在canadavisa.com入籍论坛里看到讨论,说在入籍申请中同时递交改名,会自动被列为所谓non-routine application。non-routine的话处理时间最长可能将会是36个月。查了CIC网站上的对Non-routine application的注释,还果然是这样!大家要当心了。 (奇怪的是以前从没听说过改名会造成这个后果 有相关经验的同学们可不可以分享一下)
What is a non-routine citizenship application?
Your application may be considered non-routine if:
What is a non-routine citizenship application?
Your application may be considered non-routine if:
- You sent an application that was incomplete;
- You asked to change your personal information (name, sex designation, date of birth);
- You missed a test, interview, or hearing;
- You failed the written citizenship test;
- You did not meet the language requirements during your interview;
- We asked you to submit extra documents, like fingerprints or residence documents; or
- After you attended your interview to verify your identity and the originals of your documents, we asked you to come to another interview or hearing.