For one thing, the HKSAR Government has not explained satisfactorily or at all why in the last 20 odd years without extradition arrangements to Mainland China (or Taiwan), Hong Kong does not have any major problems in extradition. The circumstances which have now purportedly given rise to this sudden need for legislation are not persuasive, notwithstanding the repeated reliance by the Government on a murder case in Taiwan ...
... In any event, there are other alternatives that could help address the problems (if any) that the Government has enunciated. For example, there could be legal amendments to include murder and manslaughter in the schedule (of 24 offences) which can currently be prosecuted in Hong Kong under Section 153P of the Crimes Ordinance Cap 200, even though the crimes may have taken place wholly outside Hong Kong.
如果没有理解错,大致意思是可以通过法律修正案,把谋杀, manslaughter 定性为可以在香港受审的情况,即使案子本身完全在香港之外发生。那为什么特首以及香港的立法会没有选择这个方向呢?
For one thing, the HKSAR Government has not explained satisfactorily or at all why in the last 20 odd years without extradition arrangements to Mainland China (or Taiwan), Hong Kong does not have any major problems in extradition. The circumstances which have now purportedly given rise to this sudden need for legislation are not persuasive, notwithstanding the repeated reliance by the Government on a murder case in Taiwan ...
... In any event, there are other alternatives that could help address the problems (if any) that the Government has enunciated. For example, there could be legal amendments to include murder and manslaughter in the schedule (of 24 offences) which can currently be prosecuted in Hong Kong under Section 153P of the Crimes Ordinance Cap 200, even though the crimes may have taken place wholly outside Hong Kong.
如果没有理解错,大致意思是可以通过法律修正案,把谋杀, manslaughter 定性为可以在香港受审的情况,即使案子本身完全在香港之外发生。那为什么特首以及香港的立法会没有选择这个方向呢?