
A court order is blocking any sales of seven Toronto properties owned by the family members alleged to have been involved in the theft of $11 million in COVID-19 relief funds, the Star has learned. Six condominium units and a seven-bedroom, seven-bathroom home in North York are now subject to a court-ordered “no dealings indicator on the title,” meaning they cannot be sold or the ownership transferred.

As first revealed by the Star, the Ontario government alleges that “some or all of” Sanjay Madan, Shalini Madan, their sons Chinmaya Madan and Ujjawal Madan, and associate Vidhan Singh perpetrated “a massive fraud” to direct pandemic cash to hundreds of bank accounts.

Documents filed with the Ontario Superior Court allege “damages for fraud, theft, conversion, and conspiracy in an amount estimated to be at least $11 million,” which was deposited into accounts at TD and the Bank of Montreal.

That cash was part of the $300 million Support for Families program that paid parents $200 for each child under age 12 and $250 for each child with special needs up to age 21. It was designed to help with in-home learning during the pandemic.

The Madans all worked as Ontario government computer specialists. Seven detectives from Ontario Provincial Police Anti-Rackets Branch are investigating, but no criminal charges have been laid.
162 Kingsdale Avenue North York (purchased in August 2011 for $1.64 million)

3 condos at 44 St. Joseph St., purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Madan
2 condos at 62 Wellesley St. W., purchased by Ujjawal Madan for $616,000 for one each in July 2015
1 1,453 square-foot penthouse at 5785 Yonge St. which was purchased for $505,000 by Chinmaya Madan in October 2018.

Chinmaya Madan, who now works at Microsoft in Seattle, also bought one of the St. Joseph units in February 2016, paying $580,000 for the 889 square-foot condo.

Ujjawal Madan, currently a master’s student at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Five of the six condos are just steps from Queen’s Park.

Proceeds from the sale of a four-bedroom, four-bathroom North York home by Sanjay Madan in September, which netted a profit of $1,031,407, are also subject to the court order freezing his assets.

However, a judge has granted him restricted access to $139,000 of that money from the sale of the Deering Cres. property to pay his legal fees. That money is now held in trust by the law firm Du Vernet Stewart.
最后编辑: 2020-11-27
“That cash was part of the $300 million Support for Families program that paid parents $200 for each child under age 12 and $250 for each child with special needs up to age 21 ”——上次拿钱好开心,来了这么久,就收过政府这么点养娃金。
车牌号:CBKK 852
162 Kingsdale Avenue North York

就是 人家绿绿 一言不合 就可以在白人国家当街砍脑袋了 齐心合力 19年前就可以在白人国家撞世贸大楼和五角大楼了



10年前 维族狠 维族小偷遍布全国没人敢惹


白人国家也好 华人国家也罢 少数民族之间不互相大乱斗怎么行?

政治正确说到底就是拉一派 斗一派 白人殖民者玩的不要太溜 参见印度和巴基斯坦 卢旺达的胡图族和图西族

等监狱里华人和黑人的比例调换的时候 blm成clm的时候 挺华人就成政治正确了
最后编辑: 2020-11-28
加拿大的法制系统还是working的。 我对此有信心。否则还待在加拿大干嘛?

印度裔现在是加拿大第二大visible minority。 人口170多万,只比华人少二十多万。 (如果我记忆没错的话)。 他们的政治势力非常强大。 关键一点是人家团结。 华人呢,一搞政治基本是狗咬狗。 这个现状我认为没有几十年时间是难以改变的,而且是在有希望改变的自觉的前提下。





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