主題:我的康復之路,從憂鬱與焦慮中走出來 (粵語進行,有翻譯)
講員:王懷欣, 精神健康倡導者
Guest Speaker: Vivian Wong, Mental Health Advocate
Topic: How I cope with Depression and Anxiety?
憂鬱與焦慮是常見的情緒。縱使患上憂鬱與焦慮症幾乎就如頭痛感冒發高燒一樣容易,大家還是對他們有很多誤解。這次我們請來了曾患憂鬱與焦慮症2年的康復者王小姐來分享她的故事,帶大家一起來體會什麽是憂鬱與焦慮症和如何從困擾中重拾希望。敬請留意!免費茶點恭候。愛心小組主題講座請提前10 分鐘到場就座。
Depression and anxiety are common mental health concerns. There are still a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions about Major Depression Disorder (MDD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). At this time, we have invited Vivian Wong, who recovered from MDD and GAD, to share her personal story in how she regained hope in a time of struggles. To guarantee your seat, please arrive 10 minutes early for the workshop or register.
地點 Venue:烈治文開創會所3樓Pathways Clubhouse P3
(315-8111 Granville Ave., Richmond V6Y 1P5)
日期 Date: 2018年5月12日星期六 May 12th, 2018 Saturday
時間 Time: 下午 1:00 – 2:30 pm
聯絡 Contact: 604-276-8834 Ext.215 吳小姐 Lorraine Ng
Heart to Heart Sharing Group
This confidential interactive “Heart to Heart Sharing group" is
part of the Richmond Chinese Family Support Group. We meet once
a month dedicated to provide people with an opportunity to
understand the importance of proper and open communications in a
positive manner through sharing and mutual support. Our focus is
to encourage positive thinking and personal growth in dealing with
daily issues.
地點 Venue:烈治文開創會所3樓Pathways Clubhouse P3
(315-8111 Granville Ave., Richmond V6Y 1P5)
日期 Date: 2018年5月12日星期六 May 12th, 2018 Saturday
時間 Time: 下午 2:45 – 4:00 pm
聯絡 Contact: 604-276-8834 Ext.215 吳小姐 Lorraine Ng
*limited visitor parking is available on the 1st floor of parkade at 8080 Anderson Road (Stalls #5-13 only)*
主題:我的康復之路,從憂鬱與焦慮中走出來 (粵語進行,有翻譯)
講員:王懷欣, 精神健康倡導者
Guest Speaker: Vivian Wong, Mental Health Advocate
Topic: How I cope with Depression and Anxiety?
憂鬱與焦慮是常見的情緒。縱使患上憂鬱與焦慮症幾乎就如頭痛感冒發高燒一樣容易,大家還是對他們有很多誤解。這次我們請來了曾患憂鬱與焦慮症2年的康復者王小姐來分享她的故事,帶大家一起來體會什麽是憂鬱與焦慮症和如何從困擾中重拾希望。敬請留意!免費茶點恭候。愛心小組主題講座請提前10 分鐘到場就座。
Depression and anxiety are common mental health concerns. There are still a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions about Major Depression Disorder (MDD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). At this time, we have invited Vivian Wong, who recovered from MDD and GAD, to share her personal story in how she regained hope in a time of struggles. To guarantee your seat, please arrive 10 minutes early for the workshop or register.
地點 Venue:烈治文開創會所3樓Pathways Clubhouse P3
(315-8111 Granville Ave., Richmond V6Y 1P5)
日期 Date: 2018年5月12日星期六 May 12th, 2018 Saturday
時間 Time: 下午 1:00 – 2:30 pm
聯絡 Contact: 604-276-8834 Ext.215 吳小姐 Lorraine Ng
Heart to Heart Sharing Group
This confidential interactive “Heart to Heart Sharing group" is
part of the Richmond Chinese Family Support Group. We meet once
a month dedicated to provide people with an opportunity to
understand the importance of proper and open communications in a
positive manner through sharing and mutual support. Our focus is
to encourage positive thinking and personal growth in dealing with
daily issues.
地點 Venue:烈治文開創會所3樓Pathways Clubhouse P3
(315-8111 Granville Ave., Richmond V6Y 1P5)
日期 Date: 2018年5月12日星期六 May 12th, 2018 Saturday
時間 Time: 下午 2:45 – 4:00 pm
聯絡 Contact: 604-276-8834 Ext.215 吳小姐 Lorraine Ng
*limited visitor parking is available on the 1st floor of parkade at 8080 Anderson Road (Stalls #5-13 only)*