Treating people or respecting heaven –
Nothing is better than sowing and reaping.
What is sowing and reaping?
It partly means preparing for ploughing and sowing.
Its other meaning refers to the important point of accumulating gain.
Accumulated gain gets deep for the sage, then nothing can defeat him.
Reaching the state of nothing being able to defeat him,
He acquires a power of which no one knows the limitation.
If nobody can know his limitation, he can take charge of guarding the nation.
Governing the nation by the Dao – a root of the way,
That the nation can keep for a long long time.
This is a way of keeping rootedness and long existence.
第五十九章个人新解:这一章老子提出啬的治国奉天方法。那么何谓啬呢? 我个人理解这是通假字 同穑。 表示收割庄稼入仓。 老子解释啬为早服, 早服就是早做准备,重视积蓄。 有句成语叫厚积薄发,只有有了足够的积蓄, 才能无坚不克。 所以这里的德我个人认为还是通假字得,在这一章是指积蓄讲。 老子在这一章还是采用他一贯的写作手法,层层递进,啬——早服——重积蓄——无不克——莫知其极。 圣人(或者说是士)达到上述这几点,就可以拥有治理国家的资格,也就是明白了道,明白了道,以道治国则可以长久不衰。 这就是根深蒂固,长久生存的道。
读这一章想起一个历史人物——朱元璋, 朱元璋当时的势力很弱, 韩林儿、张士诚、陈友谅这三家农民起义军的实力都比他强,朱采取了高筑墙、广积粮、缓称王的策略, 只是在作准备, 多积蓄力量,等待时机,厚积薄发。 最终不禁灭掉了张士诚、陈友谅,而且把元人也赶回了蒙古草原, 建立了大明。
Treating people or respecting heaven –
Nothing is better than sowing and reaping.
What is sowing and reaping?
It partly means preparing for ploughing and sowing.
Its other meaning refers to the important point of accumulating gain.
Accumulated gain gets deep for the sage, then nothing can defeat him.
Reaching the state of nothing being able to defeat him,
He acquires a power of which no one knows the limitation.
If nobody can know his limitation, he can take charge of guarding the nation.
Governing the nation by the Dao – a root of the way,
That the nation can keep for a long long time.
This is a way of keeping rootedness and long existence.
第五十九章个人新解:这一章老子提出啬的治国奉天方法。那么何谓啬呢? 我个人理解这是通假字 同穑。 表示收割庄稼入仓。 老子解释啬为早服, 早服就是早做准备,重视积蓄。 有句成语叫厚积薄发,只有有了足够的积蓄, 才能无坚不克。 所以这里的德我个人认为还是通假字得,在这一章是指积蓄讲。 老子在这一章还是采用他一贯的写作手法,层层递进,啬——早服——重积蓄——无不克——莫知其极。 圣人(或者说是士)达到上述这几点,就可以拥有治理国家的资格,也就是明白了道,明白了道,以道治国则可以长久不衰。 这就是根深蒂固,长久生存的道。
读这一章想起一个历史人物——朱元璋, 朱元璋当时的势力很弱, 韩林儿、张士诚、陈友谅这三家农民起义军的实力都比他强,朱采取了高筑墙、广积粮、缓称王的策略, 只是在作准备, 多积蓄力量,等待时机,厚积薄发。 最终不禁灭掉了张士诚、陈友谅,而且把元人也赶回了蒙古草原, 建立了大明。