应该是水槽(gutter)和水槽后面的木板(fascia board)之间有裂缝了。如果只是箭头指的地方漏水,可以去home deport 买gutter silicon 。我家前几年也有这种情况发生,而且是多处,用gutter silicon 补过,效果还不错。但在补的过程中发现fascia board 有些部位有损坏。后来找人重新装新的水槽,并要求如果发现fascia board 烂了,就换成vinyl 的,如果没烂就外面加一层金属片,后来加的是金属片。
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The fascia board is the long, straight board that runs along the lower edge of the roof. The fascia is fixed directly to the lower ends of the roof trusses and usually does all the work of supporting the lower edge of the bottom row of tiles. The fascia board also carries all the guttering.
What are fascias? Fascias and soffits are the boards that cover the ends of the roof rafters where they sit on top of the outer wall of a house. We find that people want to know what these strange names mean before they go on to buy new ones.