Sixty first
A strong large country’s behavior is like the downstream pull of a great rever,
It lives in a soft state like the female that is the intersection of the world.
The female always outperforms the male in quietness, for
The reason that she can keep quiet and live with a humble status.
Therefore, if a great country could humble itself to benefits a small country
The small country would like to attach itself to it;
If the small country could humble itself to benefit the big country
It would get trust from the big country.
So on one hand a big country will get compliance from a small country;
On the other hand, a small country will get trust from a big country.
Due to their humility with each other.
The great country doesn’t have a desire to take over the small country,
And the small country doesn’t have a desire to fawn before the big country.
They will each get their own will with each other,
And so a big country should live in humiliation and lowliness.
有关这一章个人浅析:这一章老子主要讲的是大国与小国如何相处的问题, 老子所处的春秋时代,周天子乱封国,导致整个华夏大小国林立, 老子作为史官看到了这个问题,他提出了解决的方法,就是大国要以谦卑的态度对待小国,小国则愿意依附大国,同样小国也要以低下的态度对应大国,这样会得到大国的信赖。 大国不要一心想着吞并小国,小国也不要一心想着曲意逢迎大国。 只有这样两者才能互惠互利。 而两者相处的关键是大国的态度,大国要自甘谦卑。
关于这一点,说实话,我真的不敢苟同。 也许老子所处的时代和今天的时代不同吧, 试想一下,假如北朝鲜一直处心积虑讨好那几个大国,而不是自己去研制核武来震慑那些大国,那么今天的北朝鲜将是和其他几个小国一样的下场。
再举一例, 这个例子我以前发过帖子,大宋为了一统江山,根本不会给小国留位置,尽管后唐皇帝李煜也是一让再让,一卑再卑,但是,没有用,最终还是被太祖灭掉,自己也作为人质带到太祖身边抑郁而死。所以, 我个人认为知其雄,守其雌才是根本。 一味的示弱,守雌,遇到雄主,自然要栽跟头。
所以,不能一味地示弱,也不能一味地逞强,要掌握这个度,该示弱的时候,不要喊厉害了,我的...... 该强的时候,要战之能胜。
Sixty first
A strong large country’s behavior is like the downstream pull of a great rever,
It lives in a soft state like the female that is the intersection of the world.
The female always outperforms the male in quietness, for
The reason that she can keep quiet and live with a humble status.
Therefore, if a great country could humble itself to benefits a small country
The small country would like to attach itself to it;
If the small country could humble itself to benefit the big country
It would get trust from the big country.
So on one hand a big country will get compliance from a small country;
On the other hand, a small country will get trust from a big country.
Due to their humility with each other.
The great country doesn’t have a desire to take over the small country,
And the small country doesn’t have a desire to fawn before the big country.
They will each get their own will with each other,
And so a big country should live in humiliation and lowliness.
有关这一章个人浅析:这一章老子主要讲的是大国与小国如何相处的问题, 老子所处的春秋时代,周天子乱封国,导致整个华夏大小国林立, 老子作为史官看到了这个问题,他提出了解决的方法,就是大国要以谦卑的态度对待小国,小国则愿意依附大国,同样小国也要以低下的态度对应大国,这样会得到大国的信赖。 大国不要一心想着吞并小国,小国也不要一心想着曲意逢迎大国。 只有这样两者才能互惠互利。 而两者相处的关键是大国的态度,大国要自甘谦卑。
关于这一点,说实话,我真的不敢苟同。 也许老子所处的时代和今天的时代不同吧, 试想一下,假如北朝鲜一直处心积虑讨好那几个大国,而不是自己去研制核武来震慑那些大国,那么今天的北朝鲜将是和其他几个小国一样的下场。
再举一例, 这个例子我以前发过帖子,大宋为了一统江山,根本不会给小国留位置,尽管后唐皇帝李煜也是一让再让,一卑再卑,但是,没有用,最终还是被太祖灭掉,自己也作为人质带到太祖身边抑郁而死。所以, 我个人认为知其雄,守其雌才是根本。 一味的示弱,守雌,遇到雄主,自然要栽跟头。
所以,不能一味地示弱,也不能一味地逞强,要掌握这个度,该示弱的时候,不要喊厉害了,我的...... 该强的时候,要战之能胜。