各位朋友,想问一下暂时不在加拿大期间小孩的牛奶金还可以申请么 因为老公工作原因我们全家现在暂时在美但还是在加拿大交税了的
天路行者 3,049 2020-03-19 #2 妮可宝贝 说: 各位朋友,想问一下暂时不在加拿大期间小孩的牛奶金还可以申请么 因为老公工作原因我们全家现在暂时在美但还是在加拿大交税了的 点击展开... Who can apply - Canada child benefit (CCB) - Canada.ca What you need to get the Canada child benefit (CCB), which parent or guardian qualifies, how to determine who is primary caregiver, what to do in different custody arrangements. www.canada.ca
妮可宝贝 说: 各位朋友,想问一下暂时不在加拿大期间小孩的牛奶金还可以申请么 因为老公工作原因我们全家现在暂时在美但还是在加拿大交税了的 点击展开... Who can apply - Canada child benefit (CCB) - Canada.ca What you need to get the Canada child benefit (CCB), which parent or guardian qualifies, how to determine who is primary caregiver, what to do in different custody arrangements. www.canada.ca