斯坦福 IT



天无以清将恐裂,地无以宁将恐废,神无以灵将恐歇,谷无以盈将恐竭,万物无以生将恐灭,侯王无以正将恐蹶。故贵以贱为本,高以下为基。是以侯王自称孤、寡、不榖。此非以贱为本邪? 非乎?故至誉无誉,是故不欲碌碌如玉,珞珞如石。

Thirty nine

Once upon a time the world got The Dao:

Heaven got The Dao and became clear.

The earth got The Dao and became quiet.

Spirit got The Dao and became efficacious.

The valley got The Dao and became plenteous

All things got The Dao and got existence.

The king and marquis got The Dao and became the leadership

of the world.

On the other hand,

If Heaven ever becomes no longer clear, it will have cracked.

If the earth is ever no longer quiet, it will have collapsed.

If the spirit is no longer efficacious, it will have been prostrated.

If the valley is no longer plenteous, it will have been exhausted.

If all things no longer have existence, they will have been destroyed.

If the king and marquis no longer control the country firmly,

They will have been overthrown.

Therefore, nobility is based on inferiority.

And the tall is based on the low.

However, the king and marquis always call themselves

“The regal isolationist, the sovereign, virtuous person.”

Is this taking the inferior as a root?

Really, the highest reputation is a non-reputation.

Therefore, we do not like the glitter of fine jade.

we do like stone, spare and unadorned.



有关道德经第三十九章浅析: 读这一章让我明白老子和世尊是有区别的。世尊讲因缘,是不二,不二就是既不是二也不是一,是一与一的合体。 比如色和空,没法分什么是色,什么是空。 所以,它既不是二元也不是一元。 而老子的道则不同,它是一元论!即道生一。 老子这一章说得一,就是前面的章节提到的抱一为天下式的一,也是道生的一。 这个一不是道,我个人理解就是一种规律。 比如天清、地宁、神灵、谷盈、万物生、统治者守正。如果不符合这个规律,就是不得一,不得一则天不清、地不宁、神不灵、谷不盈、万物不生、统治者乱来。那么如何才能得一呢,老子在这一章的后半部分给统治者支招, 尊贵是以卑下为本的,高是以低为基础的,所以,作为统治者,自称孤、寡、不榖,难道这不是把卑贱当作根本吗?不是吗? (老子连用了两个反问句来提醒统治者,不要自以为高贵, )




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