家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版

魁省技术移民 家庭魁省登回后副申没拿到枫叶卡,一年半后再申请被要求去蒙特利尔移民局报道,是申请PRTD还是旅游签证?



This refers to your application for a Permanent Resident Card. In order to receive your card, you must report in person, between 8:00 and 16:00, at:
Canada Immigration Centre
1025 St-Jacques
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 1G8

An officer will review your documents and may request additional information to determine your eligibility for the permanent resident card.
Please present this letter to the Security Agent :
You must also bring the following documents:

  1. All valid or expired Passports, Certificate of Identity issued to permanent residents by the Minister of Foreign Affairs , your Refugee Travel Document issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs; AND
  2. All the original documents of the copies submitted with your application; AND
  3. Your Immigrant Visa (Record of Landing (IMM 1000 OR IMM5292)); AND
  4. Another identification card; AND
  5. If your application is a renewal or replacement, you must also bring your existing Permanent resident card even if it is expired.
The permanent resident card must be destroyed by law if it is not picked up within 180 daysof your first notice to appear. A new application with fees will then be necessary. For additional information, please contact the Call Centre at 1‑888-242-2100.
In order to be admitted to the IRCC Montreal office, clients who have received a convocation letter must:
  • · Present their convocation letter; AND
  • · Provide documents proving their identity matches the name on the letter.
Only the following persons will be allowed admittance with the clients:
  • · Representative (lawyer, certified consultant OR accompanying person);
  • · Child/children OR dependent(s) if their presence is deemed necessary.
Representatives and accompanying persons must provide a piece of photo identification.
IRCC Eastern Region
Immigration Directorate
1025 St-Jacques
H3C 1G8
Téléphone: 1-888-242-2100

最后编辑: 2019-07-11




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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