牛军:探亲人寿保险 江涛:探亲人寿保险 陈燕:探亲人寿保险 AlberZhou:探亲人寿保险 加拿大旅游保险无忧网

访问(探亲)签证 爸爸是PR,妈妈有十年签证。宝宝3个月了想申请签证一起回加拿大然后团聚移民

爸爸是PR,妈妈有十年签证。宝宝3个月了想申请签证一起回加拿大然后团聚移民。因为之前在网上看到有人这种情况被拒签了,说是有移民倾向。。。递交签证材料的时候怎么解释行程比较合理啊?请问大家有碰到过这种情况吗? 求帮助!!!
爸爸是PR,妈妈有十年签证。宝宝3个月了想申请签证一起回加拿大然后团聚移民。因为之前在网上看到有人这种情况被拒签了,说是有移民倾向。。。递交签证材料的时候怎么解释行程比较合理啊?请问大家有碰到过这种情况吗? 求帮助!!!
If a minor child is travelling with one parent only
The parent should present:
the child’s passport
a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and
a letter of authorization, in English or French if possible, which is signed by the parent who is not travelling with them and lists:
the address and telephone number of the parent who is not travelling, and
a photocopy of that parent’s signed passport or national identity card. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...-canada/minor-children-travelling-canada.html
If a minor child is travelling with one parent only
The parent should present:
the child’s passport
a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and
a letter of authorization, in English or French if possible, which is signed by the parent who is not travelling with them and lists:
the address and telephone number of the parent who is not travelling, and
a photocopy of that parent’s signed passport or national identity card. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...-canada/minor-children-travelling-canada.html




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