on signing. Licensing, registration, and applicable taxes are extra and due on signing. Freight & PDI can be financed over the term of the lease contract. First month’s lease payment and security deposit of $4,678 due on signing. Total obligation for the lease is $47,407. The residual value of the vehicle at the end of the term is $28,010. Annual kilometers limited to 24,000; $1.25 per excess kilometer. Retailers are free to set their own prices. Excess wear-and-tear charges may apply. Offer expires May 31st, 2016. Delivery must be taken by May 31st, 2016. Offer is subject to availability and may be cancelled or changed without notice. Certain conditions apply. See your local BMW Retailer for full details.
残值百分比是57%, 24个月lease.
而这个320i的lease offer:
*European model shown. Features and equipment may vary in Canada. Lease offer 0.90% APR for 24 months available only through BMW Financial Services Canada on approved credit (OAC). Lease example based on 2016 BMW 320i xDrive Sedan base model: Total Selling Price $43,118. MSRP $39,990 at 0.90% APR for 24 months. Monthly payment is $408 with down payment or trade equivalent of $3,650, Freight & PDI $2,145, Retailer Administration Fee (up to) $595, Air Conditioning tax $100, PPSA / RDPRM $112, Motor Vehicle Industry Council Fee $140, Fuel Tax $0, and Tire Levy $36 are included in the Total Selling Price and due on signing. Licensing, registration, and applicable taxes are extra and due on signing. Freight & PDI can be financed over the term of the lease contract. First month’s lease payment and security deposit of $4,058 due on signing. Total obligation for the lease is $38,508. The residual value of the vehicle at the end of the term is $25,594. Annual kilometers limited to 24,000; $0.15 per excess kilometer. Retailers are free to set their own prices. Excess wear-and-tear charges may apply. Offer expires May 31st, 2016. Delivery must be taken by May 31st, 2016. Offer is subject to availability and may be cancelled or changed without notice. Certain conditions apply. See your local BMW Retailer for full details.
残值百分比是64%, 24个月lease.
另外,残值百分比同样作用于选配包,也就是如果你给上面这个320i加个比如说4000刀的premium包,这个包的残值百分比也是64%。包加多,价格会高,但是更容易砍价,所以和实际成交价比起来,实际上你拿到的残值百分比会更高。 X1曾经给出68%的残值百分比,配上点东西再砍砍价,特别是X1这种至少砍下10%才能算及格的车,3年下来的实际残值能高达msrp的78%。
最后编辑: 2016-05-11