
著名会计师(Tim Cestnick, FCPA, FCA, CPA(IL), CFP, TEP )在环球邮报的发表的专栏文章:

There’s no shortage of stories about estate planning and estate administration gone wrong. A recent decision by a judge put to rest what amounted to years of problems experienced by a family around an estate. Let me share the story and the lessons.

事实 :

In 1970, Mr. M signed a will that named his wife, Mrs. M, as executor, and left everything to her as long as she survived him. Failing this, half the estate was to go to Mr. M’s sister, and half to Mrs. M’s siblings. As it turns out, Mr. M’s sister predeceased him, so her share would go to her children – the nieces and nephews of Mr. M, in the event Mrs. M wasn’t around to inherit the estate.

In 1978, Mr. and Mrs. M separated, and never did reconcile. In their separation agreement, Mrs. M agreed that she would have no further claim on any property owned by Mr. M and that she’d renounce any right to the administration of his estate.
1978年,M夫妇分居,从未和解。 M太太在他们的分居协议中同意,她不会再对M先生拥有的任何财产提出索偿要求,并且她放弃了对其财产进行管理的任何权利。

In 2008, Mr. M died. At that time, Mrs. M signed a document renouncing her right to administration of the estate and acknowledging she had no claim on the assets of his estate. Since Mrs. M apparently had no claim to Mr. M’s estate and since Mr. M’s sister had already passed away, the nieces and nephews of Mr. M thought that they might have a right to his estate – but they weren’t sure because Mrs. M was still alive

So the nieces and nephews sought clarity from the Court of Queen’s Bench of Saskatchewan as to whether the estate should be divided among the alternate beneficiaries (Mr. M’s nieces and nephews, and Mrs. M’s siblings), as though Mrs. M had predeceased her former husband, or whether it should be divided as though Mr. M died without a will (as an intestacy).

The judge said that it wasn’t that simple. There are court cases from around Canada to the effect that a separation agreement does not revoke a will, which would suggest that Mrs. M should inherit the entire estate. Not only that, Mrs. M was still the executor. Yet, the judge also wanted to ensure that the nieces and nephews benefited under the will. In the end, a mediated settlement was reached and the parties agreed that Mr. M’s estate should be divided 55 per cent to Mrs. M, and 45 per cent to the nieces and nephews.

The lessons to be learned here are twofold: First, if you ever separate or divorce, prepare a new will because your old will is not revoked. If Mr. M had done this, he could have revised his beneficiaries to exclude Mrs. M if that was his intention.

Second, if you sign a separation agreement, get legal advice on waiving your right to your former spouse’s estate. In this story, Mrs. M’s renouncing of this right didn’t actually achieve that result. So this type of provision in an agreement may not be effective.

After Mr. M’s death, Mrs. M remained the executor and hired an accountant to calculate the taxes owing from Mr. M’s death. She was told that the taxes would be $25,000. So she distributed to the nieces and nephews their share of the estate, but held back $25,000 to pay the taxman.

The problem? It turns out that the taxes and fees were actually $60,772. So Mrs. M went back to the nieces and nephews and asked for money back to pay their share of the taxes, interest and fees owing ($4,720 each), to which they said “no."

Mrs. M wanted the court to provide a summary judgment that would see the other beneficiaries sharing the tax burden and fees with her. In a decision handed down on Dec. 3, 2019, the judge sided with the other beneficiaries.

Section 159 of our tax law places the liability for the tax bill on the executor(s), not the beneficiaries, and requires the executor to obtain a “clearance certificate” from the Canada Revenue Agency. A clearance certificate certifies that taxes that can be reasonably expected to be owing have been paid or that security has been provided to CRA. Mrs. M hadn’t obtained a clearance certificate before distributing the assets of the estate.
我们的税法第159条是将税单的责任放在遗嘱执行人而非受益人身上,并要求遗嘱执行人从加拿大税务局获得“清算证书”。清算证书证明应缴的合理的遗产税款已经支付了,或已向CRA提供担保。 M太太在分配遗产之前没有获得“清算证书”。

The tax law doesn’t address whether the beneficiaries need to indemnify the executor for the amount owing, but the judge ruled that the beneficiaries are not obligated this way.

The lesson here? If you’re an executor, be sure to get a clearance certificate before making a final distribution to the beneficiaries. You might also speak to a lawyer about the idea of entering an agreement with the beneficiaries that they will indemnify you against any tax liability that might arise later.

读啊读,读啊读,人都给 Mr. M Mrs. M Mr. M’s sister Mr. M’s nieces Mr. M’s nephews 绕晕了。好文,好文啊! :ROFLMAO:
还有一篇报道是有关有个公司创造了用“杠杆捐献”(Leverage Donation)的方式,使捐献人利用这个方式,只捐献了少量的捐款,但逃避了很多税款。在税务法庭上,税局赢得了有关的官司。现在税局除了要这些捐献人交回所欠的税款之外,还要加上罚款和利息。这篇报道比较难翻译,因为“杠杆捐献”(Leverage Donation)的方式非常复杂,我虽然多少明白它的意思,但里面牵涉到一些专业术语,不是那么容易翻译的。
还有一篇报道是有关有个公司创造了用“杠杆捐献”(Leverage Donation)的方式,使捐献人利用这个方式,只捐献了少量的捐款,但逃避了很多税款。在税务法庭上,税局赢得了有关的官司。现在税局除了要这些捐献人交回所欠的税款之外,还要加上罚款和利息。这篇报道比较难翻译,因为“杠杆捐献”(Leverage Donation)的方式非常复杂,我虽然多少明白它的意思,但里面牵涉到一些专业术语,不是那么容易翻译的。
不错。Keep up with this work which promotes multiple benefits such as obtaining information and learning English etc.
读啊读,读啊读,人都给 Mr. M Mrs. M Mr. M’s sister Mr. M’s nieces Mr. M’s nephews 绕晕了。好文,好文啊! :ROFLMAO:
Oh No.




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