Email Campaign on Returning to to School Sports Competitions

Email Campaign on Returning to to School Sports Competitions

As you may have heard, the Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association (the CBE and CCSD) have decided not to resume school sports competition and will not review this decision until late January 2021. You probably also know that only some schools in Calgary have resumed sports practices - some have outright cancelled school sports.

The Province (Chief Medical Officer, AHS and the government) and the ASAA have approved the safe return to sports competition. Sports clubs have safely returned to sports play for the past 4 months. Many schools in the province have also safely returned to sports competition. Many schools in Calgary have safely returned to sports practice. The mental and social health benefits to students and teachers directly involved in sports as well as the school bodies at large, far outweigh the risks. Many of the risks can be managed by schools who are in the best position to do so.

If you are supportive of school sports competition starting (and sports practices starting in schools that have cancelled sports), then it is critical for your voices to be heard.

You need to email your school principal, Area Education Leaders/Superintendents, Learning Services and Trustees to advocate for the safe restart of school sports competition. Experience has shown they will listen if enough people advocate in writing.

What you can do:

Email your school principal, Area Education Leaders/Superintendents, Learning Services and Trustees to advocate for the safe restart of school sports competition. Go to

where you’ll find links to email templates and school board contact details.
Like & follow @socss2020 on Instagram and ask your followers to do the same
Friend @SaveOurCalgarySchoolSports on Facebook and invite your friends to follow
Share this email with anyone you know that would be supportive of restarting school sports competition.





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