枫叶卡照片不合格,补交枫叶卡照片后需要等多久?从Canada post寄出显示12月24号收到,给移民局写信两次都是如下一样的回复。请问这种情况是正常的吗?移民局信里要求30天内补交照片,只是想确定移民局有没收到信,万一没收到会被取消PR card吗?求解答感激不尽
We have verified the information you provided and we were not able to locate your photographs in the system yet.
However, rest assured that this situation is normal since the responsible office is currently processing photo retakes received before October 22, 2018.
We have verified the information you provided and we were not able to locate your photographs in the system yet.
However, rest assured that this situation is normal since the responsible office is currently processing photo retakes received before October 22, 2018.