2016 父母移民还有在等体检的吗?

2016年递交父母移民材料 2017年二月担保资格通过转到渥太华。已经一年多了没有任何消息。 想问问有没有去年二月转到渥太华的有收到体检通知或让补材料。
因为国家与社会的基础是家庭!所以我观察一个社会,我先去问离婚率。离婚率高,这个社会决定不安定。“危邦不居,乱邦不入”。 我考虑要到哪里去居住,我要想办法移民,什么地方安全,适合我们居住?你调查离婚率低,我们就知道那个社会结构完整,社会结构没有出大毛病。
When to complete your Immigration Medical Examination
You are required to undergo the medical examination within 30 days of the date of this letter. Failure to do so may result
in the refusal of your immigration application.
Who may complete your Immigration Medical Examination
Your medical examination must be performed by a doctor from the IRCC list of Panel Physicians. The list of Panel Physicians to find a doctor in your area: http://www.cic.gc.ca/pp-md/pp-list.aspx
How to complete your Immigration Medical Examination
Book an appointment with a Panel Physician in your area as soon as possible. If you are unable to complete your medical examination within the 30 day timeframe provided, it is your responsibility to inform the IRCC office responsible for processing your application as soon as possible.
Once your medical examination has been completed the Panel Physician will submit medical results to IRCC for assessment. To obtain a copy of your Immigration Medical Examination please ask the panel physician at the time of your appointment.
按照instructions 里面写的,在list里面找到您所在城市的诊所,30天内预约医生,然后医生就会交结果给政府啦。
我今天刚刚收到体检通知, 也是16年递交的, LZ应该快了....
2016年递交父母移民材料 2017年二月担保资格通过转到渥太华。已经一年多了没有任何消息。 想问问有没有去年二月转到渥太华的有收到体检通知或让补材料。
我是收到了mycic有新信息提醒的email, 进去mycic就看到要求体检了.




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