唉,邻居根本就不理会,事发的时候直接就说没钱你去告吧,唉,根本没有协商的余地。我们胜诉了,发现它的房子正在法拍,现在不知道该怎么处理了I lost in Small Claims Court, but can't afford to pay. What can I do? - Steps to Justice
Because of COVID-19, the Small Claims Court has changed some of its processes. You can learn more in the question: How is Small Claims Court handlingstepstojustice.ca
For example, the creditor may:
- Write to you and ask for the money.
- Get an order from the court to take part of your wages or money from your bank account. This is called garnishment.
- Get an order from the court to take or sell your personal property or land. This is called seizure.
楼主说了,邻居买的保险额度较低,还不够赔自己的损失如果邻居有保险, 邻居的保险公司肯定可以赔偿你啊。