Prime Day 号称「亚马逊黑五」,是一年中 Amazon 折扣最大的购物季。
今年 Prime Day 在10月13-14日,可收藏 Prime Day 活动页面随时查看:
有没有看到有兴趣的Deal ?
Amazon Devices
Blink Cameras
Everything Else
千呼万唤始出来,一年一度的亚马逊Prime Day会员购物节将于东部时间10月13日凌晨3点拉开帷幕,10月15日凌晨3点结束,活动将持续48个小时。
◆历史最低价!Waterpik 洁碧 WP-660 标准型冲牙器/水牙线 54.99加元包邮!7色可选!会员专享!
◆历史新低!Philips 飞利浦 Sonicare HX9361/69 智能电动牙刷5.4折 134.95加元包邮!4色可选!会员专享!
◆ Zojirushi 象印 CD-WCC40 4升 微电脑智能保温电热水壶 149.99加元(原价219.99加元)
◆ Zojirushi 象印 NS-TSC18 10杯量 微电脑智能电饭煲 169.97加元(原价249.99加元)
◆ 精选多款 Dr. Martens 马丁靴特价销售+额外7折!折后低至73.65加元!会员专享!
◆ Tiger 虎牌 PIF-A30U-WU VE Mincom 3升真空保温 电热水壶 130.17加元(原价169.99加元)
◆ DEZIN 1.6升 煲/煮/炖/焖/涮 高颜值 迷你多功能电煮锅/电火锅 33.99加元(原价49.99加元)
◆ Instant Pot Aura 6夸脱 10合1 多功能智能慢炖锅4.7折 76.06加元(原价159.95加元)!煎炒烤焗炖焖一机搞定!
◆ Oral-B Genius X 人工智能 电动牙刷 159.97加元(原价299.97加元)+送20加元Mastercard卡!
◆ T-Fal Signature 28厘米 红点不粘底 中式深炒锅/深煎锅 19.97加元(原价28.99加元)
◆ Stanley 史丹利 SL18116P 4马力 6加仑 干湿两用吸尘器 44.98加元(原价126.16加元)
◆ Xiaomi 小米 Yi 小蚁 Nightscape 智能Wi-Fi超广角行车记录仪 69.99加元(原价102.99加元)
◆ Snow Joe 323E 13英寸 10安培 电动铲雪机5.6折 88加元(原价155加元)
◆ Snow Joe SJ617E 18英寸电动铲雪机 137.97加元(原价292.13加元)
◆ Snow Joe 24V-SS10 超轻便充电式24伏无绳铲雪机6.3折 169.97加元(原价269.09加元)
◆ GreenWorks 2600802 8安培 12英寸电动铲雪机 89加元(原价119.99加元)
◆ Hypnoser 15磅 Twin/Full玻璃珠减压重力被5折 49.99加元(原价100.37加元)
◆ Skullcandy 骷髅头 S2BBW 真无线耳机2.6折 39.97加元(原价149.99加元)
◆历史最低价!DJI Mavic 迷你无人机 7.7折 499.99加元,为记录日常打开全新视角
◆ Kindle Paperwhite 6寸 防水护眼 电子书阅读器 104.99加元(原价139.99加元)
◆ 指定款iRobot Robotic智能扫地机、拖地机等7折起!
◆ 指定款Samsonite新秀丽行李箱149.99加元起!
◆ 指定款Philips飞利浦Sonicare声波震动电动牙刷、刷头6.7折起!
◆ Echo Dot 亚马逊第三代智能家居语音机器人 24.99加元(原价69.99加元)!
◆ Echo Show 5 智能显示器 59.99加元(原价99.99加元)已开卖!
◆ Echo Show 8 智能显示器 89.99加元(原价169.99加元)
◆ Echo Show (2nd Gen) 10.1寸智能显示器 189.99加元(原价299.99加元)
◆ Echo Auto 车载语音助手 24.99加元(原价69.99加元) 已开卖!
◆ Echo Plus (2nd gen) 智能音箱 79.99加元(原价199.99加元) 已开卖!
◆ Echo Studio 3D音效 智能音箱 199.99加元(原价259.99加元)
◆ Echo Flex 墙插式 迷你智能音箱 14.99加元(原价34.99加元)
◆ Toshiba Fire TV版 智能电视 169.99加元起(原价364.99加元起)
◆ Fire TV Cube 智能电视盒 99.99加元(原价149.99加元)
◆ Fire Tablets平板电脑7折起,如Fire HD 10 平板电脑 149.99加元(原价199.99加元)
◆ Fire HD 7/8/10.1英寸 儿童专用平板电脑 89.99加元起(原价129.99加元起)
◆ Ring Stick Up Cam 室内外 可充电 智能监控摄像头 79.99加元(原价129.99加元)
◆ All-new Ring 1080P 第二代可视智能门铃 94.99加元(原价129.99加元)
◆ 指定款Ring可视智能门铃6折起
◆ Blink Mini 智能监控摄像头 29.99加元(原价44.99加元)
◆ Ring Video Doorbell 3 可视智能门铃+Echo Show 5 智能显示器 189.99加元(原价349.98加元)
◆ Amazon Music Unlimited 亚马逊音乐无限 新用户订阅4个月仅需0.99加元!已开始!
◆ 亚马逊首次充值100加元,送7.5加元电子消费券!已开始!
◆ 指定款Zinus床垫、床架6折起!已开售!
◆ 精选 Bosch 博世、Dremel 琢美 品牌电动工具,满150加元立减30加元!已开售!
◆ 精选 Philips、Kasa Smart、ecobee等品牌智能灯泡、插座、开关、门锁、温控器等5折起!已开售!
【Prime Day打折商品独家预测】
对于此次购物节消费者最期待的产品,无疑就是那些往年最畅销的商品,比如亚马逊的主打产品,新款Kindle、Echo Dots、Echo Shows、Fire TV电视棒、Fire Tablets等商品必将打折,Kindle电子书阅读器以其精巧轻薄外观设计,及电子墨水显示屏,舒适护眼闻名,爱读书的你是当然不能错过的。
3、2020款 Toshiba Fire TV版智能电视
东芝Fire TV版智能电视是Amazon、Toshiba和Best Buy三方合作销售的一款明星产品,东芝出品,质量有保证,每年Prime Day还会推出超级好的折扣,支持Alexa,操作简单有趣!
Instant Pot电压力锅、KitchenAid厨师机、智能电视、Blendtec破壁机、iRobot扫地机器人、吸尘器、空气炸锅、面条机、搅拌机、除湿机、缝纫机等热门家电产品都将列在亚马逊的打折清单中。
毫无疑问,Philips、Oral-B、德国博朗、Waterpik的新款电动牙刷、水牙线、剃须刀都将参加这次打折活动,而FOREO 露娜系列产品也一定有不错的折扣,爱美的小仙女们一定不要错过哦!
新秀丽行李箱是Prime Day必抢单品之一,今年即将打折的新款全PC超轻行李箱已经上线了。按照惯例,服饰、鞋靴、太阳镜、手表、背包等产品将全面换季清仓,Prime会员将可能享受额外7折优惠,折后可能全场白菜价,比如Stuart Weitzman、Citizen、UGG、Moose Knuckles、ECCO、雷朋等大牌商品都会参加活动。
Bose、三星、Sennheiser、Beats、小米、GoPro等品牌的耳机、音箱、手机、智能手表、 智能摄像头、运动相机、相机等,都将是消费的热门选择。 Xbox One,PlayStation和Nintendo Switch将可能降价,或与游戏/礼品卡等捆绑销售的形式促销。
今年 Prime Day 在10月13-14日,可收藏 Prime Day 活动页面随时查看:
有没有看到有兴趣的Deal ?
Amazon Devices
Blink Cameras
- Blink Mini Compact Smart Security Camera - $29.99 (regularly $44.99)
- Blink Mini Compact Smart Security Camera, 2 Pack - $59.98 (regularly $84.99)
- Echo Auto - $24.99 (regularly $69.99)
- Echo Dot, 3rd Generation - $24.99 (regularly $69.99)
- Echo Flex - $14.99 (regularly $34.99)
- Echo Plus, 2nd Generation - $79.99 (regularly $199.99)
- Echo Show, 2nd Generation - $189.99 (regularly $299.99)
- Echo Show 5 - $59.99 (regularly $99.99)
- Echo Show 8 - $89.99 (regularly $169.99)
- Echo Studio - $189.99 (regularly $259.99)
- eero Beacon Mesh Wifi Range Extender - $139.00 (regularly $199.00)
- eero Whole Home Mesh Wifi Router - $97.00 (regularly $139.00)
- eero Whole Home Mesh Wifi System, 3 Pack - $244.00 (regularly $349.00)
- Fire 7 Tablet, 16GB - $49.99 (regularly $69.99)
- Fire 7 Kids Edition Tablet, 16GB - $89.99 (regularly $129.99)
- Fire HD 8 Tablet, 32GB - $79.99 (regularly $109.99)
- Fire HD 8 Kids Edition Tablet, 32GB - $129.99 (regularly $179.99)
- Fire HD 10 Tablet, 32GB - $149.99 (regularly $199.99)
- Fire HD 10 Kids Edition Tablet, 32GB - $199.99 (regularly $259.99)
- Fire TV Cube - $99.99 (regularly $149.99)
- Fire TV Stick 4K - $44.99 (regularly $69.99)
- Up to 40% off select Toshiba 4K HDR Fire TV Edition televisions
- Kindle with Front Light, 4GB - $74.99 (regularly $119.99)
- Kindle Oasis, 8GB - $249.99 (regularly $329.99)
- Kindle Paperwhite, 8GB - $104.99 (regularly $139.99)
- Ring Alarm 5-Piece Kit, 2nd Generation - $159.99 (regularly $269.99)
- Ring Alarm 8-Piece Kit, 2nd Generation - $204.99 (regularly $339.99)
- Ring Alarm 14-Piece Kit, 2nd Generation - $269.99 (regularly $544.95)
- Ring Door View Cam - $104.99 (regularly $179.99)
- Ring Floodlight Camera Motion-Activated HD Security Camera - $264.99 (regularly $329.99)
- Ring Indoor Cam - $69.99 (regularly $79.99)
- Ring Spotlight Cam Battery HD Security Camera - $184.99 (regularly $249.99)
- Ring Stick Up Cam Battery HD Security Camera - $104.99 (regularly $129.99)
- Ring Video Doorbell (2020) - $94.99 (regularly $129.99)
- Ring Video Doorbell 3 - $174.99 (regularly $249.99)
- Ring Video Doorbell 3 Plus - $209.99 (regularly $289.99)
- Ring Video Doorbell Pro - $199.99 (regularly $299.99)
Everything Else
- Up to 20% off select sunglasses from Cosata Del Mar, Oakley, Ray-Ban and more
- Up to 30% off select Baffin winter boots for men, women and kids
- Up to 30% off select Hanes reusable face covers
- Up to 30% off select Under Armour styles for men and women
- Up to 35% off select Columbia styles for men and women
- Up to 35% off select Tommy Hilfiger styles for men
- Up to 40% off select Calvin Klein styles for men and women
- Up to 40% off select Champion styles for men and women
- Up to 40% off select Merrell shoes for men and women
- Up to 40% off select Levi's styles for men and women
- Up to 40% off select New Balance styles for men, women and kids
- Up to 50% off select adidas styles for men, women and kids
- Up to 50% off select activewear from Amazon brands for men and women
- Up to 50% off select bras from Olga, Warner's, Wonderbra and more
- Up to 50% off select Hanes styles for men and women
- Up to 50% off select styles from Amazon brands for kids
- Up to 50% off select styles from Amazon brands for men and women
- Up to 50% off select watches from Bulova, Caravelle, Citizen and more
- Instant Pot Duo Crisp 11-in-1 Air Fryer + Electric Pressure Cooker, 8-Quart - $188.49 (regularly $249.97)
- Instant Pot Duo Nova 7-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker, 6-Quart - $89.99 (regularly $129.99)
- Keurig K-Mini Coffee Maker - $47.99 (regularly $89.99)
- KitchenAid Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer, 6-Quart - $329.99 (regularly $579.99)
- Up to 30% off select AmazonBasics kitchen products
- Up to 30% off select cookbooks
- Up to 30% off select NutriBullet products
- Up to 30% off select Panasonic appliances
- Up to 30% off select Shark floorcare products
- Up to 40% off select appliances from Brita, Cuisinart, George Foreman and more
- Up to 40% off select Bissell cleaning products
- Up to 40% off select iRobot Alexa-enabled robot vacuums
- Up to 40% off select Philips appliances
- Up to 50% off select Nespresso coffee machines
- Up to 50% off select Vitamix blenders
- Up to 30% off select automotive accessories from AstroAI, Boss Audio, RCP and more
- Up to 30% off select car care from Armor All, Chemical Guys, Meguiar's and more
- Up to 30% off select health care products from Bayer, Centrum, One A Day and more
- Up to 30% off select hair and skin care from Neutrogena, Pantene, Proactiv and more
- Up to 30% off select protein and supplements from BOOST, Jamieson, Webber Naturals and more
- Up to 40% off select Gillette grooming products
- Up to 44% off select Philips Sonicare toothbrushes and brush heads
- Up to 45% off select Waterpik flossers
- Up to 50% off select Philips shavers for men and women
- Up to 50% off select toothbrushes from Crest and Oral-B
- GoPro HERO7 Silver Camera Bundle - $269.99 (regularly $399.99)
- JBL Free X Truly Wireless Headphones - $89.98 (regularly $199.99)
- Razer Hammerhead True Wireless Bluetooth Gaming Earbuds - $97.99 (regularly $139.99)
- Up to 20% off select Samsung televisions and sound bars
- Up to 20% off select TCL 4K televisions
- Up to 20% off select Tile item trackers
- Up to 23% off select DJI drones and accessories
- Up to 30% off select AmazonBasics electronics and accessories
- Up to 30% off select Anker charging accessories
- Up to 30% off select Arlo home security products
- Up to 30% off select Chromebooks from ASUS, HP, Samsung and more
- Up to 30% off select desktops and laptops from ASUS, Dell, HP and more
- Up to 30% off select Hisense televisions
- Up to 30% off select monitors from BenQ, LG, Samsung and more
- Up to 30% off select PC components from AMD, Crucial, Seagate and more
- Up to 30% off select PC gaming products from Corsair, Logitech, Razer and more
- Up to 30% off select PC memory and storage from Seagate, Toshiba, WD and more
- Up to 30% off select Philips Hue smart lighting
- Up to 30% off select Samsung smartphones, accessories and wearables
- Up to 30% off select TP-Link products
- Up to 32% off select Bose QuietComfort 35 II noise-cancelling headphones
- Up to 35% off select LG televisions and sound bars
- Up to 35% off select Sony headphones and earbuds
- Up to 35% off select networking from D-Link, Google, NETGEAR and more
- Up to 37% off select home office electronics from HP, Ooma, VTech and more
- Up to 40% off select Facebook Portal devices
- Up to 40% off select smartwatches from Fossil, Kate Spade, Skagen and more
- Up to 45% off select Anker headphones and speakers
- Up to 50% off select Garmin smartwatches and wearables
- Up to 50% off select boxsets on Blu-ray and DVD
- Up to 50% off select music boxsets
- Up to 50% off select new releases on Blu-ray and DVD
- Up to 55% off select 4K Blu-ray titles
- Up to 60% off select Game of Thrones: Complete Series sets on Blu-ray and DVD
- Up to 30% off select AmazonBasics bath accessories
- Up to 30% off select AmazonBasics bedding
- Up to 30% off select AmazonBasics home decor
- Up to 30% off select AmazonBasics home storage
- Up to 30% off select bedroom furniture from DHP, Lucid, Zinus and more
- Up to 30% off select mattresses from LinenSpa, Vibe, Zinus and more
- Up to 50% off select LinenSpa comforters
- Up to 20% off select grocery products from Hellmann’s, Knorr, Tazo and more
- Up to 30% off select candy and treats from Jolly Rancher, Maynards, Nutella and more
- Up to 30% off select household essentials from Air Wick, Duracell, Seventh Generation and more
- Up to 30% off select K-Cup and T-Disc coffee from Donut Shop, Ethical Bean, Lavazza and more
- Up to 30% off select Yupik mixed nuts and dried fruits
- Up to 30% off select Bosch tools and accessories
- Up to 30% off select DeWALT tools
- Up to 30% off select door locks from August, Schlage, Weiser and more
- Up to 30% off select baby monitors from Philips, Skip Hop, VTech and more
- Up to 30% off select car seats and strollers from Cosco, Graco, Safety 1st and more
- Up to 40% off select baby care essentials from Goodnites, Huggies, Seventh Generation and more
- LifeStraw Personal Water Filter - $18.19 (regularly $25.99)
- Up to 36% off select Celestron binoculars and telescopes
- Up to 30% off select Catit toys and treats
- Up to 30% off select Hill's Science Diet large bag pet food
- Up to 33% off select Furbo treat-tossing cameras
- Up to 30% off select LEGO building sets
- Up to 30% off select toys from Barbie, Fisher-Price, Mattel and more
- Up to 30% off select What do you Meme? party games and expansions
- DOOM Eternal (PC, PS4, Xbox One) - $39.95 (regularly $79.99)
- Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! or Let's Go, Eevee! - $39.99 (regularly $79.99)
- The Last of Us Part II (PS4) - $49.99 (regularly $79.99)
- Nintendo Switch Bundle with Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! - $439.99 (regularly $479.98)
- Nintendo Switch Bundle with Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! - $439.99 (regularly $479.98)
- Nintendo Switch Lite Bundle with Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! - $299.99 (regularly $338.98)
千呼万唤始出来,一年一度的亚马逊Prime Day会员购物节将于东部时间10月13日凌晨3点拉开帷幕,10月15日凌晨3点结束,活动将持续48个小时。
◆历史最低价!Waterpik 洁碧 WP-660 标准型冲牙器/水牙线 54.99加元包邮!7色可选!会员专享!
◆历史新低!Philips 飞利浦 Sonicare HX9361/69 智能电动牙刷5.4折 134.95加元包邮!4色可选!会员专享!
◆ Zojirushi 象印 CD-WCC40 4升 微电脑智能保温电热水壶 149.99加元(原价219.99加元)
◆ Zojirushi 象印 NS-TSC18 10杯量 微电脑智能电饭煲 169.97加元(原价249.99加元)
◆ 精选多款 Dr. Martens 马丁靴特价销售+额外7折!折后低至73.65加元!会员专享!
◆ Tiger 虎牌 PIF-A30U-WU VE Mincom 3升真空保温 电热水壶 130.17加元(原价169.99加元)
◆ DEZIN 1.6升 煲/煮/炖/焖/涮 高颜值 迷你多功能电煮锅/电火锅 33.99加元(原价49.99加元)
◆ Instant Pot Aura 6夸脱 10合1 多功能智能慢炖锅4.7折 76.06加元(原价159.95加元)!煎炒烤焗炖焖一机搞定!
◆ Oral-B Genius X 人工智能 电动牙刷 159.97加元(原价299.97加元)+送20加元Mastercard卡!
◆ T-Fal Signature 28厘米 红点不粘底 中式深炒锅/深煎锅 19.97加元(原价28.99加元)
◆ Stanley 史丹利 SL18116P 4马力 6加仑 干湿两用吸尘器 44.98加元(原价126.16加元)
◆ Xiaomi 小米 Yi 小蚁 Nightscape 智能Wi-Fi超广角行车记录仪 69.99加元(原价102.99加元)
◆ Snow Joe 323E 13英寸 10安培 电动铲雪机5.6折 88加元(原价155加元)
◆ Snow Joe SJ617E 18英寸电动铲雪机 137.97加元(原价292.13加元)
◆ Snow Joe 24V-SS10 超轻便充电式24伏无绳铲雪机6.3折 169.97加元(原价269.09加元)
◆ GreenWorks 2600802 8安培 12英寸电动铲雪机 89加元(原价119.99加元)
◆ Hypnoser 15磅 Twin/Full玻璃珠减压重力被5折 49.99加元(原价100.37加元)
◆ Skullcandy 骷髅头 S2BBW 真无线耳机2.6折 39.97加元(原价149.99加元)
◆历史最低价!DJI Mavic 迷你无人机 7.7折 499.99加元,为记录日常打开全新视角
◆ Kindle Paperwhite 6寸 防水护眼 电子书阅读器 104.99加元(原价139.99加元)
◆ 指定款iRobot Robotic智能扫地机、拖地机等7折起!
◆ 指定款Samsonite新秀丽行李箱149.99加元起!
◆ 指定款Philips飞利浦Sonicare声波震动电动牙刷、刷头6.7折起!
◆ Echo Dot 亚马逊第三代智能家居语音机器人 24.99加元(原价69.99加元)!
◆ Echo Show 5 智能显示器 59.99加元(原价99.99加元)已开卖!
◆ Echo Show 8 智能显示器 89.99加元(原价169.99加元)
◆ Echo Show (2nd Gen) 10.1寸智能显示器 189.99加元(原价299.99加元)
◆ Echo Auto 车载语音助手 24.99加元(原价69.99加元) 已开卖!
◆ Echo Plus (2nd gen) 智能音箱 79.99加元(原价199.99加元) 已开卖!
◆ Echo Studio 3D音效 智能音箱 199.99加元(原价259.99加元)
◆ Echo Flex 墙插式 迷你智能音箱 14.99加元(原价34.99加元)
◆ Toshiba Fire TV版 智能电视 169.99加元起(原价364.99加元起)
◆ Fire TV Cube 智能电视盒 99.99加元(原价149.99加元)
◆ Fire Tablets平板电脑7折起,如Fire HD 10 平板电脑 149.99加元(原价199.99加元)
◆ Fire HD 7/8/10.1英寸 儿童专用平板电脑 89.99加元起(原价129.99加元起)
◆ Ring Stick Up Cam 室内外 可充电 智能监控摄像头 79.99加元(原价129.99加元)
◆ All-new Ring 1080P 第二代可视智能门铃 94.99加元(原价129.99加元)
◆ 指定款Ring可视智能门铃6折起
◆ Blink Mini 智能监控摄像头 29.99加元(原价44.99加元)
◆ Ring Video Doorbell 3 可视智能门铃+Echo Show 5 智能显示器 189.99加元(原价349.98加元)
◆ Amazon Music Unlimited 亚马逊音乐无限 新用户订阅4个月仅需0.99加元!已开始!
◆ 亚马逊首次充值100加元,送7.5加元电子消费券!已开始!
◆ 指定款Zinus床垫、床架6折起!已开售!
◆ 精选 Bosch 博世、Dremel 琢美 品牌电动工具,满150加元立减30加元!已开售!
◆ 精选 Philips、Kasa Smart、ecobee等品牌智能灯泡、插座、开关、门锁、温控器等5折起!已开售!
【Prime Day打折商品独家预测】
对于此次购物节消费者最期待的产品,无疑就是那些往年最畅销的商品,比如亚马逊的主打产品,新款Kindle、Echo Dots、Echo Shows、Fire TV电视棒、Fire Tablets等商品必将打折,Kindle电子书阅读器以其精巧轻薄外观设计,及电子墨水显示屏,舒适护眼闻名,爱读书的你是当然不能错过的。
3、2020款 Toshiba Fire TV版智能电视
东芝Fire TV版智能电视是Amazon、Toshiba和Best Buy三方合作销售的一款明星产品,东芝出品,质量有保证,每年Prime Day还会推出超级好的折扣,支持Alexa,操作简单有趣!
Instant Pot电压力锅、KitchenAid厨师机、智能电视、Blendtec破壁机、iRobot扫地机器人、吸尘器、空气炸锅、面条机、搅拌机、除湿机、缝纫机等热门家电产品都将列在亚马逊的打折清单中。
毫无疑问,Philips、Oral-B、德国博朗、Waterpik的新款电动牙刷、水牙线、剃须刀都将参加这次打折活动,而FOREO 露娜系列产品也一定有不错的折扣,爱美的小仙女们一定不要错过哦!
新秀丽行李箱是Prime Day必抢单品之一,今年即将打折的新款全PC超轻行李箱已经上线了。按照惯例,服饰、鞋靴、太阳镜、手表、背包等产品将全面换季清仓,Prime会员将可能享受额外7折优惠,折后可能全场白菜价,比如Stuart Weitzman、Citizen、UGG、Moose Knuckles、ECCO、雷朋等大牌商品都会参加活动。
Bose、三星、Sennheiser、Beats、小米、GoPro等品牌的耳机、音箱、手机、智能手表、 智能摄像头、运动相机、相机等,都将是消费的热门选择。 Xbox One,PlayStation和Nintendo Switch将可能降价,或与游戏/礼品卡等捆绑销售的形式促销。
最后编辑: 2020-10-13