

今天不死心,再查一下processing time, 发现下面多了这么一行字:

If it has been more than six weeks longer than the time shown since you applied, and you need more information concerning the status of your application, use the Case Specific Enquiry form.


You may use this form if:
  • You have submitted an application or profile.
  • Your application has exceeded normal processing times. We will not respond to your enquiry if the application is within normal processing times.
  • You wish to report important changes, such as a change in contact information, births, deaths, marriages, divorces, adoptions, changes in employment, withdrawal of application, refund request, or urgent requests. If you are reporting a change in contact information, it will take 5 business days for it to be updated. During this time you should continue to monitor your old contact information.
  • You wish to add, change or cancel a representative and you are ready to upload your Use of Representative Form (IMM5476) or you authorize IRCC to release information from your case file and you are ready to upload your Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM5475).
  • You require urgent processing of your renewal/replacement Permanent Resident card. To be eligible for urgent processing, you must provide:
    • proof of travel (itinerary or ticket) that shows your full name, destination and travel dates;
    • proof of payment for the travel that shows the date you paid, the full amount you paid, and how you paid;
    • a letter explaining the reason for the urgency; and
    • proof of the urgency (e.g. a doctor’s note, death certificate, or letter from your employer).




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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