终于DM啦申请父母两人 只收到主申请人一封邮件

去年9月体检,后体检过期,10月又让重新体检,今天收到寄护照的邮件了,只有一封给主申请人UCI的,申请的爸妈两人,是另一个人作为accompanying family member, 所以只发一封邮件吗?还是之后会收到另一封?感谢大家帮忙~
去年9月体检,后体检过期,10月又让重新体检,今天收到寄护照的邮件了,只有一封给主申请人UCI的,申请的爸妈两人,是另一个人作为accompanying family member, 所以只发一封邮件吗?还是之后会收到另一封?感谢大家帮忙~
You must submit together:

1. One copy of this letter.

2. Passport(s) OR photocopy(ies) of passport(s), as explained in Step 2.

3. Two (2) photos of yourself and of each accompanying family member. Photos MUST meet the precise specifications found in the link below or in Appendix A at the end of this letter. If you submit photos that do not meet the exact specifications, your package will be returned to you.

就说交这些 email subject是 ready for visa
You must submit together:

1. One copy of this letter.

2. Passport(s) OR photocopy(ies) of passport(s), as explained in Step 2.

3. Two (2) photos of yourself and of each accompanying family member. Photos MUST meet the precise specifications found in the link below or in Appendix A at the end of this letter. If you submit photos that do not meet the exact specifications, your package will be returned to you.

就说交这些 email subject是 ready for visa
yourself and of each accompanying family member。对的,交2人份的




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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