

Rosebud River


最后编辑: 2020-12-15
早30-40年就好了,新民晚报上登广告,5000块钱买一块加拿大土地附送绿卡(10CMx10CM),投资收益率超过100000% 😁

最后编辑: 2020-12-16

Hi Ashley,

That's very helpful information for me. Thank you.

I have read it. I think my future land of this address is Agriculture General (vs agriculture intensive) in this bylaw. I only intend to build greenhouse to grow vegetables, as well as raise chickens on environment friendly approach, by using animal waste as fertilizer, reduce insects with chicken's help, I will rotate land for growing, by no till approach to reduce topsoil erosion, to avoid chemical fertilizers, pesticides and grasscides.

The most of all of my site is to create an Alberta winter greenhouse to grow vegetables year-round, especially in winter, with no artificial heating, but geothermal energy.

I have such dream, which never had been done successfully by human beings so far. I know I very big chance will fail, but I will never regret my devotion to my dream, since failure is part of one's dream.

Please advise me anything, which is very important to me.

Best wishes
真是诗人啊, 我觉得 楼主做 哲学家,诗人都很称职 ..............

唯独不要做加拿大的农民,写诗的手拿不起锄头 ~~~ 会连裤子都亏掉的



最后编辑: 2020-12-17


最后编辑: 2020-12-17

Agricultural General District
The purpose and intent of this district it to provide for extensive agriculture, while accommodating
similar and compatible uses.
(1) Permitted Uses
- accessory building or structure
- alternative energy - solar energy conversion system – private/microgeneration
- dwelling - detached
- extensive agriculture
- farm building
- storage structure
(2) Discretionary Uses
- abattoir
- agri-tourism operation
- alternative energy - solar energy conversion system – commercial
- alternative energy – wind energy conversion system – commercial
- alternative energy – wind energy conversion system – private/microgeneration
- auction facility
- bed and breakfast establishment
- bee keeping
- biogas
- campground
- cemetery
- church
- commercial tourist facility
- communication facility
- community hall
- fabric covered building
- farm dwelling
- home occupation
- kennel
- manufactured home
- market gardens / greenhouses
- natural resource extractive industry
- nuisance grounds
- parks and playgrounds
- public and quasi-public buildings
- recreational trails and pathways
- recreation facility or uses
- repair shop
- school
- sign (one 3m2
or 32 sq. ft. sign may be erected without a development permit)
- storage yard – temporary
- value added agriculture
- viewpoints
- Those uses which, in the opinion of the Development Authority, are similar to the
permitted and/or discretionary uses and conform to the general purpose and intent of this
land use district.


Minimum Requirements
(a) Site Area:
(i) Extensive agricultural use - an unsubdivided quarter section, more or
less, except where the quarter is fragmented or reduced by:
1. natural barriers such as waterbodies or ravines;
2. physical man-made barriers such as registered public
roadways and railways;
3. a previously separated parcel for an institutional or
public use, or public utility facility;
4. a parcel separated pursuant to the provisions of this
in which case the Subdivision or Development Authority may
permit a lesser site area.
(ii) For all other uses refer to (4) below or in the case of special
circumstances the Subdivision or Development Authority shall consider
the minimum parcel area necessary to accommodate the proposed use.
(b) Front Yard:
(i) As required by Alberta Transportation in the case of provincial highways;
(ii) 30 m (100 ft.) from the right-of-way of any other roadway;
(c) Side Yard:
(i) 30 m (100 ft.) for a Principal Building
(ii) 7.5 m (25 ft.) for an accessory building;
(iii) 30 m (100 ft.) from the right-of-way of a municipal road for all buildings.
(d) Rear Yard:
(i) 30 m (100 ft.) for a Principal Building
(ii) 7.5 m (25 ft.) for an accessory building;
(e) Floor Area:
(i) 75 m2
(800 sq. ft.) for dwellings.
(ii) Other uses at the discretion of the Municipal Planning Commission.
(4) Maximum Limits
(a) A farmstead separation in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations as
amended from time to time.
(b) Additional subdivisions may be allowed for involuntary severances such as public
utilities, environmental features, and oil and gas facilities.
(c) Involuntary severances shall not be considered as a ‘first parcel’ subdivision for
subsection (b).


(d) The subdivision of land into parcels less than a quarter section for extensive
agricultural land uses not otherwise provided for in this Bylaw shall be
discouraged unless the subdivision is intended to consolidate the resultant
parcel(s) with adjacent parcels to create a more viable agricultural unit.
(e) Where a physical barrier (involuntary severance) separates an otherwise
unsubdivided quarter section (i.e. Highway, railway, etc.) the subdivision of
agricultural land may be provided with the consideration of remnant parcel sizes,
potential land use and possibility of consolidation with adjacent parcels to create
a more viable agricultural unit.
(5) Special Requirements
(a) Notwithstanding the above, development on existing parcels on record at the
Land Titles Office in this district may be permitted provided that minimum
requirements regarding yards and floor area as well as the General Land Use
Regulations are met.
(b) The Development Authority may, in the case of Farmstead Separation
Subdivision Applications, relax the required yard standards if existing
improvements do not meet the minimum requirements of the district.
Hello, My name is Dylan Wxxx I am interested in your land to raise animals and feed cops. No warehouse, no infrastructure needed, just water and space. Of course barns and sheds are welcome. I plan to raise heritage, forested/ pastured hogs, turkeys and chickens on rotating pasture and feed crops in what I intend to be the best eco and animal friendly farming. The only thing missing is land! Land for rent,/rent to own/ rent with options, whatever you have available, but I’d prefer 10 acres with an agreement and room to grow . It can be a forest it can be pasture or both. I want do not want to be a factory farm, don’t want to warehouse animals, I want happy healthy animals that forage and root around...its farming like the old days and only produce what the land will allow. No warehouse so there is no waste containment needed = no smell = happy neighbours and animals and with regenerative farming practices the land will benefit from the natural nutrient minerals and aeration provided by my hogs, chic




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