advice and suggestions to 灿灿 and admin---给灿灿和管理员的建议

昨天晚上我看到灿灿写的揭露帖子,可是今天全部被管理员处理了. 灿灿迫于无奈,跑道我以前写的揭露贴里发贴.这样会把我的帖子搞乱了并且对我的帖子造成摧毁性的影响. 所以我必须给些忠告和建议.


我看到你昨天写的揭发帖子,里面你提供的新信息我从来都不知道,非常感谢你分享的新信息. 你昨天让我加入一起揭发,我没有. 我想我有自己的原则,就是:“人不犯我,我不犯人。不管那人是谁,做了什么事,只要没有冒犯我,都跟我没有丝毫的关系. 我看到你在你的帖子被删除后不得已的情况下在我的帖子里发了帖子. 我想告诉你不要再在我的帖子里发东西了.因为我不想我的帖子被搞乱或者被管理员删除了. 至于你能不能用我以前的证据. 我想告诉你和未来有可能相关的人员,请你尊重我的权利.如果你有自己足够的证据来证明你的观点,那么你可以用我的证据作为你辅助的证据,如果没有,请不要简单地从我的帖子拿证据来证明你的观点。如果你要采用我的证据,必须要用你自己的语言,而不是照搬我所有的发言. 比如有关法庭里的内容. 我把部分发生在法庭里的内容拍了照片放了上来,然后我给出了证据告诉大家真相. 拍照片部分你可以应用,因为这个是记录在法庭里的历史资料,永远在那里. 至于怎么表达,必须你用自己认为是公正的话,不要纯粹地复制我说的.


每个人都有发表自己言论的自由. 如果你只是一味地把有真相的帖子删除了,比如昨天发生在灿灿身上的事. 那么灿灿只能到我的帖子里去发帖子了,这样非但没有阻止灿灿发言,相反灿灿开始搅乱我的帖子,引起更多人参与,,最终影响到我的帖子的存在.

每个人都有表达的权利,表达真相的权利是被法律保护的.法律还保护对于公众感兴趣的话题给于的正确的信息和评价. 所以请管理员也保护一下并非纯碎欺凌辱骂,毫无根据的造谣,而是让大家看清楚真相有具体证据的帖子.

这个帖子我会呈现给法庭,所以 我把我的发言用英语发一遍。
最后编辑: 2018-10-19
advice and suggestions to “CanCan” and admin:

Yesterday evening, I saw ID"CanCan" posted revealing threads, but all were deleted by admin today. Then "CanCan" has to post revealing posts in my thread which issued a long time ago. That will mess up and destroy my thread eventually so that I have to give my advice and suggestions here:

To: “CanCan”
I saw you posted revealing information yesterday. I find new information which I never know before and I appreciate your sharing. Yesterday, You asked me to join the revealing, but I did not as I have my rule, and that rule is " I will never offend anyone If no one offends me first". I do not care anybody, no matter who is that person, and what that person did, as long as that person does not offend me. What others did is not my business before I get offended. I saw you posted your posts in my previous thread after your own threads were deleted by admin. I give my advice to you: please do not post your posts in my previous threads anymore as I do not want my thread get messed up and get deleted by admin eventually. Regarding using my evidence, I want to let you and everybody, who might involve in the future, know my opinion. Please follow: Only if you have your own physical evidence to support your announcement, then you can use my evidence as your side evidence. If not, please do not use my evidence to simply get a conclusion to support your opinion. When you use my information as your side back up, you can take the original photo of evidence in my previous posts, but do not copy my words. Taking the example of things happened in the Court, I not only gave the original photos of the claims in the Notice of Claims which submitted to the Court but also gave the evidence from the forum to prove if the claims are true or not. So the photos of the claims can be used as your evidence, but you should use your own explanation. The reason you can use the photos of the Claims is all those evidence is kept in the Court and will be valid forever. So you can use that evidence as your side backup evidence, but you should use your own words to explain as long as you believe what you say is your fair comment, please not simply copy my words.

The suggestion to the Admin:
Everyone has the right to free speech. If you just simply delete the thread or post which contains truth, for example, yesterday, you deleted all “CanCan”'s threads and posts, then “CanCan” had to post in my previous threads. In that way, you cannot stop “CanCan” posting more, but you force “CanCan” to mess up my thread and eventually affects my thread as more people will go my previous thread to post and my thread will be messed up and may be deleted consequently.

Everyone has the right to freedom of speech, and giving a free speech based on the truth is protected by Canadian law. The law also protects giving fair comments and responsible communication on matters of public interest. Hopefully, the Admin can give the chance to everybody who gives physical evidence to show people, not those simply bully, abuse, spread rumors without valid evidence.

As I will submit the above post to the Court, so I will write it in English here.
最后编辑: 2018-10-19




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