


Canada beats expectations with gain of 419,000 jobs
Most of the employment gains were part-time work

Author of the article:Vanmala Subramaniam
Vanmala Subramaniam
Publishing date:Aug 07, 2020 • Last Updated 2 hours ago • 1 minute read

Canada gained 419,000 jobs last month, more than economists forecast, as more parts of the economy were allowed to reopen.

The unemployment rate inched down to 10.9 per cent in July, data from Statistics Canada’s latest Labour Force Survey showed Friday. In June, the jobless rate was 12.3 per cent, and it hit a record high of 13.7

Economists had expected a gain of 400,000 jobs and an unemployment rate of 11 per cent for July.

Most of the employment gains were part-time work, which increased 11.3 per cent (345,000 jobs) as opposed to a 0.5 per cent increase (73,000 jobs) in full-time work.

At the peak of the pandemic-induced economic shutdown, 5.5 million eligible workers were without jobs. That number is now 2.3 million, 58 per cent lower than in April.

For the first time, Statistics Canada collected data on unemployment according to race. The data showed that Black Canadians, South Asians and Arabs were disproportionately affected by the impact of the

For example, the jobless rate among South Asians stood at 17.8 per cent in July with women charting a significantly higher unemployment rate than men (20.4 per cent compared to 15.4 per cent). The unemployment rate among Black Canadians was 16.8 per cent, with the same gender trend playing out: more Black women were out of work than Black men.

Employment increased in most provinces in July, but the gains in Ontario and Quebec were almost all in part-time work.

The Labour Force Survey data also showed healthy gains in employment in the accommodation and food services sector, although it was still just 74.9 per cent of February levels.




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