大家好,今年第一次帮父母申请了visitor extension(探亲延期),昨天给移民局打电话查询被告知已经通过并于七月七号寄出, 特别开心!我想把这次延期申请的重要日期分享给大家
妈妈 2015年10月13号登陆
爸爸 2015年11月5号登陆
2016年7月18号同时收到爸妈的延期许可也就是visitor record ,延期给到了2017年的2月8号,也就是当初申请表格上我填写的截止时间。
2016年10月11号返回 登陆时被要求出示visitor record并强调保存好,这个证件非常重要。入境后盖了章。
2017 APRIL 23
补充关于visitor record的问题:
有效的visitor record离开加拿大后,再重新入境的时候有没有效完全取决于海关,以下为个人对CIC官网上信息的理解如有误欢迎纠正:
Status in Canada
Who receives temporary resident status?
All persons authorized to enter Canada who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents are authorized to enter as temporary residents as a visitor, student or worker. When they enter Canada they are given temporary resident status for a limited period of time.
How do I know the expiry date of my temporary resident status?
1. Temporary residents travelling with passports:
When you arrived in Canada and gave your passport to the officer, they authorized your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document. Check your passport. If you find a stamp, it should look like one of these.
For example, if the officer specified a date as shown in the above illustration, your temporary resident status would expire on June 30th, 1993.
If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada.
If you were given a visitor record, study or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.
When applying to change conditions or extend your stay in Canada, you are required to submit photocopies of passport pages clearly showing the stamp made by Canadian authorities on your most recent entry to Canada.
如果有有效的visitor record, 学签,或者工签,有效期截止日标在这些文件上面。没有这些文件的话每次入境从盖章的日子算最多待半年,如果章下面有签日子就遵照那个日子离境。(想多待可以到期前至少30天办理延期)
我给移民局打过电话问过美国算不算出境,工作人员说离开加拿大都算出境,返回都存在风险,没人可以保证,结果取决于边境海关。 上上个礼拜有家人去了2天的旧金山,返回入境时护照给盖了章,等于是又可以待半年,不过家人延期签证还剩不到4个月的时间,海关看了就在章下面签了延期签证上面的离境日期。所以美国到底算不算出境回来会不会重新得到新的入境章?看我家人上上周发生的例子就是算的,可是这个完全没法断言,不能预测,可以试试,结果看海关。
以上来自家人的实例分享给大家。 仅供参考。
大家好,今年第一次帮父母申请了visitor extension(探亲延期),昨天给移民局打电话查询被告知已经通过并于七月七号寄出, 特别开心!我想把这次延期申请的重要日期分享给大家
妈妈 2015年10月13号登陆
爸爸 2015年11月5号登陆
2016年7月18号同时收到爸妈的延期许可也就是visitor record ,延期给到了2017年的2月8号,也就是当初申请表格上我填写的截止时间。
2016年10月11号返回 登陆时被要求出示visitor record并强调保存好,这个证件非常重要。入境后盖了章。
2017 APRIL 23
补充关于visitor record的问题:
有效的visitor record离开加拿大后,再重新入境的时候有没有效完全取决于海关,以下为个人对CIC官网上信息的理解如有误欢迎纠正:
Status in Canada
Who receives temporary resident status?
All persons authorized to enter Canada who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents are authorized to enter as temporary residents as a visitor, student or worker. When they enter Canada they are given temporary resident status for a limited period of time.
How do I know the expiry date of my temporary resident status?
1. Temporary residents travelling with passports:
When you arrived in Canada and gave your passport to the officer, they authorized your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document. Check your passport. If you find a stamp, it should look like one of these.
For example, if the officer specified a date as shown in the above illustration, your temporary resident status would expire on June 30th, 1993.
If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada.
If you were given a visitor record, study or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.
When applying to change conditions or extend your stay in Canada, you are required to submit photocopies of passport pages clearly showing the stamp made by Canadian authorities on your most recent entry to Canada.
如果有有效的visitor record, 学签,或者工签,有效期截止日标在这些文件上面。没有这些文件的话每次入境从盖章的日子算最多待半年,如果章下面有签日子就遵照那个日子离境。(想多待可以到期前至少30天办理延期)
我给移民局打过电话问过美国算不算出境,工作人员说离开加拿大都算出境,返回都存在风险,没人可以保证,结果取决于边境海关。 上上个礼拜有家人去了2天的旧金山,返回入境时护照给盖了章,等于是又可以待半年,不过家人延期签证还剩不到4个月的时间,海关看了就在章下面签了延期签证上面的离境日期。所以美国到底算不算出境回来会不会重新得到新的入境章?看我家人上上周发生的例子就是算的,可是这个完全没法断言,不能预测,可以试试,结果看海关。
以上来自家人的实例分享给大家。 仅供参考。
最后编辑: 2017-04-24